

by Herlindo from Denver

My Hero: The FBI

The FBI organization is there to help innocent citizens and protect the community by working in the areas of counter-terrorism, Cyber, Public Corruption, Civil Rights, Organized Crime, and White Collar Crime. Thanks to the FBI and other agencies we are able to live a better life and be more safe. People that make wrong choices serve their time.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is dealing with a dangerous enemy, which is terrorism. Investigators and spies are assigned certain jobs to help arrest suspects and interrogate them privately. The FBI also works with officers to help arrest people.

There is another highly committed crime in the world, and that is murder. People think they can get away from being arrested but there is something that can prove or show who it was, evidence. The FBI works with professional forensic people. They can uncover finger prints and take DNA of any blood in the crime scene.

Illegal drug dealing is another factor for the FBI. Special FBI agents and other agencies work together to try and catch all these money makers. These agents get undercover work as customers and then arrest them. This is an important case in society today.

In conclusion, without the government agencies, this world would be a mess. Thanks to them I feel safe and also my family does, too. I hope later on in the future there will be more agents to help this world get peace. I hope later on I will be part of one of these organizations.

Page created on 4/30/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/3/2018 8:49:15 PM

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