
Heroes of Flight 93

by Sierra from Roseville

''In a field in rural Pennsylvania, right prevailed over wrong and hope was born.''

Heroes of Flight 93. Even in the name it states that they are heroes. The definition of a hero is a person with heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act, and is regarded as a model or ideal. A person with distinguished courage and is admired for their brave deeds. This definition is perfect to describe the people in the plane on the sad day of September 11th 2001. They were incredibly brave and they did perform a heroic act, they saved thousands of lives.

My heroes are the people on Flight 93 who tried to take over the cockpit so the hijackers wouldn't crash the plane into a building and kills tons of people. The plane ended up crashing in a field in Pennsylvania. When the plane crashed everyone on board died. The passengers on the plane lived in various places in the United States. One person was even from Germany and another person was from Japan. The youngest people on board were two twenty year's olds and a baby that wasn't even born yet. The oldest person was a seventy-nine year old woman.

My heroes made a difference by saving the lives of many Americans. They made lots of calls to family members saying that the plane had been hijacked. The passengers were able to find out all about the other hijacked planes and what buildings had been hit. They were horrified to hear that the Twin Towers and the Pentagon had been hit. All the passengers decided that they were going to die anyway, so why not save others in the process. Everyone on board the plane made a decision to die doing something good. This something makes them my heroes.

The actions that the people on Flight 93 took affect me because I can't imagine what they went through, how they felt, or what they saw, but they overcame their fears and feelings to save lives. This makes me feel proud and it inspires me to be brave and overcome my feelings in a tough situation. They are inspirations to not just me, but others too. Their amazing qualities that they showed and their ideas they all used to become the heroes we know they are. The flight attendants used what they knew about the airplane and what supplies they had, and the passengers gave their knowledge and strength. The Heroes of Flight 93 fit my definition of a hero like a puzzle piece. They definitely have heroic qualities, they did do a heroic act, they are regarded as a model, they had courage, and they are admired for their bravery. This definition could not be a better fit.

"As I say, the hijackers could not have picked a worse plane to hijack than this one,” said Jere Longman, a reporter for “The New York Times.” I agree one hundred percent with Jere. The hijackers obviously looked up the flight information, but they probably never thought to look into the people on the plane. If they would have they would have seen that all the people on the plane were successful, strong willed, smart, and determined. I really look up and admire how amazing and brave the people on Flight 93 were.

Page created on 10/30/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/30/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

United Heroes - This website gives information about each person on Flight 93 - Gives some information about this flight (crash) and gives information about every person on the plane