
Flash Gordon

by Bryce from Billings, Montana

classic flash (
classic flash (

“Flash Gordon Saviour of the universe, king of the impossible, Flash - ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us.” The theme song for flash Gordon sums Flash Gordon up pretty well, but there’s always much more to be said about Flash. Risking his life to save others, most of whom he not only doesn’t know, but are of a different species. Strong, smart and bold are Flash's only powers, taken to the planet Mongo he must then battle the forces of tyranny.

Flash Gordon is placed in present time, depending on which flash you are speaking of. But he has traveled from planet to planet, whether this is earth, mars, or the planet Mongo. The planet Mongo is a beautiful place, but dangerous as long as Ming the Merciless has control over everything. Flash must now battle for the freedom of not only Mongo, but Earth.

newer flash gordon on scifi (
newer flash gordon on scifi (

Flash Gordon made a difference by fighting when no one would, doing what needed to be done. He doesn’t have any powers except for a gateway demotion device, which allows him to travel from Mongo to Earth and back again. His bravery to save his friends puts him in mortal danger time and time again. It doesn’t matter what happens to him, as long as it’s the right thing. Saying to everyone that you don’t need superpowers, you can change the world for the better with just sheer will power.

I have always been a fan of comics, cartoons, and movies that involved superheroes of all sorts. But Flash Gordon has stuck out in my view. He can’t fly or bend steel, just guts and will power. I look to Flash Gordon and think how can I better myself, make myself more like him, brave, strong, a hero.

old school, tv show (
old school, tv show (

Flash Gordon, protector of all that is right and just. Savior of the Universe. Wherever the Merciless Ming strikes, or any good soul is in trouble, Flash Gordon will save the day, no matter the cost to him.

Page created on 8/31/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/31/2008 12:00:00 AM

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