Learning Circles

My mom
Vasilciuc Gabriela from from Flore?ti , , The Republic of Moldova, The Republic of Moldova - - 5/19/2024 8:23:49 AM
My hero is: Mother.

My hero… I would like to tell you about my hero, who is my mother. With her help I can fulfill my wishes and goals. Thanks to her, I became what I am now. She always encouraged me no matter what situation happens. She is understanding and strong. She always understands me and is there for me when I need her. She always guides me on the right path and will never wish me any harm. She treats me like a princess and fulfills my every wish. In my eyes she is the most perfect. Every time she surprises me with amazing and very beautiful gifts. Mother for me is a word full of love. Many would like a mother like mine, but she is only mine. Sometimes I'm ready to give up, but she guides me to keep going. I love my mother very much and I am grateful to her for everything she does for me.

Bill Gates
Calin Sulima from from Flore?ti Town, , Flore?ti, The Republic of Moldova- - 5/8/2024 7:45:50 AM
My hero is: Bill Gates.

Someone I admire is Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft. I admire him because he pursued a career in IT, despite the fact that his parents wanted him to be a lawyer. He started programming at 13 in BASIC, a really old language. Since at that time computers were rare, he had to pay to get computer time, so he and 3 of his friends tried to get free computer time by exploiting bugs so they all got banned from using the company’s computers again. To make use of his time and make money, the 4 students made a programming club that was offering its services to schools to get computer time, then a teacher observed their talent and offered them to work for the school. Till 1975 when they founded Microsoft, Gates got into different business with his friends and enrolled at Harvard in the autumn of 1973 for his extraordinary results on an SAT test (Scholastic aptitude test) he also met Steve Ballmer who became one of the founders of Microsoft and the CEO of the company from 2000 till 2014, succeeding Gates. He made a pancake sorting algorithm as a solution to an unsolved problem which held the record as the fastest version for 30 years. In 1974 Gates worked for Honeywell, then in 1975 he finally dropped out of Harvard and saw the opportunity to start his own company with Paul Allen. During the existence of Microsoft, they created the most popular operating system (Windows) and the well-known office tools such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, and the emailing service Outlook/Hotmail. He is my idol since he used his knowledge to make life easier for everyone and used his money for philanthropic causes and the fact that he built everything brick by brick by himself, with no help from his parents.

My father
Zagorodniuc Alexandru from from Floresti town, , Floresti, The Republic of Moldova- - 5/7/2024 12:40:50 PM
My hero is: Father.

My hero is my dad. He is 37 years old. I consider him, my hero. I like his humor. He teaches me more interesting things. Also, when we are together we spend a beautiful time. He is a driver. Usually, when he goes to work, he takes me with him. He says that when I will grow, he will teach me to drive a car. We are very united. When I have a problem he helps me find the correct solutions. In youth, he played the piano and drums. At the moment, I study at musical school and he helps me a lot. He explains me the things that I don’t understand. Before an exam, he listens to me and shows me my mistakes. He always supports me, he tells me that everything will be fine. We watch together football matches.We have a favourite football club. We have our favourite food. It is ‘’Radauteana soup’’. I consider him, my hero because not everyone can make this. I want to be like him

My grandma
Me ??
Vlad from from Flore?ti , , Flore?ti , Moldova - - 5/7/2024 8:54:35 AM
My hero is: My grandma .

My granma is my mother of my mom. She has short curly gray hair. She isn't too tall and not slim . She has a calm but funny personality.

My dad.
Damian Vatavu from from Flore?ti, , The Republic of Moldova, Moldova- - 5/7/2024 8:51:59 AM
My hero is: My dad..

My hero is my father because he helps my family to have a better future. My father is someone respectable, interesting and funny. He guides us, my brother and myself to the correct path in life. My dad can make different things like: from a bird house to a ladder and more others. He is the head of the family, so no one dares to make him feel bad. He works at a simple job but for others it is hard. When I grow up I want to be just like him as he is, was and will be my hero forever!

Stratu Iulian from from Floresti, , The Republic of Moldova, Moldova- - 5/7/2024 8:50:36 AM
My hero is: Lewis Hamilton.

Lewis Hamilton is a British racing driver competing in Formula One, he currently drives for Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team, he has a total of seven championship titles and holds the records for most number of wins , pole positions and podium finishes. He was born on 7 January , 1985 in Stevenage ,Hertfordshire.

my mom
and me
Scutaru Valeria from from Flore?ti, , Flore?ti, Republic of Moldova- - 5/7/2024 8:49:21 AM
My hero is: My mom.

"Self-confidence is the essence of heroism," My true hero is my mother. Mother, this magical and beautiful word with enchanted power, represents the most beloved and beloved being on earth. If someone told me to describe my mother, I would say that:,, My mother is a gentle and beautiful woman. Her hair is long and straight, and her eyes are like two diamonds full of warmth, gentleness, and wisdom. No rose can surpass it in beauty and no snowdrop in delicacy. Her hands are soft hands. Her melodious voice pierces my heart and fills it with joy and happiness, and her gaze is soft and bright. Her soul is full of kindness and understanding. I could say that my mother is an angel sent from heaven to help me overcome the difficulties of life, being by my side when I need support. I promise her that when I become an adult personality, and she will grow old, I will repay her for everything she has done and is doing for me. I will love her, I will listen to her, I will always respect her and I wish her good health, happiness, peace of mind, peace, long life, and everything there is better in the world!

?ura Lauren?iu from from Flore?ti, , the Republic of Moldova, Flore?ti town, the Republic of Moldova- - 5/7/2024 8:45:53 AM
My hero is: My mom.

My hero is my mother. She is the best hero in the world. She helps me with homework and difficult things that I can’t understand. Her main superpower is that she can help me with everything in the world. She is very generous, beautiful, and helpful. I love her very much because she is my mother and she always helps me. She is the best in the world. She is not very strong or very fast, and she does not see or hear very well but one main power she has is to always help me. She is not the best heroine of all, but for me, she is the best. And she is still the best in the family and helpful. I like that she is my mother and she educated me, and taught me to be kind and patient. I am proud that she is my mother and I love her with all my heart and she is my heroine.

Pascaru Sofia from from Flore?ti , , The Republic of Moldova , Moldova - - 5/7/2024 8:44:16 AM
My hero is: My mother .

My mother is a very strong woman who taught me many things about life. She is an extraordinary person in my life. My mom has brown eyes and black hair. She always finds something to work on. She loves flowers and takes care of them. She is intelligent, humorous, cool, and very beautiful for her years. My mom cooks healthy dishes, and very tasty ones, It doesn't happen that we eat the same food for several days in a row. She is an example of strength and perseverance, overcoming any obstacle in her path to make sure we are happy and safe. With patience and understanding, she always listens to me and tries to help me with what she can and guides me in life. We love her very much. I am proud to have such a mother. She is the most important person for me and my siblings.

Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi
Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi
Marina from from Kyiv, , Kyiv, Ukraine - - 4/30/2024 8:04:44 AM
My hero is: Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi.

The 1648 uprising, organised by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, played a crucial role in gaining independence for Ukraine. This uprising led to the creation of an independent Cossack state and established the foundations of Ukrainian statehood. He raised Ukrainian lands for the liberation war against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1648-1657. He stated that his goal was to liberate the entire Ukrainian people from Polish captivity and unite Ukrainian lands into an independent state. That's why he's my hero. He did a lot for Ukraine.

Hamza from from Mateur, , Bizerte , Tunisia - - 4/29/2024 4:58:55 AM
My hero is: Didier Drogba .

