
Eric Liddell

by Emilie Robins

Eric Liddell (
Eric Liddell (

History rarely sees men like Eric Liddell. The legacy of his character, perseverance, and faith deeply touch those who know his story. Born in China in 1902 to Scottish missionary parents, Liddell grew to deeply love the Chinese people. But like many missionary children of the time, ten-year old Liddell returned to his native Scotland to attend boarding school. In an early letter home to his parents and four siblings, he declared, “I don’t think much of the lessons, but I can run.”

From a young age, Liddell dreamed of competing in the Olympics. With the announcement of the 1924 Olympic trials, Liddell entered and won two qualifying heats and set a new British record. The official ceremonies grew near and, after receiving the schedule of events, Liddell realized that his best race, the record-breaking 100-meter, would take place on a Sunday. He had been taught his whole life to honor Sunday as a day of rest and reverence for God. After much prayer and despite intense pressure to conform, Liddell withdrew from his three best events, choosing instead to run his weaker races out of respect for his Lord.

Before the final race, Liddell received an encouraging note from the masseur of the British team stating, “In the old book it says, ‘He who honors me I will honor.’” Liddell won an unexpected gold medal that day, gaining for himself a lasting title for the British team but, more importantly, the respect of his countrymen.

Liddell in China (
Liddell in China (

During those Olympic games, the Lord impressed upon Eric Liddell the need to return to China to share the gospel. At the height of an Olympic career, he forfeited his fame and honor to serve Jesus and his beloved Chinese people. Back on the mission field, Liddell labored extremely hard preaching and aiding the sick, usually at the expense of his own health. Overwork and malnutrition ultimately took its toll. On February 21, 1945, he died of an inoperable brain tumor. Many criticized him for wasting his life and talents. Yet, Eric Liddell's story far outlives stories of those who have achieved greater golds, glory, and fame, for he has run in the greatest story that never ends.

Page created on 5/5/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/5/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links - An extended biography of his life
God's World - A two part story of Liddells life and works


Benge, Janet & Geoff. Eric Liddell . Seattle, WA:: YWAM Publishing, 1999. 1st ed


Author Info

As a runner and Christian myself, Eric Liddell's story inspires me. By surrendering fame for his faith, Liddell forces me to look at what battles for dominance in my own life and put what matters most in its proper place.