Fred Hollows is my Hero because he inspired me with what he did as a job. He was an ophthalmologist, who is known for working in restoring eyesight. Thousands of people in Australia and other countries knew him for his achievements in his job.
Fred Hollows was a New Zealander who lived in Australia. He was born on the 9th of April 1929 in Dunedin, New Zealand and died on the 10th of February (age 63) 1993. At the age of 57 Fred Hollows was diagnosed with Metastatic cancer. The cancer affected his lungs and brain. After 6 years of fighting the cancer he died.
He received his degree from Victoria University in Wellington. He studied at a seminary for a short time, and decided to choose his passion being an ophthalmologist, instead of life as a clergy. He also took up a big responsibility; of organising the Royal Australian College of Ophthalmology to begin the National Trachoma and Eye Health program.
Fred Hollows started of his life when his family lived in Dunedin for 7 years. He grew up as one of four children. He lived in New Zealand with his Mum. His Mum's job was to find homes for children whose parents couldn't look after them. So by the early 1900's she had raised over 60 children.
Fred Hollows was an ordinary person; all he needed was the strength, courage and passion to do things that he can be represented by. Anyone can learn from Heroes that we try our best and we will achieve and it isn't just for us but it is also for the people and the outcome that comes out of the hard work
Fred Hollows was a person who did his job because he loved it and stood out because he was really good with his work. He went overseas to visit Nepal in 1985, Eritrea in 1987, and Vietnam in 1991. He was doing training programs to show techniques to people about eye surgery and how to do it.
Fred Hollows also trained poor and unprivileged people in the United Kingdom. Fred also spent three years visiting aboriginal communities to provide eye care and bring out a survey of eye weaknesses. More than 460 aboriginal communities were visited and 62,000 people were examined, leading to 27,000 being treated for trachoma and 1,000 operations.
Even after his death, his work still goes on. The Fred Hollows Foundation started a project in Sydney, on the 3rd of September 1992 to carry on the work of Fred Hollows. He was passionate about helping people to see. He encouraged others to learn and to achieve and he had strength of character to lead people to help others. I think Fred Hollows was a hero because he was someone who helped, encouraged and took responsibility to care for people so they could see.
Page created on 7/3/2013 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 7/3/2013 12:00:00 AM
Hollows, Fred . "Fred Hollows." [Online] Available
encyclopedia , Wikipedia, the free . "Fred Hollows Foundation." [Online] Available