
Ellen Lee DeGeneres

by Pao-li from Taipei () ()

When you turn on your TV, and change some channels, you might find her on the screen. With short blonde hair and a huge smile, she's Ellen Lee DeGeneres. Ellen was born in New Orleans with her family members coming from four different countries. As a famous host throughout the world, Ellen has her own talk show and even hosted the Oscars twice. But what is most representative of her, is her identity as a homosexual. She came out of the closet with the result of not having any job at all for three years. So how did she return to be the Ellen we know today?

Even today, some still harshly criticize Ellen for being a homosexual, like saying she has "Gay Agenda". On her darkest days, with no income to support herself, what made Ellen sure she made the right choice were some kids' letters. They told her that her brave action of coming out of the closet saved them from committing suicide. Ellen's brave choice is not just a tragedy of her life, but it's also a new start for someone else. Although her career restart from a small talk show after a few years she announced being homosexual, with baby steps, Ellen eventually came back to our screen with us with one of the most popular talk show, and was placed fifth in Forbes magazine's one hundred most powerful people.

Ellen made me know that being myself isn't a crime but something I should be proud of. She said: "You'll be OK, just dance." When you want to be yourself but you're afraid, just think of Ellen.

Page created on 7/1/2015 10:34:00 AM

Last edited 7/1/2015 10:34:00 AM

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