
David Crowder

by Gus from Billings

Crowder himself (
Crowder himself (

This world is full of great heroes who have done amazing things. In my eyes there is only one that stands out above the rest. His name is David Crowder. Now David, or as some people call him, Dave, is a Christian writer of music. He has spread the word of God all across the world. He is always being funny yet honorable. Dave is a person who does not take credit for most things he does because he is modest. David Crowder is one of the most greatest heroes I’ve ever seen.

This is David Crowder and the rest of his band. (
This is David Crowder and the rest of his band. (

As i said before, my hero is David Crowder. He is always sporting his crazy brown beard and wild hair. Crowder lives in Waco, Texas with his wife Toni and their dog, Asta (Bio). David is currently 35 years old. His band’s mission is to help integrate God into everyday life and to show people God’s beauty. He has told of how he hopes to “be real before God and people” (mission).

David likes water, magazines, and exercise. He is a strong believer in reusing old houses. Fruit is also one of his favorite things (things). He dove into the music industry when when he found out that most students from his Christian school weren’t even going to church (Torreano). Crowder’s first album named “Can You Hear Us?” was released in 2002 and he hasn’t slowed down since (Torreano).

His newest album (
His newest album (

David Crowder personally inspires me for many reasons. He is an amazingly humble person for his wealthiness. David smiles or laughs constantly. His lyrics really talk to a person’s soul. Crowder supports many charities. However, the main way he has inspired me is just because he is such a good man.

Crowder is a man of integrity, charity, humility, and grace. He has a crazy awesome beard and sick hair. Most of all, David Crowder is my hero.

Page created on 7/8/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/8/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.


Crowder, David. "Bio." [Online] Available

Crowder, David. "mission." [Online] Available

Crowder, David. "Things I Recommend." [Online] Available

Torreano, Bradley. "David Crowder Biography." [Online] Available