
David Michael Batista

by Obaid from San Diego

Champion- One that is clearly superior or has the attributes of a winner. David Michael Batista fits this definition. Batista debuted as a wrestler in 1999. During his career, he has undergone four triceps/shoulder surgeries. Despite his injuries, he has become a hero within the wrestling community. He has fought some of the biggest people in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). David Michael Batista, a determined wrestler, has had some bumps along the road to triumph, but he has overcome his problems and pulled himself together. His efforts have made him the animal he is today.

Batista’s childhood was very rough. His mother Donna Raye Batista is Greek, and his father David Michael Batista is Filipino. He also has a sister named Donna Raye Batista, Jr. David lived in Washington D.C. and grew up with only his mother and sister most of his childhood. His father left the family when Dave was still young. As a kid, Batista saw dreadful things in his life. He saw dead bodies in alleys that he and his friends would hang out in often. Batista was a delinquent in his high school years. He did drugs and drank alcohol. As a young adult, he married a woman named Glenda in the 90’s. They had two daughters named Keilani and Athena; unfortunately, they divorced. Keilani (Batista’s older daughter) had two children, Jacob and Ayden, making him a grandfather. Batista married a second time but they are now divorced due to personal problems. To this day, Batista says he still loves her. His personal problems do not hold him back from being the successful wrestler he is today.

Dave Batista is a hero because he is a four-time world heavyweight champion. As announcer John Bradshaw Layfield puts it, “He is a champion and if he wants it [the world heavyweight title] back he better figure out a way to take on Khali” (“The Great Khali”). Layfield explains that Batista is one of the best to ever wrestle, and his willpower can help him overcome other wrestlers. On Monday night Raw, Batista states clearly “I am not intimidated by the Undertaker” (“David Batista Quotes”). With these words, Batista sends a clear message. He is not afraid. After he made this statement, he stood up to the legend of WWE and fought him fair and square at Wrestlemania 23. Batista is a man of determination and fearlessness.

He takes this fearlessness into the ring. Batista won the bounty on Raw. “Batista has just collected on the bounty Evolution guaranteed! JR (Jim Ross) Batista has just taken out Goldberg!” (Batista Returns). The significance of this is that he was accepted in a group of two of the biggest wrestlers back then. Those two legends are Triple H and Ric Flair. Those two made him what he is today thanks to Evolution and wrestling with them. He also earned $100,000 dollars. All of this shows that Batista was not just a normal wrestler but that he was serious and he was wrestling people like Goldberg.

Batista is an inspiration because when he first started wrestling, he received no respect but today he is put on a pedestal to some wrestlers because of his crazy, animalistic, determination. “It's dangerous backing me into a corner. When you back me into a corner, I lash out.” (Batista Promo). The quote shows that he is not scared of anybody! It does not matter how big or strong you are. The Great Khali (his opponent) is 420 pounds and 7 foot 3 inches tall and Batista fought him in a Punjabi prison match. Batista still overcame Khali and walked out a champion. “A good buddy of mine once told me… hmmm how does that go. It’s a lot easier to win it than it is to keep it.” (Batista Backstage). The significance of this quote is that Batista has won and kept the title for weeks. By “a good buddy” Batista was referring to Triple H. Batista overcame his mentor. The dedication and inspiration of Batista is phenomenal and he has proved it to every fan.

Page created on 5/27/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/27/2010 12:00:00 AM

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