

by Jenny from Henderson

Cathy (off her page)
Cathy (off her page)

The Woman I Admire
She’s a hard working, family-oriented mother and grandmother. She is about 5’4” tall with thin blonde hair, half moon shaped eyes, high cheek bones and a pretty straight smile. My mom always smells of vanilla! Because she is just a casual person, you can catch her in jeans and a shirt or lounging in a pair of sweats. I admire this woman, who is my mother Cathy, because she has shown me that no matter how bad her life may seem, you have to have conviction, compassion, and character.

She made sure we were taken care of; my mom worked two jobs, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Dollar Store, to support my brother and me, with no help from my father. My mother has Conviction because she had a fire in her heart to make sure we were taken care of, we had a roof over our heads and food on the table. After my mom married she had two more children so therefore she had four children all together. She was able to be a stay at home mom and had more time to spend with her children. Even though she was not out in the world working she has a full time job at home. She would clean the house, do the laundry, cook supper, and help her children with homework. She continued to make sure we had food on the table and a roof over our heads.

She also has Character, which means she knows the difference between right and wrong and has the guts to do the right thing! My mom has been through many hardships. She stands up for what she believes in and stands up for others. If something happens and my mom knows that it’s wrong then she has the guts to say something! One of my mom’s friends called her the other night and said “Cathy, my son has the cops up in my front yard again” and my mom told her bluntly what she thought. This woman’s son stole a truck and hid it in her garage; he was even doing other illegal crimes, for example, making meth and growing pot. Well he got arrested and taken to jail and she ran and bailed him out. My mom told her that she needs to quit bailing him out every time he does something illegal and she needs to put her foot down. My mom said “If one of my children have done drugs, knowing it was wrong and got arrested, I wouldn’t go bail them out. I would let them sit there and think of what they did was wrong and illegal”. Then she told her friend and I quote, “Now don’t take this the wrong way but a real friend will tell you how it is”. Her friend is still around because she knows she’s got a real true friend in Cathy.

When one of her children has a problem and we don’t know how to deal with it or what to do, we go to our mom. She knows what to say and how to lead me the way I need to go. She has had more experience than me and I look up to her for that. When my little brother Tyler had to go to New York for brain surgery, she had to talk to her boss about taking time off work. She had to get her Family Medical Leave Absences in order and make sure that her job was going to be there when she got back. She accomplished that; her job was still there when she got back and her position was saved. She did the same thing when I was in a car wreck. I was taken to Henderson hospital then later transported to St. Mary’s. My mom was not going to leave my side and she had no more FMLA so she talked to her boss about taking a week off to be with me in the hospital. She took a cut in her check because she missed but that didn’t matter because she will do anything for her children. She also had my children being taken care of while I was there. She has such Compassion.

The woman that I admire is just an everyday woman. She gets up, goes to work, comes home, cooks, cleans, and then finally gets a relaxing bath to get ready for bed. So she can get up and just to do it all over again the next day. She is well respected by her children and friends. She is her grandchildren’s world and I am proud to say that she is my mother.

Page created on 11/23/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/23/2010 12:00:00 AM

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