Didier Drogba, the Ivorian lion, is my hero because he did many charitable works, such as building schools and hospitals in Cote l voire

Maryem from from Marteur, Tunisia- - 4/28/2024 12:14:56 PM
My hero is: Lady Diana. Diana spencer known as lady Diana born july 1 1961 in Sandringham and died August 31 1997 in Paris ,is a British aristocrat member of the British royal family

20 "betrayals" and "victories" of Oleksandr Usyk
Do not create an idol for yourself
Oleksandr from from Kyiv, , Desnyanskiy District, Ukraine- - 4/28/2024 9:50:47 AM
My hero is: Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Usyk. He is a Ukrainian professional boxer.

Omar ibn khattab
Karm Allah wajheh
Maram from from Mateur , , Bizerte, Tunisia - - 4/27/2024 11:57:01 AM
My hero is: Omar ibn khattab .

Omar ibn khattab karam Allah wajheh was known for his justice and fairness to people whether they were Muslims or non-Muslims. He was gentle-hearted and strong, and he revealed revelations that agreed with his thoughts. He did not hesitate to make a sacrifice for the sake of God and defend the Messenger of God. He was also known for his courage and the strength of his faith.

Tasnim from from Mateur, , Bizerte , Tunisia - - 4/27/2024 8:51:40 AM
My hero is: BTS ??. They are the most famous band in the world and they performed volunteer work that supported women. I remember that at the beginning of their career they repaired an old man’s house even though they did not have a lot of money.

Mariem from from Mateur , , Bizerte , Tunisia- - 4/27/2024 8:38:11 AM
My hero is: BTS. My hero is BTS. Perhaps my choice be strange to some people,but I chose them as a successful team. They overcome all the obstacles that faced them together. They also instilled hope in my heart and in the hearts of the other people. Besides they had previously succeeded in helping a girl get out of her depression after she was suffering from cancer..

Hamza bouhajja from from Mateur, , Bizerte , Tunisa- - 4/26/2024 11:04:40 AM
My hero is: Didier Drogba . My hero is Didier Drogba. One of his most important works in Cote d'Ivoire is that he opened many schools in his country. He also stopped a civil war indirectly. What is meant is that at the African Cup, the crowd stopped to watch it and say goodbye.

Tomas from from Chicago, , Illinois, United States - - 4/23/2024 12:18:07 PM
My hero is: Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccitini.

Messi is the best futball player of all time and a true hero because other than playing soccer he also helps out charities and groups that are beneficial. He donates money to charity groups and talks to the children sometimes as motivation making him a true hero to look up to.

Adali from from Chicago, , Illinois, United States - - 4/23/2024 11:45:07 AM
My hero is: My mom .

My mom teaches me by example, motivates me to never give up, and is always very supportive. She teaches me to be empathetic and supportive. She is my hero.

Mastoora Sediqi from from Chicago, , Illinois, United States- - 4/23/2024 11:40:58 AM
My hero is: my mother .

My mom is a brave woman who never gave up and stood up for herself and her children. When we faced a horrible situation, she tried to make us feel alright even though she was not okay as well. She played the role of a mother and a father when we were in need of it. She never made us feel like we've lost our dear and loved one person. My mom is the go-to person when I'm sad and she calms me down with her words and makes me feel alright. I love her so much!

Yoselin Lopez from from chicago , , illinois, United States - - 4/23/2024 11:37:47 AM
My hero is: My mom.

I chose my mother as my hero because she works day in and day out to give me and my brother a good education. She is a great woman, wife, mother, friend, partner, sister, daughter, and many other things. I chose her because she teaches me the values of life and how to face life's problems.

Betzy Flores Tapia from from Chicago, , Illinois, United States- - 4/23/2024 11:36:52 AM
My hero is: My doctor . admirable

Chelsea Ramirez from from Chicago, , Illinois, United States- - 4/23/2024 11:36:09 AM
My hero is: My parents.

My heroes are very special because they are unique, helpful, persistent, considerate and they always try to help others. They are my parents.

yasamin from from Chicago, , IL, United States- - 4/23/2024 11:35:24 AM
My hero is: my family .

I choose my family as my hero because they inspire me in good ways and good things.

sofia from from chicago, , illinois, united states' of america- - 4/22/2024 12:20:02 PM
My hero is: nay .

My hero saves me and helps me every time I feel sad

Anastasia from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 3:20:34 AM
My hero is: Theo Rose.

Theo Rose is a Romanian singer who helps children with cancer. She supports and encourages them and visits when she can.

Arina from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 3:17:51 AM
My hero is: My mother. My mom is an educator and she educates children. I love her for that too. She is loving,caring, and the list is endless. She is all for me.

Alexandru Tugulea from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 3:13:56 AM
My hero is: Cristiano Ronaldo. I admire Cristiano for his excellent skills in football, for his suuport given to those who live in poor conditions.He is the best footballer.

Vincenzia from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 3:05:56 AM
My hero is: My mother. My mom guides me in everything i do, she is amazing and her beauty reflects in all her actions.

Madalina from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 3:01:15 AM
My hero is: My mother. My mother is my best friend, we try to spend as much time as possible together. We are inseparable and i love her a lot.She is my everything.

Madalina from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 1:45:10 AM
My hero is: My mother. My mother is my best friend, we try to spend as much time as possible together. We are inseparable and i love her a lot.She is my everything.

Adelina Rabovil from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 1:37:01 AM
My hero is: My mother. My mother is the best person on the planet, she raised me , she still does it, her power is limitless, she is the best!!!!

Dumitrita from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 1:33:45 AM
My hero is: My mother. My mother is my hero because she's the best mom in the world, she supports me, encourages me and loves me enourmously.

Andrea from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 1:30:13 AM
My hero is: My grandfather.

My grandfather plays with me when I am sad and encourages me to realize my dreams.

Rogovschi Antonie from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 12:46:29 AM
My hero is: Harriet Tubman . Harriet Tubman fought for her community and helped people to gain equality in front of white people.

Lupu Elisei from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 12:42:36 AM
My hero is: Lupu Elisei.

My father is my hero because he is a good example for me, he supports me and helps me whenever I need.

Alexandru Prepelita from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 12:38:06 AM
My hero is: Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano is my hero because he donated more than 5 million dollars to the people from his native village.

Onoicu Matei from from Ungheni City, , Ungheni, Republica Moldova- - 4/3/2024 12:30:52 AM
My hero is: Amelia Earhart.

Amelia Earhart is my hero because she was courageous and stubborn.

My family is fighting with the trash can
Kite from from Taichiung, , Taichiung, Taiwan- - 5/31/2023 6:19:38 AM
My hero is: My Family. Because there are to much trash in the world,so we need to pick them up but only if you want to let the trash disappear,you only need to not use too many plastic bottle or bags.Every time when we go to buy drinks,we always use our own bottle.

My hero is my mon
Always helps me&love me.
Ray yu from from Taichung, , Nantun, Taiwan- - 5/31/2023 6:04:28 AM
My hero is: My hero is my mon. My mom is my hero,she helps me to clean my room.Thanks my mon always be with me.And make me strong.

jay chou from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/29/2023 11:16:31 PM
My hero is: My hero is my GramPa and my Gramma..

My hero is my GramPa and my Gramma. Because they are farmers. I love you Gramma and Grampa

jay chou from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/29/2023 10:44:15 PM
My hero is: My hero is my Grampa and my Gramma..

I love you Gramma and Grampa.  Because they are farmers 

My family is my hero
My family
Nora from from Taichung, , Nantun, Taiwan- - 5/23/2023 9:19:48 AM
My hero is: My family. I have a loving family that makes me feel secure. I love my family and my family loves me!

My family is my hero
My family
Nora from from Taichung, , Nantun, Taiwan- - 5/23/2023 9:17:53 AM
My hero is: My family.

I have a loving family that makes me feel secure. I love my family and my family loves me!

Mom and Dad are my HERO
Mom and Dad
Chen, Yu An (Ian) from - - 5/23/2023 5:38:58 AM
My hero is: My Mom & Dad. Mom and Dad help me do many things and teach me many things.

