
fire fighter

by Mike

Dark thick plumes of smoke rises into the sky, a large crowd has gathered, and is watching in awe. As a large building is being engulfed in flames. Boom!! A large explosion comes from several of the upper floors where one of the firemen was. A gasp arises from the crowd. Then the fire fighter runs out of the building carrying a man that was trapped in the inferno. A hero to me is someone that is brave, responsible, kind, and outgoing.

My heroes are firefighters because they are brave and do acts of heroism on a daily basis. They risk their lives to save yours and others, and they do it without think of them selves. If you are trapped in a burning building thinking that you are going to die then you see a firemen coming for you, you know that you have a very, very good chance of getting out alive. They put themselves on the line.

courage (september 11 images)
courage (september 11 images)

A way to describe a firefighter is that they are outgoing in several different ways. They try their best to get you out alive. There is no such thing as a racist firemen. Every one matters its like the motto the marines use no man is left behind. In a way they give the greatest gift to you when sometimes they die because of some one else's stupid mistake.

They are also responsible they have to work risking their lives fourteen days then they get the same amount of time off. They need to help they are required to but they do it just because they like to save people. They are also very, very kind you will never meet a fire fighter that says he is a criminal in not going to save him or that person is rude to people he deserves to die.

My heroes are firemen they are courageous, give a lot, very, very responsible, and most importantly they are kind. They don't judge people they save people and they love ding it. So if your stuck inside a large building that has been engulfed in flames there is a very good bet that a firemen or women will come and pull you out they risk their lives for us that is why they are my heroes and some other peoples too.

Page created on 3/20/2009 2:10:40 PM

Last edited 3/20/2009 2:10:40 PM

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