Franklin Delano Roosevelt

by Maria from Atglen

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

About Him

Have you ever heard of The Great Depression? What ended it?  Franklin Delano Roosevelt helped to.  This brown-haired, gray-blue eyed baby (known as FDR) was born to James and Sarah Roosevelt on January 30, 1882 in a log cabin (known to the family as Springwood) in Hyde Park, New York.  He was an only child, other than his half-brother James.  FDR died of cerebral hemorrhage on April 12, 1945.

Accomplishments and Obstacles

FDR became the 32nd president in 1933 for 13 years or four terms after being governor of New York for two terms.  Many people say he helped end the Great Depression.  He helped by creating programs that not only gave work but also helped make America better, like paving roads or logging.  The biggest obstacle he had to overcome was when he got polio in 1921 at age 39. (He got it on vacation.)  Polio is contagious disease that can cause paralysis.  FDR had it pretty bad and after that he could not walk or stand without being assisted. 

Hero Traits

Some hero traits that FDR showed are courage, perseverance, and conviction. FDR shows courage when he ran a country during hard times.  "Hard times" refers to the Great Depression. The Great Depression was a time when no one could find jobs and everybody was short on money, some people were even thrown out of their house!  FDR showed perseverance when he suffered through polio.  Polio made a difference in FDR's life because it was harder to get around.  FDR showed conviction when he believed that the depression was going to end.  Not very many people believed that it was going to end but FDR convinced them to keep trying.

Fun Facts

Some interesting facts are that FDR married his distant cousin- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.  He also was fifth cousins with Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president.  His vice presidents were John Nance Garner for two terms, Henry A Wallace one term, and Harry Truman, one term, who became president when FDR died in office.  During the Great Depression immigrants fled back to their home country. It was that bad! Also he was the first president on TV.  Another fun fact is that his mom sent postcards to their dogs!  His lifelong habit was stamp collecting.  He was 6'2'' and weighed about 182 lbs.

Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt


Franklin Delano Roosevelt is my hero because he pulled people through the Great Depression.  I know I could never do that!!  One of my favorite quotes of his is "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" He is very interesting and there is more things I could tell.

Page created on 5/30/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/30/2012 12:00:00 AM

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