
Eli Hutchinson

by Tyson from Cordova

Eli is the one in the back with the white jacket (
Eli is the one in the back with the white jacket (


My hero’s name is Eli Hutchinson. He is a wrestler that lives in Soldotna Alaska. He is alive now. He is a state, regional, and national wrestling champ.

Why I picked him

The reason I picked this person as my hero is because he never gave up and always went 100% in his wrestling. He is always a good sport. He congratulates the other wrestlers and tells them to do their best. He is also wise and smart. He knows lots of tactics that help in being a great wrestler.

What did he do?

This hero made me motivated and to never give up. He taught me to never be a poor sport and get up and shake the other guy’s hand. I look up to him and I hope I could be that good someday as a wrestler.

Which characteristic's dos he have as a hero?

Eli Hutchinson has perseverance because he never gives up. He knows what he needs to do to be a winner and he works hard to make that happen. He is wise because he makes good choices. Because he takes good care of his body.

Page created on 5/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

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