

by Xavier from Pickerington

Hero: a person or animal that took time out of their life to make a positive difference in another's life and still affects this person today. A hero doesn't have to have a cape, they don't have to be a superstar, and they don't have to be strong, but they most definitely can be someone in your community. Anyone can be a hero, even you, but like all fictional heroes, all heroes have a weakness.

It is important to have a hero. For many a hero would do a great deal for their life. A hero can inspire someone to be more than what hey are. A hero can help lead an example for those who don't have one. Those who wind up in jail or die horribly end up that way because they chose the wrong person to be their hero. That is not a hero. That is another disaster waiting to happen.

My Best and Greatest Friend
My Best and Greatest Friend

To everyone who has seen Angelica, they might see a careless Goth-looking girl who probably thinks life is too short to care. But that's not the the truth. Anyone who has met or will meet Angelica will know that she is caring, loving, and full of heart with a passion for music and learning. Although she is young and in high school, she still holds a lot of power. She is fragile and soft-spoken like a dim light and yet she shines just like a star. Her laugh is so innocent and makes you want to laugh.

Angelica should be inducted into the hall of fame because she is the greatest friend I could ever have and ever want. She gave me wisdom and advice in my times of need. She gives me a shoulder to lean on when I feel horrible. She inspires me to be a better person so I can reach my dreams in life. When she plays music it gives me hope for a new day. When you get to meet and be friends with her, you will notice that she brightens your day.

  1. Who is your personal hero and why?
  2. "You and all my closest friends are my heroes. Music is my hero. These are the two things that get me through everything. Without them, I don't know how I could help other people with their problems let alone my own."
  3. What is your definition of a hero?
  4. "My definition of a hero would be anyone who is able to get you through the day with a smile on your face and at least some hope for yourself. Anyone who can pull you through your darkest days."
  5. How do you feel knowing I choose you to be your hero?
  6. "I feel like I don't deserve to have a project done on me, so it makes me really happy to know that I mean that much to a single person. I don't think very highly of myself, so when somebody else does it means a lot."
  7. Is there any reason why you wouldn't want to be a hero or why you don't feel like a hero?
  8. "Sometimes I think people think too much of me, when I really don't think much of myself. I don't do anything that I think is particularly extraordinary, I am just simply me."
  9. Where were you born?
  10. "I was born in York, Pennsylvania."
  11. Can you hold anyone responsible for the way you are now? If so who and why?
  12. "All of my past and present friends have influenced me in some way, negative or positive. My parents have always pushed for me to do the best I can so that has helped me reach goals and helped me to believe in myself. However, it's my friends that get me through each day, because without them, and you, I'd be lost and just drifting along without any real purpose in life. "
  13. Any words of advice for those wanting to be a hero?
  14. "I think the best thing that people can be is themselves. I always try to love everybody, even people who I don't like. I try to understand people, and get them to understand me as well. I try to be nice to everyone and keep on everyone's good side, and it seldom works out to my disadvantage. Love everyone and they will hopefully love you as well, but if they don't, at least you know you stand on the higher ground in life."

I love you Xavier :D

Page created on 6/5/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/5/2010 12:00:00 AM

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