
Eddie George

by Meghan from Westerville

 (Drawn by Meghan)
(Drawn by Meghan)

Eddie George was born on September 24, 1973. He was born in Philadelphia, PA. His connection to Ohio is that he went to The Ohio State University. Eddie has a Mom, Dad and 1 sister. His Mom’s name is Donna George. His Dad’s name is Edward Nathan George Sr. His sister’s name is Leslie George.

 (Drawn by Meghan)
(Drawn by Meghan)

Eddie went to two high schools. One of them is Abington High School and he went there two years. The other one is Fork Union Military Academy and he went to this school for two years. Eddie George had many accomplishments in high school. Eddie scored 32 touchdowns at Fork Union Military Academy. His senior year at Fork Union he was the captain of the football team. He also ran track and won the state title in track for high and low hurdles.

My hero (Eddie George) had two heroes: Marcus Allen and Herschel Walker. They were heroes to him because they won the Heisman (that was one of his wishes) and because he wanted to be like them.

 (Drawn by Meghan)
(Drawn by Meghan)

This is the stuff Eddie did before he became famous: Eddie went to The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. He majored in landscape architecture at Ohio State. He played football very little during his freshman and sophomore years.

 (Drawn By Meghan)
(Drawn By Meghan)

Eddie George and Tamara Johnson met in New York City. Eddie got married on June 24, 2004. He got married to Tamara Johnson. Eddie and Tamara had two boys.

Eddie George’s professional life has involved two careers. Eddie was drafted by the Tennessee Titans and that began his NFL career. After he retired from the NFL he developed a couple of companies. Two of the companies are EGX Lifestyle and EDGE (these companies help others lose weight).

Eddie’s journey to becoming famous started in Military School. The Military School helped him to become famous by getting him in shape and getting him in to Ohio State. He played very little in his freshman and sophomore years and when he did play he didn’t do so well. In his senior year he broke out and won the Heisman. The reason he won the Heisman is because he ran 1,400 yards and scored 12 touchdowns that year.

These are his major accomplishments. The first one is winning the Heisman in his senior year of college. His second one is winning the NFL rookie of the year award in 1996. The 3rd one is making his companies to help people lose weight.

This is what was going on in the time that Eddie became famous. The president of the USA was Bill Clinton. The new 100 dollar bill was released the year Eddie became famous. Another thing is that Oklahoma City was bombed that year.

These are some fun facts about Eddie George’s famous years. When Eddie was in college, he wanted a Buckeye tree in the All-American tree line. When Eddie was on the Titans the most challenging team to him were the Eagles.

Currently, Eddie is working at his companies and raising his kids to become good adults.

I have two reasons why Eddie is a hero. I think Eddie George is a hero because he is committed to helping people to be healthy and lose weight. The other reason is because he inspires me to never give up on anything even if I am not good at it.

This is a fun fact about Eddie’s uniform for football. Eddie George had the same number (27) on his uniform on the Buckeyes and the Titans.

Page created on 5/10/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/10/2011 12:00:00 AM

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