What does the word hero mean and who is my hero? The word hero can mean a lot of different things like someone that has achieved a goal or someone who is successful. It also can mean someone who is brave and courageous and someone who is not afraid to stand up for himself or others. My hero is George Washington because he was a brave courageous leader. He was an honest man who never told a lie. He led the U.S. to a lot of victories in war. He never backed down once. George Washington was also the first president of the United States. He inspired a lot of people.
George Washington was born in 1732 in Virginia. He was raised in a planter family. He worked hard as a kid when growing up. While he was growing up, he had two interests. These interests were military arts and western expansion. At the age of sixteen, George was already surveying lands for Lord Fairfax. That was a responsible and hard working job for a sixteen year old to have. In 1754, George was a lieutenant colonel when fighting in the French and Indian War. George Washington was a brave military leader who wouldn’t back down when given a job or a responsibility.
He achieved a lot while fighting in the army. He served in the Virginia House of Burgesses. In 1775, he was elected to Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. On July 3, the same year he took a small ill-trained army to go fight in the war. This would be a hard goal for him because he was going up against an army that was over 4 times the size of his army. On 1781, George Washington and his army finally forced the British to surrender with the help of the French. This was a huge accomplishment for George Washington. On April 30, 1789, he became the first president of the United States. This was the biggest achievement for Washington. He died on December 14, 1799.
Why would George Washington be considered a hero? He was a great leader and role model. He fought in many battles risking his life. George Washington worked hard for his achievements and goals. He was the first president of the U. S. He used his skilled mind to win his battles in war. George Washington was a man of his word and someone that could be counted on.
George Washington inspired a lot of people to be better leaders, role models, and to better actions. I am one of the people he inspired. George Washington did a lot for his country. He made wise decisions with all the responsibility and pressure he had. He handled situations with great confidence and faith. He was brave by standing up for what is right and what is wrong. George Washington means a lot to me and has really inspired my life.
Page created on 10/26/2007 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 11/10/2018 8:23:08 PM