
Dominic Gary Vassallo

by Isabella from Saddle River, USA

My Grandfather (My photo album)
My Grandfather (My photo album)

My hero is Dominic Gary Vassallo. We call him Gary. He is my grandfather. I think a hero is someone who puts others before themselves. That is exactly what Gary does. Sometimes he lets me do what I want to do before what he wants to do, which I think is really sweet. I sometimes do the same thing for Gary.

Gary's career is working at SST Corporation. Gary is the president of his business. I wonder what being the president of your business is like? I think it would be fun being the boss of everyone. Anyway, he makes medicine and ships it around the country. It’s actually kind of like powder. Then the company, who gets the powder, makes it into the actual medicine. Then you buy it at your local pharmacy. I think that’s pretty cool, and I think that’s changing the world for the better.

Gary went to a college called Baruch. He had a great education there. Gary actually went to night college. Maybe I will go to Baruch someday too. Gary inspires me to have a good education.

My Grandfather at 20 (My photo album)
My Grandfather at 20 (My photo album)

Gary is my hero because he makes me feel good. If I’m upset, or I was hurt, he would do the best he could to cheer me up. Say I was having a bad day. He would play with me, or just talk to me. That always makes me feel better.

Gary is also very creative. He inspires me to draw lots of things. I think that I’m good at it because I get it from him. Gary does have some pictures in his house that he drew. I hope he will hang up one of my pictures one day.

Another reason my Grandfather is my hero is because he is very kind. Right now my Grandmother is in the hospital. Gary goes there almost every day to comfort her. She really appreciates Gary going there. I’d like to see my Grandmother too, but, she’s in an area where children can’t go into. If I’m ever in the hospital, I hope Gary would come to see me. I know that if he’s in the hospital, I would come to see him. I think my Grandfather is the best Grandfather in the whole wide world!

Page created on 12/30/2010 1:00:40 PM

Last edited 12/30/2010 1:00:40 PM

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Vassallo, Dominic. "Personal Interview. "