
Eric Thomas

by Sydney from San Diego

"I've got a dream that's worth more than my sleep,"(Eric Thomas). This is only one of many inspiring quotes by my hero, Eric Thomas. Eric Thomas is a fantastic motivational speaker, who continues to motivate people to work hard and be great. He makes people want to get up, and stop being victims. Eric Thomas was not only the son of a teen mother, but a high school dropout at sixteen. He was homeless for two and a half years as well. Eric was never the best student, however he returned to school to get his GED and continued to get his PhD, which took twelve years. Now, I know you're wondering, how could a man who dropped out of high school, and got kicked out of his own home be a hero? Well, a hero is someone who takes their time to succeed and takes all the negative in their life and turns it into something positive. Someone who falls under the title "hero" is willing to do the hard work and make something of themselves. Eric Thomas falls under the category hero because he kept a positive mindset around a negative environment, which is not something that everyone can do. Eric Thomas is my hero because he is hard-working, he has a positive attitude, and is therefore inspiring.

Eric Thomas is hard working because he turned what he had (which was not much) into something great. Eric Thomas came from nothing. All he had was his ambition and his dreams. He turned his problems into a success by working hard everyday. He said, " 'You can be, do, accomplish whatever you want if you put in the sweat equity,'" (Van Valkenburg). Eric Thomas put in the "sweat equity," and became one of the best motivational speakers in the world. He is living proof that we can break the cycle. Anyone could be the first in their house to go to college, be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher. As long as one works hard. Thomas may have made a few mistakes as a kid, followed the wrong crowd, and made bad decisions. But, he used that as motivation to pursue bigger and better things. "'I don't care if you started strong. I don't care if you started weak,' he said. 'Starting today, you can do it, '"(Van Valkenburg). Thomas is saying that even if someone made poor choices, they can change that anytime .Even if someone started weak, they can change whatever they want about their lives. They can end strong. As long as they don't make excuses and begin to work towards their goals. Thomas shows that sometimes people have to work with what they have instead of complaining. He says, "Start where you are with what you have.... What you have is plenty." (Thomas, Eric.) If we are content with what we have and work everyday to achieve more we will always be successful. If anyone wants to be happy they can't be miserable with what they have.They must wake up every day and try to change it. Eric Thomas is extremely hard working because he is addicted and in love with his grind.

Eric Thomas is a positive person even though he comes from a troubled background. He turns everything from his past into inspiration for what he does everyday. When Eric was young, his mother kicked him out. He was eating out of trash cans and living in abandoned buildings, which brought him to the realization that it was time to make a change. He says, "When you make a decision to change, the universe will do everything in its power to make sure you have everything you need to make that change." (Thomas, Eric). He began to work harder and make changes in his life. Eventually things started to go the right way for him because instead of being sad and feeling sorry for himself he was positive and it made a difference. It is never too late to make a change. Even though Eric has a dark past, he decides to work hard in order to become better than the person he was yesterday. Eric preaches, "You will not experience all life has to offer you or begin to experience life at its fullest as long as you are satisfied with mediocrity. You have to be disgusted before your current circumstances can change " (Modeling The Masters). The only way to achieve what you want in life, is to stay positive and keep going. Thomas focuses on all that he has going for him instead of what he doesn't. Thomas will always be unhappy with the bare minimum. Therefore he will achieve much more than the average person. Most people will never act on their greatness. Thomas continues to act on his, each and everyday. ""Don't miss the message. For many of us our change has been bottled up. I believe within every person is the capacity for change." (Thomas, Eric). Thomas strictly believes that everyone has the chance to be successful. He wants people to recognize their potential and act on it, day in and day out. Eric thomas is a positive influence on all young people and those who are struggling in life.

Eric Thomas is a positive and hardworking hero. He teaches people to work hard despite all the bad things that happened in their lives. Eric Thomas powered through the nights in abandoned buildings and eating out of trash cans. He became one of the most successful motivational speakers in the world. Thomas wakes up everyday ready to tackle anything that comes his way. Eric Thomas not only inspires himself, and lots of people around the world. He inspires me. Thomas inspires me to stay positive and work everyday to become successful. He taught me to do everything 120% or don't do it all! He taught me that sometimes, your success is more important than your sleep. Eric Thomas taught me that one day all my hard work will pay off and I will be a true success. Eric Thomas not only inspires me but everyone he speaks with. He is a true hero who is positive and hardworking and will not stop until he feels he has accomplished everything he possibly wanted.

Works Cited
Etthehiphoppreacher. "Greatness Is Upon You!" YouTube. YouTube, 28 Aug. 2012. Web. 05 May 2016 Etthehiphoppreacher. "Secrets to Success Pt. 1." YouTube. YouTube, 11 Dec. 2008. Web. 05 May 2016. Etthehiphoppreacher. "Secrets to Success Pt. 2." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Dec. 2008. Web. 05 May 2016 ModelingTheMasters. "Eric Thomas's Top 10 Rules For Success." YouTube. YouTube, 19 Nov. 2015.Web. 05 May 2016. Thomas, Eric. The Secret to Success: When You Want to Succeed as Bad as You Want to Breathe.Atlanta, GA?: Spirit Reign, 2011. Print. Van Valkenburg, Nancy. "'Hip Hop Preacher': Chase dreams." Standard-Examiner (Ogden, UT) 08 Apr.2011: Newspaper Source. Web. 4 May 2016.

Page created on 5/25/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/25/2016 12:00:00 AM

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