Trusting his instincts, Edwin Hubble was determined to discover more than what was currently known about the cosmos. Because of his commitment to astronomy, he proved that there were galaxies, worlds, and universes far beyond the Milky Way. Despite being an astronomer and loving what he did, it wasn't always that way for him as a young adult. Edwin Hubble was born in Marshfield, Missouri on November 20, 1889 and first went to college to study law, which was his father's wish ("Edwin Hubble" Scientists:...). Edwin discovered what is now known as a law, Hubble's Law, which states that the rate at which a galaxy appears to be expanding from us is directly proportional to its distance from the earth ("Edwin Hubble" World of.). One of the most special places in his life was where he went to college. "Hubble attended Queen's College at the University of Oxford in England. He studied jurisprudence (the science or philosophy of law), completing the two-year course." Edwin Hubble possessed both intelligence and determination, therefore he is a hero and an inspiration to current astronomers and astronomers of the future.
Still from Hubblecast episode 89: Edwin HubbleHubble ESA - Flickr [Public domain]
Edwin Hubble is the reason we know what we know know about the expanding universe. Edwin followed his dreams, explored the cosmos, and paved the way for astronomers to come. "Working at Mount Wilson, Hubble proved that other galaxies existed outside of the Milky Way, where Earth is located, by taking photos through the observatory's Hooker telescope and comparing the varying degrees of luminosity among Cepheid variable stars." Because of Edwin's discovery of the once hidden universe, he became an inspiration and idol to many astronomers around the globe. ("Edwin Hubble."
"American astronomer, Edwin Hubble, had a strong impact on science that has been compared to the contributions of pioneering scientists such as English physicist, Isaac Newton, and Italian astronomer, Galileo Galilei. Hubble helped change the perception of the universe in two important ways. In an era when the Milky Way was perceived as the extent of the entire universe, Hubble confirmed the existence of other galaxies through his observations from the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, California."
("Edwin Hubble" Scientists).
Since Hubble discovered the far universe, he has been compared to even older astronomers that responsible for the birthplace of astronomy. Edwin Hubble has changed the perception of many astronomers by simply being curious.
Edwin Hubble's advanced education and knowledge of the universe helped him pursue his dream and proved that the universe was more than we thought, by studying hard. "Hubble attended the University of Chicago where he was influenced by physicist Robert A. Millikan and astronomer George Hale (1868-1939). After receiving a degree in mathematics and astronomy, Hubble went to Oxford University in England where he studied law." ("Edwin Hubble." World of ).
Although Hubble had a passion for astronomy, he was first pushed to study law as his father's wish. After studying law, Hubble decided to pursue astronomy anyway and went to a variety of different schools to complete his degree. When Hubble realized he wanted to study astronomy he went back to Chicago to study his passion. "After a short stint teaching in Indiana, Hubble returned to the University of Chicago to study astronomy. Not long after, he was recruited by California's Mount Wilson Observatory to help complete the construction of its Hooker telescope. Working at Mount Wilson, Hubble proved that other galaxies existed outside of the Milky Way, where Earth is located, by taking photos through the observatory's Hooker telescope and comparing the varying degrees of luminosity among Cepheid variable stars."("Edwin Hubble." Hubble's determination to study what he loved took him on an amazing journey to work with some of the most experienced astronomers of his time. Intelligent and with a straight mindset, Hubble aided in creating an amazing telescope with extraordinary people.
Edwin Hubble is one of the reasons we know what we know more about the cosmos. Edwin pursued his dreams, explored and studied the ever-expanding universe, and paved the way for the astronomers and scientists to come. He also has done many things to make him an inspiration to many people. Edwin Hubble's determination to search beyond what was already known in the universe and to study what he believed, makes him a curiously amazing person. Edwin Hubble's advanced education and knowledge of the universe helped him pursue his dream of becoming an astronomer and proved that the universe was greater and larger than we thought, by studying what he loved. Hubble is an inspiration because he has worked so hard to achieve what he wanted in life and also by following his dreams of becoming an astronomer, even though his father wanted him to pursue a career in law. Hubble being true to himself is what makes him a true inspiration to many.
Edwin Hubble has inspired me in many ways. I myself have wanted to become an astronomer. After researching Edwin Hubble, it has only made me want to study astronomy even more in my future. Edwin Hubble once said, "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science." Meaning that by feeling everything to the best of your ability you can use your senses to explore.
Works Cited
"Edwin Hubble.", A&E Networks Television, 5 Feb. 2016,
"Edwin Hubble." Scientists: Their Lives and Works, UXL, 2006. Student Resources in Context,
Accessed 18 Jan. 2017.
"Edwin Hubble." World of Scientific Discovery, Gale, 2006. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 12 Jan. 2017
Page created on 6/3/2017 6:04:04 PM
Last edited 2/23/2025 10:18:28 PM