The following story was written by a student.

Eva Longoria

by Nicole from Belleville

My hero is Eva Longoria. She is a very famous woman and has high expectations for herself. Ms. Longoria has courage and she also has the strength to help other people, the unfortunate, and also the people with health problems. Ms. Longoria has a sense of humor, hope, belief, and strength. Eva has a high ambition for everything she wants to accomplish.

Eva Longoria | Photo: Georges Biard [CC BY-SA 3.0] Wikimedia Commons

Eva is a very strong woman. Eva is very rich, but she doesn't just spend the money on herself and her husband, Tony Parker, who plays for the Spurs. Eva wants to help out the families that can't afford everything. She is making a difference in the world today by showing others that there is a way to move on past the bad times. Eva shows a lot of support to the less fortunate.

Eva Longoria owns a house in Los Angeles' Hollywood. Mrs. Longoria purchased her home three years ago with her husband Tony Parker. Eva and Tony purchased their home at the amount of almost three million dollars. Eva also has a beautiful home located in Velano Country Club in Chino Hills, California. Eva Longoria was born as Eva Jacqueline Longoria. Eva's birth date is March 15, 1975, in Christi, Texas. Eva is now thirty-four years old. Ms. Longoria has four sisters. She grew up on a farmland. The Longoria family growing up had very little money to spend. Eva grew up and got a job on the sitcom Desperate Housewives. She plays Gabriella Solis.

Eva is a hero to people around the world because she has a charity which helps developmentally disabled children. She also is a spokesperson for PADRES. Ms. Longoria is committed to a lot of things that deal with young children and with the economy. Eva is trying to make a difference in a lot of people's lives, young and old. She has always wanted to work with children, since she doesn't have any at this point in her life.

In conclusion, Eva has a lot courage for the things that she wants to accomplish. Eva also has high expectations for herself as well as others around her. Eva is a very encouraging person. She wants everyone to shoot for their goals.

Page created on 6/2/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/29/2025 11:37:42 PM

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Related Links - Eva Longoria Parker