The following story was written by a high school student.

Dave Grohl

by Liam from San Diego

"I can understand why people would want me to stop making music but it'd take a lot more than that to stop me from doing it. I started Foo Fighters because I didn't want to retreat." -Dave Grohl

143120Dave GrohlRaph_PH, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia CommonDave Grohl is a singer, songwriter, bassist, guitarist, pianist, drummer, director, husband, and father, who was born on January 14, 1969 and is alive and well today. He is a jack-of-all-trades, a man with many tricks up his sleeve, yet manages to be humble and level-headed, something that is not common in the work line of musicians. Grohl puts his music before all except his family and is caring and simple, requiring the most minimalist of things. Just a selfless, humble man, who has a passion for music and family like no other. Dave Grohl's lack of polish and perfection allows him to tend to the things that are the most prevalent in his heart, dedicating himself to family, friends, and music, with no regard for political correctness, make him a hero unlike any other.

Firstly and most importantly, Grohl is a passionate musician and family man. Music dominates much of his life, and this dedication comes through in his beautifully crafted lyrics: "And I wonder, when I sing along with you, if everything could ever feel this real forever, if anything could ever be this good again" ("Everlong," Foo Fighters). His lyrics express the emotions in us when in our happiest moments, when we feel a pure form of happiness, when we are with loved ones enjoying something simple. This particular song is about the authentic form of joy, when you are with someone you love and do not just connect with them physically and spiritually, but when you sing with them and harmonize perfectly. Nowadays music is heavily bass driven, electronically generated, with songs that celebrate morales involving sexual intercourse, as well as drug and alcohol usage. Grohl's musical style strains to bring the "human" element back to music instead of indoctrinating its listeners with the corrupt culture of today. He attempts at bringing back the perfection in sharing the experience of singing and listening to music with loved ones. However important this mission is to Grohl, he would give it all to be with his family. "All I want is to be home" ("Home," Foo Fighters). In this lyric and many others, Grohl expresses how incredible he thinks his job and profession is, yet he would always rather be in the comfort of his home enjoying his family and friends. He cares immensely for his friends and family that is profound, and today that is lost in many people. In fact, the last album he wrote and recorded, "Wasting Light," was written and recorded with his band while in the comfort of his own home.

Grohl is also exceptionally humble, and he does not succumb to regarding himself as above others, such as many celebrities seem to do. He simply wants to produce music, not be treated specially or extra-important. "I don't like to have people do stuff for me. I don't like runners to go out and get me meals, it's just not normal" (Back and Forth Grohl). Relatively straightforward, Dave simply states how he doesn't enjoy for people to have to do things for him. He wants to live his life while sharing music and his own emotions without being bombarded with social mandates on how he is "supposed" to act. Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the band Nirvana as well as Grohl's best friend and mentor, had come to hate his last album before he died, for the reason that it had become too popular and people no longer cared for the emotion-packed lyrics. Dave shares similar beliefs. "When Nirvana became popular, you could very easily slip and get lost during that storm. I fortunately had really heavy anchors - old friends, family." Grohl could not more clearly state his entire attitude towards his friends, family, and career, he simply cares too much for his family, kids, and music to parade around in a charade of how supposedly perfect he is. Rather he is who he is and lets nothing interfere with his passions including his own ego. In fact nothing will stop Dave Grohl from investing in that which he is passionate about.

Lastly, a trait that is essential to whether or not someone can be considered a hero is caring. If Superman didn't care about the people of Metropolis and Batman had no love for the citizens of Gotham, they would not be so heroic. Extraordinary compassion is the cornerstone of no ordinary man, only of those who are extraordinary. "I love everything about my job, except being away from the kids" (Grohl). The apparent centeredness at which he sets his priorities is enviable; there is nothing purer than the love of music and family. Grohl sets his priorities in line with some of the greatest in the history of mankind, but instead of hiding his imperfection, like so many before him, he boasts in it. "I stopped drugs when I was 20, I was finished before Nirvana even started" (Back and Forth Grohl). Grohl has a tender history with drugs and denounces them. His best friend and band mate, a man whom Grohl genuinely cared for, Kurt Cobain committed suicide undoubtedly because of how wrecked his life had become after many years of drug abuse. Dave also saved his drummer Taylor Hawkins from possible death by overdose. Taylor was in a coma and as soon as he got out, Grohl expressed to him that he has to stay away from drugs, and that they are not worth it. "I love music, why would I endanger something like that for drugs?" (Back and Forth Grohl). In Grohl's line of work, drugs are a prevalent issue and cause the death of many brilliant musicians. However Grohl will come to no such end and has no care to look cool and a part of the crowd, he only has the desire to care for friends, family, and music.

It is impossible to describe as clearly as I want to how incredibly authentic and deep Grohl's passions run. He does not live in fear of ruining his lily-white reputation, nor purifying an unkempt one. In the stay of what would be fear lies passion and dedication for that which he truly has faith in. It is easy to put on a mask and hide your emotions from your life, but instead he throws off the silly garb of this charade and accepts who he is and what he stands for. Grohl would like nothing better than to be with his kids, nothing. Not even parading around constructing an illusion of how great he is. Dave has no fear of allowing people to tread further than the pristine snow that covers most of us, and allowing them access to the core dirt and rocks that guide ones soul. He takes care of the things he is dedicated to without wasting time in reputation. Grohl chooses not to appear perfect, he chooses to put the real him out even if no one else does. He chooses to be a musician. He chooses to be a friend. He chooses to be a father. Dave Grohl chooses the path of a hero.

Page created on 1/10/2013 12:10:15 PM

Last edited 12/9/2024 3:28:47 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Look to the Stars - Charity events.
Foo - Music,tours,exciting news bits.


Moll, Dir. James. "Back and Forth. "

Grohl, Dave. "Look to the Stars." [Online] Available

Grohl, Dave. "Wasting Light. "

Grohl, Dave. "Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace. "

Newsmakers. Nirvana.