Super hero family!
Dad & Mom
YIGU, Lin from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/23/2023 5:26:32 AM
My hero is: All my families are my heroes.. Dad and Mom protect the family.

My mom is shero
Lydia from from Taiwan , - - 5/23/2023 3:13:03 AM
My hero is: Mom. My mother will protect and take care of me, I love my mother

JAX SHEN from - - 5/22/2023 9:12:14 PM
My hero is: My DAD. MY DAD is my HERO!! I like it!!

JAX SHEN from - - 5/22/2023 8:42:03 PM
My hero is: My DAD. MY DAD is my HERO !! I like it!!

My dad is my hero
Yang,chun-hao from from Taichung, , Nantun, Taiwan- - 5/22/2023 5:05:49 AM
My hero is: Dad.

Dad will protect us, will accompany me to exercise, accompany me to ride a bicycle, I like being with Dad.

Julius Xinglang from - - 5/20/2023 1:05:41 AM
My hero is: Mom. Mom is the best and my hero

Xinglang from from Taichung, , Taiwan , ROC- - 5/20/2023 1:03:54 AM
My hero is: mom. She’s a super woman cause she is the best mom and is able achieve almost anything ~~~!

My family is my HERO
Uma from from Taichung, , No. 303, Huamei St., West Dist, Taiwan - - 5/19/2023 8:46:25 PM
My hero is: My family .

My family helps me do many things and teach me to be a good kid.

My hero
Annie from from Taichung City, Taiwan - - 5/19/2023 8:06:12 PM
My hero is: My father. My hero plays with me everyday. He never complains he is tired or the games are boring. He helps me whenever I need help. He is my father.

My hero is my mom
Grade 1
Lin yi tung from from Taichung, - - 5/18/2023 11:53:15 PM
My hero is: My mother.

My mother takes good care of me every day, helping me prepare breakfast, picks me up from class, and help me take a bath. I love my mother the most!

Super Daddy
Super Daddy
Elisa Lee from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/18/2023 7:21:32 AM
My hero is: My daddy. My daddy is my hero. He always protects, takes care and play with us.

My Family is my heros.
I love my heros.
Sunny from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/17/2023 9:13:55 PM
My hero is: My Family. My family is my heros. They can do anything.

My hero
Lainey from from Taichung , Taiwan- - 5/17/2023 8:08:55 AM
My hero is: My parents and cleaning crew . My heroes are my parents and the cleaning crew.Because my parents work very hard and take care of me every day. The cleaning staff cleaned every place very clean, making the world free of rubbish.

My Super Hero Daddy
Super Daddy
Elisa from from Taichung , Taiwan- - 5/17/2023 7:39:07 AM
My hero is: My daddy. My daddy always protects and takes care us.

My hero is my mom
Lin yi tung from from Taich, Taiwan- - 5/16/2023 5:15:43 AM
My hero is: Mom.

My mom is very powerful.

Superman is my hero
Andrew Lin from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/16/2023 4:22:10 AM
My hero is: Superman. Superman is my hero, he is very strong and he can fly. He likes to help other people.

My family are my heroes.
draw by Abby.
Yang, Shu-Yun from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/16/2023 4:17:11 AM
My hero is: My dad is my hero.. My dad is my hero, because he is smart and strong. He take care of me everyday. I love my dad very much!

My family
Life lessons
Chaya from from Taichung , Taiwan- - 5/16/2023 3:50:59 AM
My hero is: My family .

Thanks to my family to look out for me. Gives me food, gives me clothes, gives me a bed and gives me all over the world love! I love my family!

Arabella from - - 3/24/2023 8:49:11 AM
My hero is: Family, and policemen.

Policemen are very, very good because they keep us from people who are doing the wrong thing.

Arabella from - - 3/24/2023 8:48:59 AM
My hero is: Family, and policemen. Policemen are very, very good because they keep us from people who are doing the wrong thing.

My hero-grandmother
Racu Raisa
Iana from from Flore?ti , , Flore?ti , Moldova- - 5/20/2022 12:14:52 AM
My hero is: My hero .

My hero was born on a spring day, a warm, beautiful, green day, a day desired by many people, in a month of March on 27 With a small height, with gentle eyes, with a warm smile, she always greets me at her, whether it is sunny, rainy or frosty, this hero is my grandmother, Raisa. In her turn, she is a simple woman, without an important role for the state, but a big role for me. I grew up with her, I grow up with her and I will grow. She is the person who replaced my mother who was abroad all my childhood, even in adolescence. At the same time, I got less attention from her, than from my grandmother. I am now 17 years old and I live with my grandmother because I feel better with her than with my mother or rather, my house is where she is. She gave me all the best, she gave up on it, just to feel good, she gave me a good education and a strong and emotional character. Learned, in another locality, far from home, my grandmother calls me every day and asks me about my condition. And when I come home, she greets me with her favorite food or something she just made. I care more about her than any other family member. No one is ideal, everyone has something that bothers someone else, but I think my grandmother is that ideal that grows every day, that's why I love her My hero - my grandmother.

My mom.
Victoria Leanca.
Constanta Grosu from from Floresti, , Moldova, Republic of Moldova- - 5/20/2022 12:12:44 AM
My hero is: My Hero is my mother..

My mother has always been my hero. She always tried to make my childhood magic. She is the most important person in my life. A woman full of courage, beauty and wisdom. I don’t idolize her life, because my mother has gone through many bad barriers, that made her a super strong woman. She supported me in every way I have chosen in my life. She supported me when I wanted to learn how to play the piano, how to play the violin, how to paint and how to do a lot of other activities. I have never stopped learning from her, because she is so smart, strong, hardworking and friendly. My mother is my best friend. I can discuss everything with her, because I know that she will listen to me and will judge me. Also, I have a lot of things in common with my mother: the eyes, the hair, the skin, the nose, the high, the creativity, the love for books, the love for writing poems, and a lot of other things. For me, she is a blessing from God. My mother is a teacher of Russian, Romanian and French Languages and a Physical Education teacher for her students, and a teacher of life for me. She is a superhero. Yes, she can’t fly, teleport or lift hundred of tons. She can just be everything for me. A hero without superpowers, but with a super heart. Also, she is a hero with great powers in kitchen. She can cook the food very fast and deliciously without a magic wand. She has magic powers in medicine, too. When I am sick, she can transform me into a healthy person with just a big hug. She takes care how I spend my time. She wants that I sleep well, eat well, drink well and do all my homeworks well. She wants me to be the best version of myself. She wants me to be a hero, too. Without my mother, my life is nothing. She always tried to save me from a sad life without a father, because they divorced when I was a little girl. My mother is a person like no other on this planet exists. She is not just my mom, she is my super HERO.

My Hero - Jane Eyre
Valeria Grigor from from Floresti, , Moldova , Republic of Moldova- - 5/19/2022 11:57:21 PM
My hero is: My Hero is Jane Eyre.

I have chosen Jane Eyre, the main character of the book with the same name by Charlotte Brontë, because she is such an incredible, powerful woman. Finally, I’ll talk about this character who inspired me so much by her personality and the way she acts, talks, and how strong and feminist she is. Jane wasn’t really pretty, she wasn’t reachable, but she had a beautiful soul. She wasn’t born either rich or under the luckiest star, but she found the strength to get through all the troubles. She made such good decisions. She taught me how important it is to trust myself, whether I am alone or surrounded by family or friends. She lived in a cruel world, her cousin and aunt behaved very harshly towards her. She is my hero because she taught me to overcome obstacles and to love myself the way I am. She also motivates me to never give up, no matter what happens. Jane reminds me that I can get over my past no matter how bad it was. Her relatives made her childhood miserable, they always teased her and reminded her that she is an orphan and nobody loved her. Due to Eyre I have decided what my destiny will be. I can do whatever I want because I live and it’s my life and should live it as I want to live. Loving and respecting yourself is the key to life, these are two essential things that ensure your independence. Jane Eyre motivates me to be optimistic and think positively. As we grow older we start to understand that there can be something good in any bad thing, it made me realize that life is good and I should learn to be happy and independent. To sum, up I would like to say that Jane Eyre is my motivation, she taught me to love and believe in myself, and she reminded me that I am stronger than I think and I should be proud of myself and never give up. I love this character!

