
Eleanor Roosevelt

by Hannah from Chicago

Eleanor Roosevelt preparing to write <br>(
Eleanor Roosevelt preparing to write

I chose Eleanor Roosevelt because most first ladies stand off to the side, while she interacted with everyone and tried to help our nation. Eleanor Roosevelt's full name was Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, but was called Eleanor because Anna was her mother's name. She was born on October 11, 1884 in New York City. Eleanor was very shy when she was young but when she got older she slowly started speaking out. She always thought she was ugly compared to her mother because her mother was always getting compliments about how pretty she was. Eleanor's mother ignored her, so she played and read with her father. During Eleanor's childhood her mother and brother, Elliott both died of diphtheria, and her father died a little while before her brother died. Her childhood was full of great sadness and delusion.

When she was little she had a fear of boats and water, and as she got older she got over her fear, which was helpful because she traveled all around the world speaking to famous leaders about how their people could be helped. When Eleanor first met Franklin Roosevelt it was hard to see each other because Franklin had law school, and Eleanor was starting to change the world with her great deeds of kindness. Instead they contacted each other by writing beautiful letters to each other every day. When Franklin got polio, she did not give up on him, and made him continue doing politics. By continuing being president it gave Eleanor the chance to show her voice after all the years she hid it.

Eleanor shared her opinions with the world by writing books, newspaper articles, by giving radio interviews, and teaching classes. First Ladies never shared their opinions with the world until Eleanor, and ever since then First Ladies have gotten a lot more interactive. Most Presidents only work one to two terms, but instead Franklin and Eleanor were in office for about four terms. During their fourth term, Franklin died in Georgia while Eleanor was giving a speech in Washington. Franklin's death did not stop Eleanor; she helped support delegates for a chance to be president. Why did these delegates ask her to help? The reason is because her speeches could help get votes especially from women, because the women appreciated Eleanor and her attitude towards a better world.

Eleanor Roosevelt had perseverance during her whole life because her younger life was full of sadness. With the Great Depression going on she did not give up on the citizens of the United States. She showed integrity by always being honest and kept trying to stop segregation for everyone. You can tell that she cares about stopping segregation because for a meeting African Americans had to sit on one side of the room and then she had to sit on the opposite side of the room from her friend. Eleanor picked up her chair and sat in the middle of the aisle. She used her publicity by using her gift at making speeches and trying to help us, understands what is going on in our nation.

The headstone for Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. (Made it. (Hannah Schubrych))
The headstone for Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. (Made it. (Hannah Schubrych))

Eleanor Roosevelt is a hero because she spent her life helping the United States, and always having courage to walk up on stage to give speech. If she is not giving speeches, she is writing in her newspaper column or spending time with Franklin and making sure he is okay. She was Franklin's eyes and ears because he could not walk so she visited different places and told him about them and ways to help those places. She has inspired all the First Ladies after her because now they all try to participate with the children and our nation. She has inspired me because she had a life full of difficulty and when she got older she became louder and more independent to help let her voice be heard. The legacy she has left behind is that anything can be accomplished, if you put your heart into it. "She would rather light candles than curse the darkness, and her glow has warmed the world" by Adlai Stevenson. This quote was said when she died on November 7, 1962. She still continues to warm our world with her memories.

Page created on 10/25/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/25/2012 12:00:00 AM

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