
Dustin Carter

by Jonathan from Columbus, Indiana

dustin wrestles (
dustin wrestles (

Dustin Carter is a great wrestler who lost both his arms and legs to Meningococcemia. Wrestling was really hard for Dustin without his arms and legs, it is hard enough to wrestle with all your limbs, and he does it with all his heart. This is why I admire him.

Dustin Carter lives in Hillsboro, Ohio. Here he liked to play, and was good at baseball and swimming. Until one day he had a 104 degree fever and was having trouble breathing. He also swelled up so much, the doctors had to amputate both his arms and legs. He then had to get mechanical arms and legs.

By the time Dustin was in high school, he loved to wrestle. In the last season, his record was 11-10 which is great for anybody. He was so good that he had two newspaper articles written about him, which even though they were written and published first in Ohio, they were published again in Columbus, Indiana.

Dustin has inspired me through never giving up no matter what. One time he fell on his way to the bus and he got up. Then he fell again and he got up. But the third time he fell, his guardian came out and asked him if he needed help. But he said, “No” and got up to his bus. This has taught me that even though I might not be the best at something, or I keep falling down, I should always keep working at it, keep getting up. If I keep working at it, I will get to the point where I can be really good at whatever I choose to do.

It must be hard wrestling without all your limbs, but Dustin does it well and with a lot of heart. I admire him for all of these reasons but mostly I admire him because of his will to do a sport that both he and I love.

Page created on 1/21/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/21/2008 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

The Enquirer - Dustin wrestles


unknown. "BizzyBlog>>positivity:If you think he's different you don't know Dustin." [Online] Available 2007.

unknown. "The Enquirer - Video: Dustin Carter." [Online] Available 2007.