Sweeper's our hero
Romisa manafi
F.L.Flower from from Tehran, , Tehran, Iran- - 4/28/2022 12:10:18 AM
My hero is: Sweeper.

Our city is our home and we must keep our home clean. Because if our city is clean, it will have positive effects on everyone's life. To keep the city clean, we must first follow the tips, one of the easiest of which is not to dump garbage on the ground. In the next step, we have to identify the people who will help us keep our city clean, who are the sweepers. Maple sweepers are very hardworking and working day and night to keep the city clean. Unfortunately, sweepers do not get paid much and do not have a good financial situation. Also, in society, although their existence is obligatory and life-giving, they do not have a good social status and they all see them through the eyes of dirty people with low status in society. But everyone should know that one of the most important roles is played by sweepers. The presence of sweepers makes the city clean, which has consequences, to name a few. When the city is clean, the health of the community improves. Because if the city is dirty, insects, mice and other vermin will attack the city and cause diseases such as malaria or plague. Another benefit of keeping the city clean is maintaining the environment. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. The next thing is the mood of the citizens. Are you more comfortable in a dirty and smelly house or a clean and tidy house? Therefore, the cleanliness of the city also affects the mood of the citizens. Finally, we can mention the attraction of tourists and international companies. The cleaner and more beautiful our city is, the more people are attracted to it and willing to visit it, which has an impact on the economy. And if international companies like the city, and invest in the city, it will create a job market and employ unemployed people. So we can say that sweepers play a very big role in our lives without knowing it, and they are kind of our heroes, and we should appreciate them more and examine their problems and solve them as much as possible.

My hero
My hero
Chang Yi Ying from from Taichung, , Nantun, Taiwan- - 4/19/2022 6:46:38 PM
My hero is: Traffic Volunteer.

My hero always wakes up before every student, and takes her warning flag to stand by us when traffic lights are on.

Anissa Ben Abdallah Ayari from from Ben Arous, , Megrine, Tunisie- - 4/7/2022 9:11:23 PM
My hero is: My heroes are my parents. They've spent their lives working hard to make all the people around them happy embracing a respectful and prosperous life while putting themselves at the second line. Their happiness and well-being have always been forgotten while striving for the others' happiness.

Anissa Ben Abdallah Ayari from from Ben Arous, , Megrine, Tunisie- - 4/7/2022 9:10:35 PM
My hero is: My heroes are my parents.

They've spent their lives working hard to make all the people around them happy embracing a respectful and prosperous life while putting themselves at the second line. Their happiness and well-being have always been forgotten while striving for the others' happiness.

Shahram Shahrokhi from Iran
photo shoot by Shahdokht Shahrokhi
Shahdokht from from Tehran, , Tehran, Iran- - 4/7/2022 1:23:55 AM
My hero is: My dad.

My father is a role model of a kind and moral man. He endured many hardships in his life so that his family and children could live in perfect health, security, and prosperity. He is the only love and support of my life. He is even stronger than the mountain.

Fatima Tahir from from Jubail , , Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia- - 1/2/2022 9:41:56 PM
My hero is: Allama Iqbal .

Allama Iqbal did so much for Pakistan. He helped Quaid-E-Azam in the formation of Pakistan. He also wrote poems. Some of them  are Asraar-e-Khudi, Rumooz-e-Bekhudi and Bang-e-Dara. He had four children: Javed Iqbal, Miraj Begum, Aftab Iqbal, and Muneera Bano. He was born on November 9, 1877 and died on April 21, 1938.

My real hero
Very good
Anum Amin Mohammad from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 12/28/2021 5:58:40 AM
My hero is: Quied- e - Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

My hero is Quied- e - Azam because he make our country Pakistan that's why he is called founder of Pakistan and he is also known as father of Pakistan. He suffered through many wars to making our country and he created our country at 14 August 1987.He gives message of Islam to people and her sister also supported him to make create Pakistan. His sister name was Fatima Jinnah. In Karachi Pakistan there is one mazar that is known as mazar -e- quied. Quied- e - Azam born on 25 December 1876 in a house known as wazir mantion and it is Located in Karachi. He suffered through many problems to create our country Pakistan. That's why he is my real hero and I prefer him as my hero.

Ayesha Tahir from from Jubail, , Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia- - 12/22/2021 9:03:31 PM
My hero is: Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). His full name is Muhammad IBN Abdullah(PBUH) He born in Makkah & died in Medina When he was 25 years old he married Hazrat Khadija. The prophet had 11 wives He had 7 children. Qasim , Zainab , Abdullah , Ruqayya , Umm Kalthom, Fatima , and Ibrahim??? ???? When he was 40 years old he became a Prophet ,so he could call people to Islam Prophet Ibrahim had two sons Ismail and Ishaq many of prophets came from Prophet Ishaq's family ,but Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) came from the family of Prophet Ismail. prophet Muhammad was the last prophet for Humans. The prophet has 99 names. I love my hero. I love prophet Muhammad (PBUH)]

Ayesha Tahir from from Jubail, , Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia- - 12/21/2021 11:01:43 PM
My hero is: Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). His full name is Muhammad IBN Abdullah(PBUH) He born in Makkah & died in Medina When he was 25 years old he married Hazrat Khadija. The prophet had 11 wives He had 7 children. Qasim , Zainab , Abdullah , Ruqayya , Umm Kalthom, Fatima , and Ibrahim??? ???? When he was 40 years old he became a Prophet ,so he could call people to Islam Prophet Ibrahim had two sons Ismail and Ishaq many of prophets came from Prophet Ishaq's family ,but Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) came from the family of Prophet Ismail. prophet Muhammad was the last prophet for Humans. The prophet has 99 names. I love my hero. I love prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Ayesha Tahir from from Jubail, , Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia- - 12/20/2021 9:34:17 AM
My hero is: Muhammad. His full name is Muhammad IBN Abdullah When he was 25 he married Hazrat Khadija. The prophet had 11 wives He had 7 children. Qasim , Zainab , Abdullah , Ruqayya , Umm Kalthom, Fatima , and Ibrahim When he was 40 years old he became a Prophet ,so he could call people to Islam Prophet Ibrahim had two sons Ismail and Ishaq many of prophets came from Prophet Ishaq's family ,but Prophet Muhammad came from the family of Prophet Ismail. prophet Muhammad was the last prophet for Humans. The prophet has 99 names. I love my hero. I love prophet Muhammad

kayde azam
he save us
aiza fatima from from Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/20/2021 2:41:39 AM
My hero is: kayde azam . Kayde azam is the founder of Pakistan we was born at December 25, 1876 his full name is mahomedali jinnahbia he is the leader of pakistan Jinnah served as the leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until the inception of Pakistan on 14 August 1947.

The power of Imam Ali
Artist Hassan
HABIBA ALHERZ from from JUBAIL, , Eastern Region, Saudi Arabia- - 12/19/2021 2:16:32 PM
My hero is: Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib KarramAllah Wajhah. Imam Ali Karram Allah Wajhah is the one who was known for faith, knowledge, courage, justice, equality and honesty. He is the one who said: “People are of two types, either your brother in religion or your equal in creation.” which were presented at the entrance to the United Nations.

