My hero, Albert Einstein, was a very great man. He was loving and kind, but he was also a little bit crazy. To me, he is a hero because he was imaginative, helped scientific and mathematical concepts, and he was persistent. But probably the most outstanding of these three was his imagination.
Albert Einstein was, and always will be, remembered as an imaginative man. Only he could fathom the most complicated subjects that are even brain-stressing for scientists and mathematicians today. Albert found out a lot about the world around him by not just “believing what people said,” but he figured it out himself. He came up with completely outlandish theories and actually proved them. He originated a lot of scientific concepts in this way.
Like a lot of other scientists and mathematicians, Albert had a “year of miracles.” This was when Einstein discovered many theories and equations. Among the many things that he discovered are: that all matter is made of atoms, how many atoms are in a specified space, and that light is made of a bunch of little bits of energy, not one big steady stream. He enhanced the Big Bang theory, and what made him famous, E=mc2. E=mc2 means that if matter moves the speed of light2, then it will become energy. But one of my favorite concepts is the twin paradox. This is where if you have two exact twins that are both 12-years-old and you send one aboard a spaceship and the other stays behind on earth. The twin on the spaceship will move almost the speed of light to another planet ten years away. But when the traveling twin gets to the new planet, he decides to go back. When he gets back, his brother is 32, but since the travelling twin went very fast, he only aged a few months. I admire Einstein for keeping on trying these things, even though people told him he was wrong.
Albert Einstein was a very persistent man. When he was a young boy he went to a boarding school. Albert was good at math and science, but he only got mediocre grades in all his other classes. One of his teachers even labeled him a “retard.” But Albert kept trying. After he quit school, he tried out at a university, but failed the foreign language test. He studied for two years, then he tried again and succeeded. Albert Einstein was persistent at what he wanted.
Albert Einstein was a little bit weird, but he is my hero. He said, “If I could live my life over again, I’d be a plumber.” But I will always look up to him as an imaginative, persistent, and a very smart man.
Page created on 12/17/2005 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 12/17/2005 12:00:00 AM