

by Megan from Omaha

"Live for the moment and don't let anything hold you back!"

When Mrs. Palmer told me that I had to write a hero story, one name popped into my head. Connie!

Connie is practically an aunt to me. She has been my mom’s friend since before my sister and I were born. For her job, Connie mostly travels. She has been over the world. Connie has been to China, Philippines, London, France, and Australia. She doesn’t only travel for work, she also travels for fun.

New York Skyline (My Pictures)
New York Skyline (My Pictures)

In February 2006, Connie went to New York with my mom, sister, and me to celebrate my sister’s sixteenth birthday. Connie used to live there, so she knew all the attractions. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Ground Zero, Canal Street, and all the big department stores.

Connie’s life has not been all work and fun. She has had many tragedies too. When Connie was little, both of her parents passed away within in a few years of each other. When this happened, Connie’s aunt adopted her and became her mom. She had a wonderful childhood with her new family.

When she grew up, Connie became a successful business woman. Although she was busy, she always found time to travel with her mom. One day, Connie and her mom were waiting at a stoplight while on a trip to Idaho. All of a sudden two racing cars came over the hill. In one of the cars, there was a woman who was a carrying a baby. As they came to the stoplight, they did not stop but dashed right through it and hit Connie’s car.

At the scene, Connie and her mom were shook up, but thought they were okay.

They went to the hospital to get checked out and found that Connie’s mom had a punctured aorta. She died at the hospital.

<a href=>Pizza and Ice Cream</a>
Pizza and Ice Cream

Connie was very close to her mother and will miss her always. She knows that both of her mothers are watching over her. She will remember and miss them forever.

Connie was very sad. She learned after a while that she must move on and continue with her life. Knowing that her brothers and friends support her, she began to travel again and started seeing her family and my family more and more.

Connie invites us over a lot now. She invites my sister and me over to watch movies, go shopping, and to spend time with her. My sister and I sleep over and watch movies all night. In the morning, we eat pizza and ice cream for breakfast. We always have a great time.

<a href=>Gilmore Girls</a>
Gilmore Girls

Connie has had many good and bad times. The reason I chose Connie as my hero because she is always there for me. Connie understands me and talks about stuff that most grownups don’t like to discuss like the show, “Gilmore Girls,” her childhood, and she gives my sister and me advice so we make good decisions. Connie is easy to talk to and I like talking to her about my problems.

Connie is a very special person in my life. I am very lucky to have someone like her in my life. She is my mentor, someone I look up to, and a very special friend.

Page created on 10/7/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/7/2006 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

New York City - Attractions we saw on our trip.
London - Connie's favorite place.