Dr. Shiekh Muszaphar
Khaireena Aliyah from from Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/16/2021 8:39:22 AM
My hero is: Dr Shiekh Muszaphar Shukor. Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar, who was the first Malaysian to go onto space. He launched to the International Space Station aboard Soyuz TMA-11 with the Expedition 16 crew on 10 October 2007. He flew under an agreement with Russia through the Angkasawan program, and returned to Earth on 21 October 2007, aboard Soyuz TMA-10 with the Expedition 15 crew members, Fyodor Yurchikhin and Oleg Kotov. Sheikh Muszaphar was born on 27/7/1972 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He earned a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree from Kasturba Medical College, an affiliated college of Manipal University, in Manipal, India. He is an orthopedic surgeon at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Sheikh Muszaphar is an Astronaut, and an Orthopedic Surgeon too. He was selected at the beginning of 2006 for the Malaysian  Angkasawan spaceflight program. He hoped to be able to take various live cell cultures to study during his flight. This makes him very inspirational to me. Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar also has a wife, Dr. Halina Mohd Yunos. He has 6 kids with 2 couples of twins. 3 daughters and 3 sons

Allu Arjun
Devina Jade from from Jubail, , eastern, Saudi Arabia- - 12/15/2021 2:53:25 AM
My hero is: Allu Arjun.

My hero is Allu Arjun. Allu Arjun is a famous Indian film star. Allu Arjun is a Indian actor who mostly act’s in Tollywood films and in Telugu cinema’s. He is known for his dancing abilities. He also won 5 Film fare award’s. I love his acting. he act's very confidently. And I love Allu Arjun’s every single film. Allu Arjun is also popularly known as Bunny. He was born on April 8, 1983, in Chennai, India. His father Allu Aravind is a famous producer.

Jose Rizal
by andrea
andrea forbes from from Jubail, , Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/15/2021 2:50:31 AM
My hero is: Jose Rizal. Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines. He was the one who led the Filipinos to start a revolution against the Spanish Government to achieve independence and gain control of the country. He is famous for his way of fighting the Spanish Government through writing by exposing the inhumane manipulation of the Spanish Government in the Philippines. He chose to have a silent war and not a bloody war because he thinks it is the only way to achieve freedom

Lana Batman from from Jubail, , Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia- - 12/15/2021 2:49:28 AM
My hero is: Muhammed (PBUH). Muhammad ibn Abdullah was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of the world religion of Islam. According to Islamic doctrine, he was the prophet of Islam to whom God gave the Quran. Born: Makkah al-Mukarramah Died: June 8, 632 AD, Medina Full name: Abu al-Qasim Mu?ammad ibn ?Abd Allah ibn ?Abd al-Mu??alib ibn Hashim

Maryam.Mohamed from from Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/15/2021 2:42:57 AM
My hero is: Mommy and daddy. I Love you h

My parents
Yara Eligail from from Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/14/2021 7:41:54 AM
My hero is: My parents. My parents are my heroes because they are the people that help me in my life.My dad works hard to bring us money that we live on.While,my mom stays at home with us.My parent are very caring and special to me.

I love my mom :3
Varnika Lakshman from from Al Jubail , , jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/12/2021 11:13:08 PM
My hero is: My mom ! .

My mom is my hero, A hero should be selfless, caring, and thoughtful. She is the one who sacrificed a lot for me and my younger brother. She helped me a lot to make me a better person. She taught me lots of life lessons which honestly really helped me. She has saved me from making bad decisions in life which I would later regret. She did a lot of stuff to make me a smart and a good human being. She's a hardworking and brave mom because she never gave up when she crossed through the toughest situations. She always tells me without self-discipline, success is impossible. So I try my best to be a disciplined girl.

halima aden
Hannatu Tijjani Ahmed from from Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/12/2021 4:33:24 AM
My hero is: Halima Aden.

Halima Aden is the world, first hijabi model and she got to present the Muslims. She has proven that no matter what you look like, you can still follow your dreams and achieve them no matter what your religion and race are.

Humna Amir from from Jubail, , Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia- - 12/9/2021 7:19:19 AM
My hero is: Quaid E Azam. My hero is Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was born in Karachi on 25th December 1876. He was the founder of Pakistan. He received his higher education from England. He was a lawyer by Profession. He worked day and night to get a separate homeland for Muslims of IndoPak. His slogan was Unity-Faith and Discipline. He urged the young generation to get an education. He gave us a great Muslim country named Pakistan. He died on September 11th, 1948, and was buried in Karachi. He was a great leader.

Amelia Earhart, 1897-1939
Samantha Puda from from Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/9/2021 3:52:46 AM
My hero is: Amelia Earhart. On the 18th of June, 1928, Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic Ocean solo. She made history on that day, for she was the first woman to ever fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Amelia Earhart was an aviation pilot, a field which was dominated by men during her times. She had surpassed all the stereotypes that were present, and had exceeded all the cultural expectations. She had achieved her dreams, no matter what anyone had said, and though I do not desire to become an aviation pilot in my future, Amelia has inspired me to just go for all the dreams I want to achieve, no matter what anyone says. She once said, "The most effective way to do it, is to do it.", and I think that, that is a piece of advice all of us need from time to time.

the best person
Aljazie Alatwah from from Jubail, , Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia- - 12/9/2021 12:15:52 AM
My hero is: My grandma. my grandma is my hero because she visited us all the time, even by herself, and I learned a lot of things from her such as manners, praying, learning, and much more I really appreciate everything she does for me, and one day I will pay it back.

Manaal from from jubail, , jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/8/2021 10:33:52 PM
My hero is: My dad is my hero. My dad is hard working,honest,caring,loving, and most importantly the best dad i could ask for

Darshini Udayakumar from from Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/8/2021 9:40:22 AM
My hero is: My Hero is my family. My Parents are my Hero, they helped in my hard times and made me evolve to be strong and brave, whenever I fell they help to get up to my feet. Therefore, My family is my Hero. Lastly, they are the best family in the whole world and they will always be my Hero.

Me and my parents
me and my parents
Rokaia Hammad from from Al jubail, Saudi Arabia- - 12/8/2021 9:26:30 AM
My hero is: Me and my parents. Well if I asked who is your hero what will you tell me? some of you will answer ( spiderman, batman and other stuff), but for me, I will pick myself why??? Because I am the leader of myself I am the one who leads myself inside me there is a sound that tells me what is wrong and what is right also if the devil tricked me my parents are around, and they will tell me what's wrong and they are my second heroes. They make me feel that I am safe and, they will tell me the right way.

Sunny from from Kaohsiung, Taiwan- - 12/7/2021 11:59:32 PM
My hero is: My mom. Every time I feel depressed, there’s always a person that brings me away from the negative emotion— My mom. Whenever I face the obstacles, she always give me constructive suggestions which really encourage me and give me power. She is such a person I can’t live without, hope one day I can be a smart, kind, admirable just as she!

Tiffany from Taiwan- - 12/7/2021 11:57:29 PM
My hero is: Romain Rolland. My hero is him because he once said a quote that influenced my life a lot. “There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.” I had a lot of expectations for how the world is and yet turned out disappointed. But this quote reminded me that no matter how the world is, there is always something for us to feel and be touched.

My hero
You are hero in my heart
Jack from - - 12/7/2021 11:54:50 PM
My hero is: G.E.M.. Her music has accompanied with me for a long time. When I was in low tide, it encourages me a lot. She lets me like to sing a song ,and makes me like to listen Chinese song. Also, her show or video can let me be joyous. She is my hero.

Roy from from Kaoshiung, Taiwan- - 12/7/2021 11:50:01 PM
My hero is: No Party For Cao Dong. This is a alternative rock band in Taiwan. It started in 2012 year. And its instruments includes two guitars,one bass and a drum. I fell in love with them immediately when I listened to their song in first. Their songs always inspire my spirit and make me feel satisfied. You should try to listen to their songs and you'll love it.

