
by Kristine from Billings

"I'm messed up, deal with it!"
Emily and I in Mrs. Bodine's class.
Emily and I in Mrs. Bodine's class.

What is a hero to you? Is it a firefighter or maybe it’s your mom? Have you ever really thought about what makes a person a hero? Are there any real criteria or is it just that someone is a hero in someone else’s eyes? Well my hero is my best friend. She is my hero because she is the person I can count on. Don’t get me wrong. I can count on my parents but really who tells their parents everything? Emily has been a great best friend; she is always there when I need. She also is just an all around great person.

My hero is also my best friend and my sister by heart. She is an amazing person and can always get me to do what I’m supposed to even if I don’t want to. We have so much fun together! She is always pushing me to try new things and to do my best and try my hardest. She is always there for me. She gives me the best advice. I know I can turn to her whenever I need her or for whatever I need her. She has always made me feel better. Even when my brother died, she made me laugh and feel like the world wasn’t coming down on me. She has overcome so much in her life and has always taken the best and worst of life and still turns to the bright side of life. Emily is just an all around great person. She is a colorful and amazing person.

Emily is a great friend. She is always there to listen. Even if she can’t really give you advice, she tries her best. She is my shoulder to cry. Even in the short time I’ve known Emily we have been through enough to know that our friendship is one of a lifetime. She is fifteen and she lives in Billings, Montana. Emily has been there for all friends from Jeret to me to Taylor to anyone. I know for sure that I can always count on Emily. Emily also is a great role model. She is always making sure that not only herself but her friends have their homework, gym clothes and is always there when you need something. Emily always offers her advice. You don’t have to use it or even listen to it but it’s always there. She is my safety net. If I’ve had a bad day or a fight with someone, she’s there.

Emily has touched my heart so much! In the short time we have known each other we have become so close it feels like we have known each other since we were like three. Emily and i are so alike that it scares even us, let alone our other friends. We can finish each others sentences and bust out laughing just looking at each other. There are so many inside jokes and so many pranks and so many times, it is like we have been friends for years instead of months. Emily is my savior. I swear if it weren't for her i would be back in Gillette, WY. She is my reason to do good in school because without her i would be useless and worthless. I know that sounds cliche but seriously it's like we're one person in two bodies and it's crazy cause she and i have the same thoughts at the same time, like all the time. All in all Emily is just my best friend, my sister, my partner in crime, and my hero! I love her like a sister with all my heart!

Emily is my hero for many of the reasons above but there are so many more and heroes don't have to save a life or anything. They can just be an ordinary person or they can be extra ordinary or anything. THey just have to be a hero to you or someone so truly to answer my own question, no there is no criteria to be hero other than to be a hero in someone else's eyes!

Page created on 11/2/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/2/2009 12:00:00 AM

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