
Doug Miller

by The My Hero Team

911 Memorial Laguna Beach ( (Doug Miller))
911 Memorial Laguna Beach ( (Doug Miller))

Doug Miller has been documenting the town and people of Laguna Beach for over three decades. He loves this beach town that he calls home and has made his life work a celebration of its beautiful beaches and interesting people. Doug has painted thousands of paintings and recorded important moments for the people of his town with his still camera. He has been taking photographs and painting at least one painting every day for the last 20 years.

Sister Irons Shirt ( (Doug Miller))
Sister Irons Shirt ( (Doug Miller))

Since 1997 Doug has also assisted MY HERO by illustrating some of the stories that have been submitted to the web site. His attention to detail and compassion for the story tellers is clear in his illustrations.

Raking Leaves ( (Doug Miller))
Raking Leaves ( (Doug Miller))

When Laguna Beach was hit with a catastrophic fire that destroyed over 300 homes, those that had lost all records of their family photos were able to recover some precious images because Doug Miller had kept his negatives of the many photos he had taken and provided these cherished memories to those who thought they would never see images of their childhood and families again.

Doug has a wonderful wife, Becky. She is a writer and researcher who helps MY HERO by reading and reviewing the thousands of stories submitted to the web site each year.

Together they have raised a two talented young men who share their love of music and art with others at the annual Laguna Beach Arts Sawdust Festival.

Doug does not drive a car, he walks along the beach each day and takes time to feed the birds. With his paint brush and camera, Doug has created lasting memories of this special community.

All of us at MY HERO appreciate the work of this talented artist and are pleased to provide our visitors with this short tribute to a man who has created an enormous amount of work.

Doug is also an accomplished violinist and uses this talent to entertain seniors at the community center, hungry locals who gather together at the annual Laguna Beach Thanksgiving Day feast at Bluebird Park - along with numerous other guest appearances at art openings and benefits for the ocean and for the homeless.

Doug contributes his time and his talent to Laguna Beach and we are grateful for his them.

Page created on 11/2/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/2/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Becky and Doug Miller Tribute Video - A short video about Doug and Becky Miller
Joenice - Doug illustrated this beautiful story
Raking Leaves Story - by Jennifer Porter - Art Doug Milller