
Frances Furia

by Zac from Springfield

Fran Furia (Own)
Fran Furia (Own)

Did you ever wonder who your hero is? I’ve always wondered who was mine. I finally found out who it was. I had to think very hard to get who it was. She is a very helpful person. I found out who it was when I learned what traits a hero needs. A hero is not always a celebrity or a famous person. A hero is many things. A hero can be anybody. Some traits that heroes might have are being supportive, strong, smart, and honest. I can go on and on, but that’s not what I am here to do. I’m here to state why this person is my hero.

My hero is Frances Furia and she’s my mom. She’s been living with me my whole life. We live in Morton, PA just outside of Springfield. She has many traits that heroes need. She is smart, helpful, and so on. She has done many things that make her a hero. She is right now a math professor at Cabrini College. She’s been working there for about 10 years and she loves it. When she was only 4 years old she started school. She’s been an underdog her whole life. She was a year younger than everyone in her grade. She is a graduate from Cardinal O’Hara. She also graduated from St. Joe's. She has two master's degrees in math and chemistry.

Now for why my mom is truly my hero. She has done many great things. She helps everyone that she can. If you need something, but she has to do something else, she’ll do what you need before what she has to do. That’s a one of a kind. She also saved my grandmother's life. When she was 16 years old her mother had a heart attack. She quickly gave her CPR and called 911. She is also smart. I’ve already told you that she was a year younger than everyone in her grade and she was 12th overall in St. Joe's for GPA. That’s a really smart person. She has many traits that I hope I can pick up on. Lastly for being my hero she helped my great aunt battle breast cancer. She helped her with everything that she could and that’s a true hero. These are just a few reasons why she is my hero.

T.A. Barron’s book, The Hero’s Trail, relates to my hero because she’s a "hero on the spot." She saved my grandmother’s life. She acted right on the spot and knew what to do. She called 911 right away. That’s a true hero. A "hero on the spot" is to know what to do on the spot of the moment and my mom did. My grandmother is still alive because of her. That’s a "hero on the spot" to me. She is also a "near and far hero." She donates money to charities. She has donated over $3,000 to charities.

My mom has everything to be a hero. She is one of the greatest mothers. She is nice, smart, bold, daring, forgiving, amazing, and, last but not least, she is one of a kind. These are just some of her traits. Everyone has a hero and she is mine. This is why she is my hero.

Page created on 6/3/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/3/2008 12:00:00 AM

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