Patty from - - 12/7/2021 11:48:47 PM
My hero is: My parents . My parents are my heroes , they teach me a lot of skills and useful strategies. They also spend a lot of time taking care of me since I was born.I can’t imagine how much they have bring for me until now.

Ghen from - - 12/7/2021 11:45:18 PM
My hero is: MY MOTHER.

My mom dedicate herself making dinner, doing houseworks, taking care of all the family members for her whole life.

June from from Kaohsiung, Taiwan- - 12/7/2021 11:38:17 PM
My hero is: My grandmother. Grandmother took care of me for three years. She is no doubt the most important person in my life. Both of my parents had to work with no time to take care of infants. Since they did not have any trust in babysitters, they asked my grandma to take care of me. Luckily, she agreed. Although she could have enjoyed her retirement life much better without the bother of an annoying toddler, she readily complied with all her heart. I grew up in Heng-chuan, a little town at the southern tip of Taiwan and it has the freshest air and the most beautiful scenery of the island. Grandma took me around town to visit her friends, singing songs all day long. I was her best audience and always gave her the biggest hand after her performance. With that experience, I have been able to make friends easily, an important personality cultivated under her care. Grandma seldom complained about the hardship of looking after me, even though I had been under the weather quite often. Moreover, she has taught me to tell right from wrong and never to lie to others. Though she doesn’t have much formal education, she certainly is an honest and passionate person. Grandma is handicapped, but her optimistic view toward life has inspired me more than any others. Grandma could only work as a hard laborer and earned meager income. Still, she tried her best to give her children decent education and they all have good jobs. She surely has a bigger heart and stronger will than most of us. I miss the wonderful childhood in the lovely little town. Her story will live on, admired by generations to come. She has shown everyone the way toward life: if you make every effort, you will succeed. She is always the hero in my heart.

Abdul Sattar Edhi
Edhi foundtion
Aleena Muhammad Alam from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 11/29/2021 5:47:31 AM
My hero is: Abdul Sattar Edhi.

My hero is Abdul Sattar Edhi. He was a Pakistani humanitarian, philanthropist and ascetic who founded the Edhi Foundation, which runs the world's largest volunteer ambulance network, along with various homeless shelters, animal shelters, and rehabilitation centers, It runs the world's largest volunteer ambulance service. Abdul Sattar Edhi is an angel of mercy. He ran a foundation that helped orphans, the elderly, the abused, and disabled. He was loved in Pakistan because he offered help to anyone without judgment. Abdul Sattar Edhi once said "My religion is humanitarianism which is the basis of every religion." Abdul Sattar Edhi is my hero.

I don't need any hero because I have my brother.
Tamima Shakeel Ahmed from from Karachi , , Sindh , Pakistan- - 11/28/2021 3:07:03 AM
My hero is: My hero is my brother .

My brother's name is Maaz. He is like a best friend to me . Whenever I am sad, he makes me happy. I really enjoy it when I am around him. He's my inspiration because he manages his time really good, he always keeps his focus on his goals and he takes care of everyone. He is my support system. He keeps encouraging me. He made me learn how to play football, cricket, and how to ride a cycle. He is the one who made my childhood full of paints (colourful). When no one was there with me he was. My brother is the best person I know.

My hero/sister/eeman
Azal Aijaz Ali Khowaja from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 11/27/2021 9:16:48 AM
My hero is: My hero is my sister (EEMAN).

My hero is my sister. She is a really supportive elder sister. Her humble nature really influenced me to be like her and the one thing that impresses me every time is she will always reach out a person she will see in the trouble. She is a independent girl. She is always there when i need her, she helps me with some of my problems. She is the one to whom if I will go in midnight with any of my problems, she will tell me the best solution to my problems. She always shares everything with me and trusts me with her secrets. I wish her a happy and healthy life.

One of the most hightest-paid actor
Devesh from from karachi, , MA jinnah road, karachi, pakistan- - 11/27/2021 6:33:51 AM
My hero is: Tom cruise. Tom Cruise, my hero. He is my hero, because I love his acting and he overcame many difficulties to become one of the best actors in the world

Eshal Amin Aziz from from Karachi, , Pakistan/Sindh/Karachi, Pakistan- - 11/26/2021 6:33:39 AM
My hero is: Quaid-e-Azam.

My hero is Quaid-e-Azam. He is the founder of Pakistan, without him Pakistan wouldn't be able to get freedom. He was a barrister and politician. Also he passed Lahore revolution, demanding separate nation for British Indian Muslims. Indians were very cruel with Pakistan and Indian state injustice with Pakistan so Quaid-e-Azam thought that Pakistan is our nation we should fight for it and Allama Iqbal and Liaquat Ali Khan helped him and they finally succeeded in that. He is the greatest national leader of Pakistan. First, he was known as baba-e-qaum means father of Nation. His motto was unity, faith, and discipline. He advised lots of students, one of his advice was that "without education it is complete darkness and with education it is light." He is my hero for many more reasons and also this introduction and praise is very less for him. He was a charity worker also, and helped a lot of people, he donated needed supplies to needy peoples and help poor background students with free education. He was a courageous and curious person. He established a cultural national home.

Ali furqan from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 11/26/2021 1:23:19 AM
My hero is: My mom.

For me, my mom is the best in the world, she's reliable, friendly, and a lot more.

Sherdha from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 11/26/2021 12:41:20 AM
My hero is: Mom. She is my hero, because she is the one who supports me everytime I am broken, she is the one who advices me the best when I need, she is always there for me.

Your are a hero
Thank you !
Jimmy from - - 11/25/2021 6:34:53 AM
My hero is: Chen Shih-chung.

Chen Shih-Chung is a hero in my mind. During this pandemic, he led us to protect ourselves from the virus. Because of his help, I can go to school as usual.

My Grandparents
Image by Ifrah Karim
Ifrah Karim from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 11/25/2021 1:05:17 AM
My hero is: My grandparents are my heroes!.

My heroes are my grandparents. They are so sweet and kind to not only me but to everybody they meet. They always take care of me and my sister. They help me make right decisions. My childhood was always spent with them. They raised my mother so well and I am proud of them for that. They guide me to the right way and stop me from making bad decisions that I would regret later. They are my heroes.

My real hero
Very good
Anum Amin Mohammad from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 11/24/2021 10:57:31 AM
My hero is: Quied- e - Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

My hero is Quied- e - Azam because he made our country Pakistan and that's why he is called founder of Pakistan and he is also known as father of Pakistan. He suffered through many wars to making our country and he created our country on 14 August 1987. He gives a message of Islam to people. His sister also supported him to create Pakistan. His sister's name was Fatima Jinnah. In Karachi, Pakistan there is one mazar that is known as mazar -e- quied. Quied- e - Azam born on 25 December 1876 in a house known as Wazir Mantion and it is located in Karachi. He suffered through many problems to create our country Pakistan. That's why he is my real hero and I prefer him as my hero.

Nena from from Kauohsiung, Taiwan- - 11/23/2021 10:15:56 PM
My hero is: Tate McRae.

Tate McRae's songs always heal me when I am down. Her voice is special and beautiful. When I am really upset or stressed, I will listen to her songs.

Sandra from Taiwan- - 11/23/2021 9:22:38 AM
My hero is: my mom.

I consider my mother is my hero, because she gave birth to me and has took care of me until now. She taught me many things that I didin't know, and always cares about my feelings which made me feel so relax and comfortable to be with her. Moreover, she dealed with everythings in our home. Despite the fact that she is tired and uncomfortable, she still prepared the meals in time and cleaned the house on her own. I admire her ability of completing tasks, and done it so well, she is my hero on the world!

Chiriac Nina from from Chi?inau , , Chi?inau , Republic of Moldova - - 11/22/2021 9:20:33 AM
My hero is: I'm my Hero .

