
Gail Borden Jr.

by Quinton from Wallingford

"I tried and failed. I tried again and again and succeeded."
A Painting By Leonard M. Panning (
A Painting By Leonard M. Panning (

In 1853 Gail ordered a patent for his invention of keeping milk fresh for more than a few days without the need of a refrigerator. He tried two times with no success. Then he found a wealthy investor and this time the factory worked and he started making his invention. When the Civil War broke out, the demand for milk was greater than ever and this was when he made the majority of his money.

Borden had helped many people in his life. Soon after the Civil War, Borden went to Texas and donated to many churches, schools, and many charities. He may not have risked his life to save someone from a burning building but he still helped people by giving them the money and resources to thrive. He also opened saw mills and doing so he opened many jobs for the working man. This is why Gail Borden is my hero. By doing this he helped change many lives of students, people who went to church and finally the people the charities where helping. Today his milk is still being sold in retail stores and it has been over 150 year!

His Milk Company (
His Milk Company (

You may say that he’s not a hero and that’s where you’re wrong. He was an inspiration, he helped many people, and he invented many things for people such as a land boat (a terraqueous), meat biscuits, and a special refrigerator to help people recover from yellow fever. He may have failed a few times but he was still a huge success and that is why this man is a hero.

After Borden’s death his body was then transferred to New York one last time to be buried. His milk company is still producing the concentrated milk he produced over 150 years ago. Today his milk company is called Eagle Brand. He even has a county named after him, Borden County, a place he had never even been. Two stepsons of Borden, Samuel and Alfred Church, donated a mansion to their community to make a library. Their only request was that it be named the Gail Borden Public Library.

Gail Borden Public Library (
Gail Borden Public Library (

Page created on 12/7/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/25/2019 6:21:04 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

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Heroes? Who are heroes? Can anyone be a hero? Who do you think of when you hear of the word hero? Abe Lincoln? George Washington? Amelia Earhart? These people are real life heroes. They didn’t get paid or they weren’t told to help people, they chose to. My hero is Gale Borden Jr. because he helped people by inventing a few things for the benefit of all people.