
Cory Booker

by Jane Wallace from New York

As immodest as it sounds, I am the right guy in the right city at the right time.
Mayor Cory Booker(
Mayor Cory Booker(

Cory Booker is a mayor on a mission.  He is out to save Newark, New Jersey, a city with such a sordid, corrupt history that all most residents there really want is out. Cory Booker could have done anything. He is a charismatic, eloquent, empathic Rhodes Scholar who moved into one of Newark's worst housing projects in his second year of Yale Law School.  African American, Booker had been raised and educated in affluent white surroundings, but Booker would later say that for some reason, that high rise "sky ghetto" was the first place he felt truly home.

He wanted to relieve the suffering he saw around him in Newark's poor neighborhoods. But Booker would have to fight Newark's history and political machine to make change. He was up against a crooked black Mayor, no jobs, schools that were dropout factories, and one of the highest murder rates in the nation. Booker lost the first round, but prevailed in 2006 after a race so nasty a documentary about it called "Street Fight" was nominated for an Academy Award.   Booker was accused of being "not black enough" to be mayor of Newark, and faced down assassination threats.  By Booker's second year as mayor, his former opponent was already on his way to prison for corruption.

Outside the city, Mayor Booker has been seen as "an angel, threatened only by Newark's gravity".  He has been compared to Barack Obama in ability and potential. He is a darling in the national media and talk shows.  He gets on easily with hedge fund managers and the mayor of New York. He even got the socially odd head of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg to donate 100 million dollars to Newark 's failing schools.

Inside the city there are more doubts. The nuts and bolts of everyday city governing are tough, especially if they are greasy.  Booker has been reelected, puts in nonstop days in every corner of the city, but real change looks naiive in the face of continued murders, gang warfare, budget cuts, layoffs, unemployment. Few doubt his zeal, the question sometimes is whether anyone can affect the necessary depth of change. But when Newark starts feeling rundown, out springs Cory Booker,  "Supermayor." The mayor that came home one late spring night in 2012 to see his neighbor's house on fire.  In spite of his own security's efforts to hold him back, Mayor Booker dove into burning house and saved the woman.

Yes, inside Newark, there are doubts. But even the doubters agree that Newark has at least one thing going for it, and that thing is Cory Booker.


Page created on 8/22/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/22/2012 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Cory Booker commencement speech at Stanford University June 2012
POV Street Fight from PBS - Street Fight covers the turbulent campaign of Cory Booker, a 32-year old Rhodes Scholar/Yale Law graduate running for mayor of Newark, N.J., against Sharpe James, the four-term incumbent twice his age.
City of Newark New Jersey - About Mayor Booker


Boyer, Peter. "Cory Booker." [Online] Available

Stevens, Andrew. "" [Online] Available

Gates, Henry. " Finding Your Roots Profiles Cory Booker." [Online] Available http://