My hero in this life, I can say that I am. Why? Because I am the best person in my life, I can change my world, my mind, my body, my knowledge every day and I don't need an internet hero to be the best version of me every day. When I was younger, my hero was my mother and sister, these people created my personality and what I am today, that's why I'm so grateful. I believe that the hero does not need a cloak or superpowers to define himself as a HERO, because the little things you do every day for change do more than do nothing and only save the world once. I prefer to save my ideas and powers and then save other minds.

Catalina from from Chisinau, Republic of Moldova- - 11/22/2021 5:21:12 AM
My hero is: I am the hero.

Who is my hero? hmm... If this is someone else's org address, say something like (Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Thor, Hulk....) And yet on second thought, I think my hero is myself. Someone would think I was arrogant or joking. But no! It's not a joke and cheeky place. I'm the one who helped me get through the hardships, the problems, I'm the one who supported me when I put my hand down, and I lost hope. but... maybe I'll be a hero to my friends and family. I think so, I am a little heroine, ready to jump to the aid of friends, family, and those who ask for it from me.

Schimbator Nicoleta from from Chisinau, , Moldova, Anenii Noi- - 11/22/2021 12:43:47 AM
My hero is: My hero is my mother.

My idol is my mom. She helps me every time I have a problem I can't solve. She brightens my mornings and evenings. My mother is the star that accompanies me in the dark end on every road.

Cumatrenco Nicoleta from from Chi?inau, , Region ?tefan-Voda, village Volintiri, Moldova- - 11/22/2021 12:32:13 AM
My hero is: My parents.

My heroes are my parents because they gave me life and other precious things in the world. Life is the beautiful gift that they gave to me. Growing up, my parents were my heroes, in the way they conducted their lives.

Daniela Iaconi from from Chi?inau, Republic of Moldova- - 11/21/2021 11:43:24 PM
My hero is: Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga.

Maybe a lot of people will wonder why Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, well, first of all, they do what they love in life. Second of all, they are not shy to show who they are and both women went to some enormous challenges: haters, sexual violence, everyone telling them they're not good, every time they rose stronger like a '90s trend and put all of that trauma, emotions in their work. They showed me I shouldn't be afraid to express myself, that if I put my mind on something and work hard it will happen and that every obstacle is meant to make us stronger.

Gherta Ionela from from Chi?inau, , Cantemir , Sadîc, - - 11/21/2021 11:12:22 PM
My hero is: My mom.

The only hero in my life is my mother. Because she gave me life, raised me, educated me, taught me. She always asks me if I'm okay, how I feel, how my day went ... even if she feels really bad she worries, of course. Any mother does the same but for me she is the best hero.

Hutuleac Alina from from Chisinau, , Moldova, - - 11/21/2021 11:02:24 PM
My hero is: Yourself .

I don’t think I have a specific hero I’m fascinated by, but one of them is “Mama”. But now it’s not about her, over time the visions change and the only hero remains YOURSELF. Only you will be the person who will get out of any danger and go through hard times.

My real hero
Very good
Anum Amin Mohammad from from Karachi, , Sindh, Pakistan- - 11/20/2021 5:38:32 AM
My hero is: Quied- e - Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

My hero is Quied- e - Azam because he made our country Pakistan, that's why he is called the founder of Pakistan and he is also known as the father of Pakistan. He suffered through many wars to make our country and he created our country on 14 August 1987. He gives a message of Islam to people and her sister also supported him to make create Pakistan. His sister's name was Fatima Jinnah. In Karachi Pakistan, there is one Mazar that is known as Mazar -e- Quied. Quied- e - Azam was born on 25 December 1876 in a house known as Wazir Mantion and it is located in Karachi. He suffered through many problems to create our country Pakistan. That's why he is my real hero and I prefer him as my hero.

Naila Fahim from from KARACHI, , SINDH, Pakistan- - 11/18/2021 9:04:05 AM
My hero is: My mother .

She is the one

My Father
Muhammad Zayan Amir from from Karachi, , Sindh / Asia, Pakistan- - 11/17/2021 6:31:51 AM
My hero is: My Father.

My hero is my father. He supports me a lot and helps me deal with difficult problems. Provides all my needs and takes care of me. he is the best hero in the world .

My parents as well as my Hero
Falak Noroz
Falak Noroz from from Karachi, , Sindhi/Southern, Pakistan- - 11/17/2021 2:25:44 AM
My hero is: My hero are my Parents..

A hero is someone who helps people, saves people lives, and risks their lives for someone else's life. A hero can also be someone brave, cares for someone, loves someone. Like this my hero are my parents, because they would do anything to help me, or risk their lives for me or one of my other sisters. My parents has helped me with problems, with homework, and other things. My parents helped me growing up, telling me from right to wrong, teaching me things that I don’t know, helping me when I got hurt, and teaching me how to live life. My mom is a nice person, she loved her family very much. My dad was the type of person who would work at a young age. My parents are really important to me because they are the ones who helped me with problems, taught me things that I don’t know and things about life, taught me things that I shouldn’t do and things that I should do in life. These are the reasons that I choose them as my hero, and they will always be with me.

The best hero
Thank you??
Emma from - - 6/15/2021 8:06:28 AM
My hero is: Chen Shih-chung . Chen Shih-chung is the best hero. He often tells us about covid-19 news.

Thank you, Dad.
I love you.
Eunice from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/20/2021 8:19:44 PM
My hero is: Dad.

My Dad is my hero.

Thank You, Heroes.
I love you.
Cooper from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/20/2021 8:17:18 PM
My hero is: Parents. Thank you, Mom and Dad. I love you.

Thank you, Mom.
My Mom is my hero.
Eddy from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/20/2021 8:13:27 PM
My hero is: Mom. She protects me, cooks delicious dishes, and drives me to many places.

Thank You Katherine
Ivy Chen from from Taichung City, Taiwan- - 5/10/2021 7:40:47 AM
My hero is: Katherine. In 2006, five-year-old Catherine saw a PBS TV documentary revealing that after malaria killed a child every thirty seconds in Africa, she developed a strong sympathy for the fate of African children. She raised it with the power of an ordinary person. The donation of more than 60,000 US dollars saved nearly 20,000 small lives from the claws of malaria

My Hero
My Mom is my hero.
Vian from Taiwan- - 5/5/2021 5:32:58 PM
My hero is: Mom.

My Mom is my hero because she always protects us from hurt. She takes care of us. She takes me to school and cooks healthy food for us. I love her so much and she is my hero.

My mom is my hero.
My mom is my hero.
Ryan Lo from Taiwan - - 5/5/2021 6:54:40 AM
My hero is: My mom is my hero..

Hello everyone, I think my mother is my hero because she takes care of me without paying the price and always cares about me, so I think my mother is my hero.

Tin from from Taichang city, Taiwan- - 5/5/2021 6:15:04 AM
My hero is: Chen Shih-chung.

Chen Shih-chung during the severe and special infectious pneumonia epidemic, served as the minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare concurrently as the Central Committee of the Republic of China Commander of the Epidemic Command center.

??? from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/5/2021 4:34:21 AM
My hero is: doctor.

Thank you doctor for your contribution

The best hero
Thank you!!!
Emma from - - 5/4/2021 8:04:50 AM
My hero is: Chen Shih-chung.

Chen Shih-chung is the best hero. He often tells us about covid-19 news.

I love my hero.
I love my mom.
Bonnie from from Taichung , Taiwan - - 5/4/2021 6:43:03 AM
My hero is: Mom.

I love you so much. My mom is my hero I love you.

??? from from Taichung, Taiwan- - 5/4/2021 4:59:36 AM
My hero is: doctor.

Thank you doctors for your contribution.

My Hero
Thank you, my hero.
Hugo from Taiwan- - 4/25/2021 10:01:33 PM
My hero is: Doctors.

