
Edgar Allan Poe

by Shane from San Diego

Edgar Allan Poe ( ())
Edgar Allan Poe ( ())

          Burdened by a horrid childhood, one that will never be forgotten, a man writes his life stories in the form of novels and poems. "Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 19, 1809. When his parents, David Poe, Jr., and Elizabeth Arnold Poe, indigent actors, died when he was two years old, Poe was taken in by a wealthy tobacco exporter, John Allan. In 1826, Poe entered the University of Virginia but withdrew after less than a year because of debts Allan would not pay. After a brief term in the Army, Poe entered West Point Academy, argued further with Allan about financial support, and then purposely got himself discharged." ('Edgar Allan Poe'). In order to be considered at hero, a person must have these traits; they must be brave, they must have the courage to be different, and the must be able to think outside the box. Obtaining these traits will truly make someone an inspiring hero. Edgar Allan Poe used his dark childhood to enable his mind's creativity in order to think outside the box and create a gothic fiction genre, and in turn has inspired many to follow in his footsteps as a writer and poet.

The Raven (
The Raven (

           One of many traits that Edgar Allan Poe possessed was bravery, which lead to his extreme success. The author of the sited article clearly states that, "Experimenting with many different styles and genres - the gothic tale, science fiction, occult fantasies, satire - Poe gained great recognition in the early 1840's for his creation of a genre that has grown in popularity ever since - the tale of ratiocination, or detective story, which features an amateur sleuth who by his superior deductive abilities outsmarts criminals and outclasses the police." ('Edgar Allan Poe'). Poe's bravery is shown here because he was not afraid to stand out and be different in writing. He wanted to be different so that is exactly what he did. "Edgar Allan Poe is credited as the creator of the detective story and the character type known as the amateur sleuth," ('Edgar Allan Poe'). Poe was brave enough to be the creator of the detective story which most people, at first, rejected. He also created the character known as a sleuth, which is the main character in detective novels. Because Edgar Allan Poe was a brave author and poet, it brought him great success in life.

Quote from Edgar Allan Poe ( ())
Quote from Edgar Allan Poe ( ())

          Poe used his imagination to think outside the box and create different and great novels and poems. "Poe's creation of the ratiocinative story also derives from broader and more basic interests and sources." ('Edgar Allan Poe'). Poe thought outside the box by changing/making a new genre of short stories by creating disturbing gothic tales. When creating these gothic tales Poe used his imagination as well as his childhood to make ideas for his novels. "A third source was Poe's fascination with cryptograms, riddles, codes, and other conundrums and puzzles." ('Edgar Allan Poe'). Poe used his fascination for puzzles to create deep detective stories that hooked the readers. With his ability to create dark tales he has inspired many to write as he wrote. Edgar Allan Poe has the ability to think outside the box to create great novels, short stories, and poems.

           Edgar Allan Poe was willing to be different than others in order to do what he loved to do. "The development of the mystery and detective genre also reflected the influence of gothic fiction." ('Edgar Allan Poe'). He was the first writer to change the way short stories were written. His success was caused by his great works of writing and poems. "Poe develops his own version of the theory of the artwork as a form in which every detail contributes to the overall effect. This organic aesthetic theory clearly influenced Poe's creation of the detective genre, in which every detail, even the most minor, may be a clue to the solution of the story's central mystery." ('Edgar Allan Poe'). Poe's ability to create such a genre is astounding and has influenced many other authors who write or have written the detective genre. Poe uses his differentially to create pieces of art through his writing and poetry. Edgar Allan Poe was very different from other authors during his time and he used that to become a well-known author.

Quote from
Quote from

          Edgar Allan Poe has inspired many by using his childhood to create great pieces of writing and poems. By using his bravery, differentially, and capability to think outside the box, Edgar Allan Poe has been able to inspire many to follow in his style of writing. He is one of the most inspiring authors of his time. Poe is inspiring because he thought outside the box and created the gothic fiction genre. This has inspired hundreds to write gothic/ horror short stories in resemblance to his work. Edgar Allan Poe has used his childhood experiences to create many different novels and poems. These creations have inspired many to become gothic fiction writers like he was. He used his mind's imagination to its full extent to create tales that have impacted the way people write today.

Page created on 1/10/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/10/2013 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Poe Museum - Museum about Edgar Allan Poe
Poe Stories - All of Edgar Allan Poe's writing and poetry
Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Everything you need to know about Edgar Allan Poe