
Florence Kelley

by Nesi from Austin

<a href=>Florence Kelley</a>
Florence Kelley

My hero did something most people don’t do, she went to a factory. She saw something you don’t see today. She saw thousands of kids working in that factory. I think whenever you see something wrong you should try to change it. That’s what my hero did. She helped change the world. That’s why Florence Kelley is my hero.

Older Florence Kelley
Older Florence Kelley

Florence Kelley was born in 1859 and died in 1932 at the age of 74. She spent those 74 good years fighting for others. As a child, her father took her on a midnight tour of a factory where young boys were making steel and glass. You can probably imagine how hard they had to work. After seeing what was going on in the factories, Florence decided that something had to change. She grew up yet never forgot what she had seen at the factory. She decided to go to the government and convince them to change the law that had said that women and children should not be educated. After she successfully convinced them to change that law, Florence Kelley was asked by the government to go and visit the factories to make sure that they were enforcing the law that had been set. The factory owners fought with Florence, trying to make her stop, but she didn’t! If they did not follow the law, Kelley reported the factory owners to the government and the government would tell the stores not to sell that product until the law was followed.

I chose Florence Kelley as my hero because she worked hard to make it possible for women and children go to school and get an education, instead of working in a factory all day. I also chose her as my hero because if she had not done the work that she did, it could be me and my friends working in those factories today. Some kids might think that school is hard, but I just want you to think about which is harder, making things in a factory all day or going to school. I think working in a factory would be a whole lot harder. I admire Florence Kelley’s work because she had the courage to do something about a situation that was not right. That is why I chose Florence Kelley as my hero because she changed something that will affect our future. There are not that many people like this. She found a problem that would help change the world in the future.

My hero did something most people don’t do. As a child, she went to a factory with her father and made a decision to change something. Her father showed her how lucky she was to be able to go to school. She saw something you don’t find here today, hundreds of young boys working in terrible conditions. She had the courage to change that. That is why Florence Kelley is my hero.

Page created on 12/22/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/22/2007 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Florence Kellley info - Child Labor Loss
Florence Kelley freedom fighter - Stopping children from working in factories