
Cesar Estrada Chavez

by Dimarrah from Cupertino

<a href=>Cesar Chavez</a>
Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927; he died at the age of 66 on April 23, 1993. To most Mexican American people, Cesar Chavez was a genuine hero. He was the leader of The National Farm Workers Association. Cesar Chavez was one of the only people who stood up for what he really believed in. He was a farm worker with little pay who thought that higher wages is what he and the other hard-working farm workers deserved. Chavez and the NFWA led a protest about not getting paid enough for all of their work. Their movement was a very successful project and to this day people of all sorts look to him as a true hero.

In 1952 Cesar Chavez was trained by Pete Fielding to be a union organizer. Once he had enough practice with that, he began making speeches about farmer�s rights and traveling all over to get Mexican Americans to vote. After his success he Co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (United Farm Workers). In September 8, 1965 Filipino Americans led a protest because they wanted higher wages. Six months after that Cesar Chavez and the NFWA led a boycott for goals that were similar to the protest in September. The boycott continued for about five years. This movement was for the whole nation to recognize, and soon they did. Robert Kennedy was part of the Senate Subcommittee who supported Chavez fully. Once taken into full consideration, this act became the first major victory for all labor workers. Soon after this in 1966 more boycotts were planned to get even higher wages. Cesar Chavez is a hero well known around the world. He has libraries, schools, stores and much more named after him as a token of gratitude.

Cesar Chavez is a hero because he proved that you could do whatever you set your mind to. Everyone knows that him being Mexican American it must have been very hard to fight for what he truly wanted. I look up to him because his fight to gain their rights were gained, and no matter what it took he fought until they won and he never gave up.

Page created on 11/29/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/29/2007 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Wikipedia - Cesar Chavez
America's Story From America's Library - Cesar Chavez
Chavez Story - Cesar Chavez