
Wayne Gretzky

by Spencer from Vaughn, Ontario, Canada

Wayne Gretzky: New York Rangers
Wayne Gretzky: New York Rangers

Mon project est sur Wayne Gretzky. Il est un tres bon jouer de hockey. Il est tres interessant. Mon project est environ a la biographie. Une description de Wayne Gretzky. Aussi a les traits de caractere qu�il represent at une decriver d comment il les demontre dans sa vie.

Wayne Gretzky est ne le 26 Janvier 1961, a Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Il a jouer le dockey dans patinoire jardiniene avec il papa Walter Gretzky. A l�age il de Wayne Gretzky lever sourcil, par recevoir 517 points. A 17 il a recevoir une mednille bronze aux le World Junior Championnat. Il a commence sa carriere NHL professont en 1979-1980. Il a recevoir plusieurs de trophies ( Art Ross-10, Hart Memorial-9, Stanley Cup-4) Il est stup�fier.

Je a choisi cette person ne parce-que il ( Wayne Gretzky) est aussi a bien murir joueur de hockey! Parce-que je aimer vraiment re hockey et il (Wayne Gretzky) m�a pousse a le jouer. Il a aussi commence jouer gagner il est 17.

Il etait un jouer de hockey etonnant et je�ai besoin de jouer exctement comme lui. Il maontonant est a carrosse de le Pheonix Coyotes, je voudrais etre combine! Je voudrais aimer etre a jouer de hockey!

Les trait de character ce person (Wayne Gretzky) de montre est la perseverance et courage. C'est parce que quand il a une mauvaise saison, n'obtenant pas un grand nombre de points, il peut avoir une saison vraiment bonne l'ann�e prochaine. En outre quand sa m�re l'est mort probablement retraite d'ha dans le dos de son esprit. Mais, il ne l'a pas retir� a fait une meilleure �quipe!

En conclusion je coudrai dire que Wayne Gretzky est mon hero. Dans mes yeux je le vois en tant que grand joueur de hockey. Il m'a inspir� de plusieurs mani�res, comme certains de mes mouvements ! J'aimerais le rencontrer et apprendre de lui, de sorte que j'aie pu �tre juste comme bon ou am�liorer que lui.

Il a gagne la recompense du joueur la plus valuable du LNH trios fois et quatre fois a mene lesEdmonton Oilers u championnats de ligue. Gretzky a mene les Oilers a quatre premiers championnats en 1984 et 1985. Wayne Gretzky est mon h�ros!

My project is about Wayne Gretzky. He is a very good hockey player. He is very interesting. My project includes a biography, a description of Wayne Gretzky and has the character traits that he has demonstrated in his life.

Wayne Gretzky was born Jan. 26, 1961, in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. He learned to play hockey with his father Walter Gretzky. At about 10, Wayne Gretzky was scoring 517 points. At 17, he received a bronze medal at the World Junior Championships. He began his NHL career in the 1979-1980 season. He won many trophies: ten Art Ross trophies, nine Hart Memorials and four Stanley Cups. He won the most valuable player in the NHL three times. It was amazing.

I chose this person because Wayne Gretzky is also a mature hockey player. I really love hockey and he inspires me to play. He also began playing at 17. It is inspiring to watch him play. He makes me want to play like him. Today, he is a coach of the Phoenix Coyotes. I would like to do both. I would love to be playing hockey!

The character traits that Wayne Gretzky portrays is perseverance and courage. Because when he has a bad season and he's not getting a lot of points, he can have a really good season next year. In addition, when his mother died I thought he would probably retire. This was probably not in the back of his mind. But he has not withdrawn, he has made a better team!

I would say that Wayne Gretzky is my hero. In my mind I see him as a great hockey player. He has influenced me in many ways, particularly in some of my movements! I would like to meet him and learn from him so that I could be just as good or better than him.

Wayne Gretzky is my hero!

Page created on 1/11/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/11/2008 12:00:00 AM

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