

by Ben from Toronto

The Misunderstood Hero of Japan
Godzilla (I Made It)
Godzilla (I Made It)

Godzilla, unknown to most, is an aquatic creature. Being born into the seas from the womb of Mother Nature. His True parents are unknown to the world, but that only adds to the mystery and exoticness of the beast. His career began in 1953, taking the Japanese name of Gojira (literally meaning "Gorilla Whale").

It was clear that in the first few cinematic presentations that took place, it tried to focus on the more frustrated/negative side of the confused beast but do not be mistaken, he really had no bad intentions. Take a step into his size 300,000,000 shoes for a second and ponder what it would be like for you in his situation. Still, being young, Godzilla had just climbed from the water, being taller than most mountains, and began to walk around, crushing all things in his path. When he reached Tokyo how was he supposed to know the difference between walking the countryside over trees and mountains and walking over buildings and cars? He steps on a few buildings here and there and suddenly the entire city is all over him, firing missiles and shooting lasers at his back. What would any being do if another were disturbing it? Either it retaliates or it flees, and Godzilla fled, showing he was not trying to be aggressive towards anyone. Now Godzilla was labeled "intelligent" because he had somewhat of a brain to run away from missiles, and the government had permission to send the army into Japan and around the country to find Godzilla. Now comes his retaliation, which was well deserved since all the people had done was try and destroy him even though he had done nothing to them. Little did the people know that he was the only defense they would have when other creatures like himself would start to make their own visits to Japan.

1954 - 1957, Godzilla's rise to Heroism truly begins.

In a series of magnificent movies known as the "VS or K.O era" for Godzilla, he begins to defend Tokyo (EVEN WITH ALL THEY HAD DONE TO HIM) from the brutal monsters known as Mothra, and King Kong. These groundbreaking movies were only the first of many great battles that Godzilla went through, such as his legendary battle with Mecha-Godzilla. Above all characteristics, that one shows that Godzilla is loyal; loyal to his territory, loyal to his friends, and loyal to his home, no matter how much he didn't get along with them in the beginning. It was clear to the public now that the giant beast didn't only have fangs, but he also had a heart. Mothra was a challenging opponent and the most well known of Godzilla's nemeses. They fought for days, Godzilla now taking the role of defender of humanity and Mothra taking the title of Giant evil floating bug with lasers. It may sound ridiculous but that was one of the biggest movies of the time and really stayed with a lot of people who were there when it first came out as the coolest, and most inspiring monster battle ever. Commitment was a word that stuck to everyone as they left the cinema that day. Pride, Joy, and many others did that same thing. Godzilla may have just been a giant lizard with barely any brains but it's clear that he had a lot to teach. He was no longer just a hero in the movies but a hero in real life, who set a great example for kids to follow.

Now that the world knows how important and misunderstood the giant was, maybe people will begin to not call him a monster and replace that word with a hero. Godzilla was brave, loyal, innocent, and above all, a great example and leader for kids to follow. When looking back on Godzilla's career we see his tragic misunderstanding, his rise to heroism, and finally the mark he left on all our hearts.

Page created on 12/1/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/6/2017 6:41:27 PM

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Related Links

The MY HERO Project - For the accompanying artwork to this essay - "The Misunderstood" - digital imagery by Ben.