
Frank Sartor

by Gianfranco from Calgary

I'm the boss
web (i made it)
web (i made it)

My dad was born on February 28th in Toronto, Ontario. In the early years my dad had 2 passions: model airplanes and go-karts. He would spend hours designing the plane, cutting the wood and gluing it together, painting the plane, building the engine and making it all work together. He would then compete at the Canadian National Exhibition in the summers. He won many first place trophies. When he was older and could drive, he bought his first go-cart and built and rebuilt the cart and the engine to get it into winning condition. I believe that he won these awards because he was always interested in “how things work”. He built and re-built, took apart and put things back together. Each time he figured out how to make it better. He raced on weekends in the summer and won many first place trophies, he has over 20 trophies. He taught me by his example that I should be curious and work on improvements. He also taught me that by staying busy you stay out of trouble.

My hero Graduating (I made it)
My hero Graduating (I made it)

He was also a good student and completed his Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Toronto graduating in 1983 then he completed his Certified Management Accountant designation in 1986. He has inspired me to do well in school and to be the best I can be, so that I can have choices and options in life. In 1998, when I was one year my sister was 2 ½ years old, he went back to school at the University of Western Ontario and worked on his Executive Masters of Business Administration; he graduated in 2000. He taught me that you never stop learning, no matter how old you are or if you already have a job or if you have children. As a family, we all had to work together and dad did great!!

Selling his tubs (I made it)
Selling his tubs (I made it)

Now my dad is an entrepreneur. He owns two companies (Reviva Walk-in-Bathing and Cartier Cabinetry). He spent his life building and making things better and learning, and now he is building his companies and making products better. My dad has gone to China to have the Walk-in tubs built, he has gone to Shanghai many times and loves working with the people there. He taught me that when you plan, communicate and work with different people that have different ideas, everyone learns and can build something better. Even though it's tough to build something from scratch, my dad is usually happy and looks on the bright side. A positive attitude is a necessary ingredient for success. I hope to learn from him and make sure I look for the good in people, stay happy and always know that things could be worse. My dad always tells us that we are privileged and we should consider others’ misfortune; I think that I still need to work on that.

My hero spending time with his family (I made it)
My hero spending time with his family (I made it)

What I love the most about my dad is how much he values his family. He spends a lot of time with me and is always there for me. He takes time out to bring us to work-out so we can work on our fitness. He taught my baby brother how to skate. He wakes up early to bring me to hockey and on Tuesdays, he is home early to bring my sister to dance. He taught my sister and I to ski and is passionate about going skiing with us every Christmas break and every other week in the winter. My favorite is our “boys’ weekend”. That’s usually on my sister’s birthday party weekend. I get to escape all of the girls and we go to Lake Louise and then we stay at the Chateau…. It's the best!!! Every summer since we have been in Alberta, we fly back to Ontario to get in on the family camping in Northern Ontario and to spend time with our grandparents and to play at our grandparents’ cottage. I hope I can value family as much as he does and that I learn from his example.

Page created on 3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

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