My hero is my sister, Danielle, because she is very special to me. She helps me out in many ways. I can think of three examples of times when she saved me from danger.
During the holidays, we use candles. It was Easter and we had four big candles as a centerpiece on our table. I was leaning over the table and my hair caught on fire. My sister reacted quickly. She got a wet paper towel and covered my head.
There is another time my sister saved me from danger. She and I were goofing off eating carrot sticks. We were pretending to be Bugs Bunny. I started choking on a carrot. She picked me up and gave me the Heimlich Procedure. We got the carrot out. She asked me if I was okay. I was terrified, but okay.
Another incident was at the beach in Virginia. About six years ago, my sister and I were in the ocean swimming. I was trying to get out, but the waves kept pulling me back in. I was caught in an undertow. I was finally getting out of the water when a wave knocked me down and washed over me. I couldn’t feel anything for a moment. Then, I felt someone picking me up. It was my sister. Danielle saved me once more.
Danielle is my hero. She will still save me, if I need saving again. I will help her when she is in need. She is my big sister.
Page created on 7/20/2004 3:33:44 PM
Last edited 7/20/2004 3:33:44 PM