
MY HERO Announces Sylvia Earle Award Call for Entries

Contact: Wendy Milette                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
[email protected]
CALL FOR ENTRIES The Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award!
LAGUNA BEACH CA. 3/25/15 – The MY HERO Project is accepting entries for the prestigious Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award, which is given each year to a short film that celebrates heroes who help protect the world’s oceans.  And, to help spread awareness of global ocean issues, MY HERO is offering a free series of short films and lesson plans designed to help educators teach ocean conservation in the classroom.
The Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award is an annual prize inspired by the lifelong work of oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle, whose dedication to ocean conservation is second to none.  The award is presented by the One World One Ocean Foundation (, a 501(c)3 public charity that uses the power of giant-screen films to educate the public and inspire people to take action. 
“Sylvia Earle is our ocean hero, and we hope this award inspires aspiring filmmakers to shine a spotlight on other dedicated people from all walks of life who are working tirelessly on behalf of our oceans.“
  ~Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Greg MacGillivray from the One World One Ocean Campaign.
The winner will receive a $500.00 cash prize and will be honored at the 11th Annual MY HERO International Film Festival.  The winning films will be announced on June 8th, WORLD OCEANS DAY!  
The DEADLINE is May 1, 2015.  To submit a short film of 5-minutes or less, visit:  For more information visit:
Contact: [email protected] to receive your free copy of the DVD:
Ocean Stewards and Eco Heroes of Orange County
This curriculum combines engaging short films and standards aligned lesson plans that will educate and encourage ocean conservation in youth K – 12.

The MY HERO Project ( is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with a mission to use media and technology to celebrate the best of humanity.  MY HERO’s goal is to empower people of all ages by helping them realize their own potential to effect positive change in the world. 

Page created on 3/31/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/7/2017 10:43:45 PM