You keep me safe from virus.

Thank You, Heros
Thank you, doctors and nurses.
Elena from Taiwan- - 4/25/2021 9:59:10 PM
My hero is: Doctors and nurses.

My Dad is a doctor. Thanks Dad for your hero work.

My Hero
Thank you, my parents.
Katie from Taiwan- - 4/25/2021 9:54:39 PM
My hero is: Dad and Mom.

They work hard everyday to make money. My Mom cooks for me everyday. Thank you. I love you.

Mackenzie Ruping from from Oviedo, , Florida, United States- - 4/23/2021 12:08:59 PM
My hero is: Orio Joseph Palmer. My hero is Orio Joseph Palmer. Palmer was a Battalion Chief for the New York City Fire Department. He was one of the many heroes who died saving other's lives in the 911 terrorist attack. Palmer led the team of firefighters that reached the 78th floor of the South Tower. Sadly he ended up losing his life saving others. He has great respect and honor for what he did, and so do the other firefighters.

Abigail Charisse Fitch from from Oviedo, , Florida, United States- - 4/23/2021 12:06:36 PM
My hero is: My softball coach Jason Rasmussen. Some one may ask you, what is a hero? In my opinion a hero is someone who you look up to, someone who you would do anything to meet….well I've already met mine. If someone were to ask me who my hero is, I would say my softball coach, Jason Rasmussen. I look up to him and I am glad that he is a big part of my life. I enjoy being a part of his team and spending a good amount of my time working with him. Many things he does inspire me he treats my team and helps my team get better makes me feel..well good I like how he always gives us all of his energy in and out of practice. The thing is, my coach….he lost his son about 2 weeks ago and it has been very hard for him to do anything...He missed a practice a few weeks ago and my coach NEVER misses practice, the day of that practice had been exactly four days since he had lost his son. Then, the next practice came around and...he came. I didn’t think that he was going to come and I wasn't expecting him to come but he did. He said something unexpected..he said he was sorry. You are probably thinking the same thing that I was, I thought, “you have nothing to be sorry for, you just lost your son, your 23 year-old son…”He said “I apologize because I made a commitment..a commitment to this team to come to practice.” This made me tear up a bit but you know’s true he did make a commitment to the team and this apology made me feel very good because you know what, he doesn’t have to come to practice, he’s not getting paid, it’s his choice if he wants to come or not, but he committed to it..he committed to my team and he loves us all, so he followed through with that commitment because he is an amazing coach. My coach Jason Rasmussen is like a father figure to me...he treats me like a daughter and I think of him as a second dad. Some may think that’s weird but it’s true. If I needed to go to someone for something I would go to him. He is also absolutely hilarious, he makes the funniest jokes and he does the funniest things that only me and my best friend (his daughter) would be able to understand. For example there was this one time when I was spending the night at my friend’s house, and the morning after I spent the night he was leaving the house to go do something, and he asked me and my friend to run around the house and bark like dogs. I know this sounds a bit strange but it’s true you can ask my friend. Sometimes at practice he can be really strict and mean, (my teammates understand that) but outside of practice he is like a completely different person. He acts like a kid but it is absolutely so funny. At times I may think to myself, “he doesn’t like me” or, “he’s definitely mad at me today,” but I still know that he loves me very very much. Sometimes at practice I may make a bad throw or not field the ball correctly and he would say “this is the type of stuff that makes me angry,” but this is how I know that he cares. He once told me “even though I may sound really angry with you I still care that’s why I am telling you these things to help you and to show how much I care, but just know once I stop saying something it means I’ve given up on you.” This quote inspired me just like he does. It inspires me because it tells me that I need to start working harder so that he doesn’t give up on me. I don’t think he ever will, but I hope he never does. I know that he loves me and my teammates greatly and I know that he will never stop loving us because all he wants for us is to get better, and that’s why he is pushing us so hard. All in all, my coach, Jason Rasmussen is my biggest hero. He is a big inspiration to me and he always will be. When I get to high school and college and I make it on the Varsity squad, I will make sure that I thank him for everything that he has done for me because I wouldn’t be as good as I am today without him pushing me to my limits and helping me throughout my softball career. Thank you, I will always think of you like a father and I will love you always and forever.

Addison Beckett from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 12:04:27 PM
My hero is: Martin Luther King Jr. He fought for the justice of those who didn't have it. He also fought for equality of all by being peaceful about it(Leading peaceful protests and peaceful assemblies).

Bayne Hickey from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 12:01:38 PM
My hero is: Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders is an organization made of a group of doctors, nurses, and others that travel around the world and help countries by giving them the medical attention that they need.

Jenna from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:59:28 AM
My hero is: Malala Yousafzai. Malala Yousafzai is from Pakistan. she was almost kill just for being teaching girls. she moved to the UK and started to give money in to education to the girls.

Nevaeh from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:58:07 AM
My hero is: Bryan Stevenson. He is very hard working, never gives up with what he believes. He is from a small town in Delaware. He is an African- America who shows much leadership.

Ava Bess from from Oviedo, , Florida, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:52:06 AM
My hero is: Nobody. Heroes. Almost every single year throughout Elementary School you are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and “Who is your hero?” But in Elementary School kids answer with, “I wanna be a princess,” or “I want to drive race cars when I grow up!” When they are asked who their heroes are, their answers are far different. We have always been motivated to say that our heroes are important people in history. People like Rosa Parks and Thomas Jefferson. Those are the kind of people that I would always pick. But that was in Elementary School, now I am in the seventh grade and I think differently. Hi, my name is Ava and I don’t have a hero. “Everyone has a hero, you just need to think about it further,” my teacher told me this exact sentence when I said that I have no hero. I countered it with “I have thought about it further and I want to be my own person.” He was fine with that. With that being said I do think that people should have role models, and if you have a hero more power to you. But, I just never have had a hero. I’d always say that it was my mom or my dad because I knew they wanted an answer, it was always a lie. I have no hero, and I am proud to say that.

Kaden from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:50:03 AM
My hero is: Bryan Stevenson. Bryan Stevenson is a lawyer who was born in Delaware in 1959. He is a civil rights activist who works to defend those who cannot properly defend themselves in court. He works on the first sustainable development goal, ending poverty, by helping those who are too poor for a good lawyer. One of his cases was turned into a movie, starring Micheal B. Jordan, and the movie is titled Just Mercy.

Isaac Martini from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:49:17 AM
My hero is: Elon Musk. Elon Musk is originally from South Africa but moved into the US to study physics. He joined the Tesla company in 2004, and in 2008, he became the CEO of Tesla. Tesla is now a very popular car brand among all people. They are completely dependent on electricity and not gas. This helps the environment by reducing carbon emissions.

Bailee Drake from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:47:10 AM
My hero is: Ana Dodson. Ana Dodson is from Peru and she was adopted. She has worked to end poverty and help the children in orphanages in Peru.

Keiana Murdock from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:45:45 AM
My hero is: Jacques Cousteau. Jacques Cousteau created the worldwide scuba system used all around the world today. He worked with marine life and did everything he could to make the oceans better. His kids carry on his legacy today.

Jerika Huston from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:44:25 AM
My hero is: Thomas Bashore. My hero is helping people everyday because he is a surgeon; he helps people by operating on their heart. He does everything he can to save lives everyday.

KARIZMA SETTY from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:42:58 AM
My hero is: Emma Watson. Emma Watson is a young actress that is from Paris, France who is currently fighting for gender equality and trying to educate woman and young girls that it's okay to be a feminist.

Conner Walters from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:42:21 AM
My hero is: Dean Kamen. Dean Kamen is an engineer who wants to make the world a better place by creating inventions that help people around the world. He also teaches young people about how they can help people through engineering.

Henry from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:41:27 AM
My hero is: Chico Mendes. Chico Mendes was a human rights activist and a fighter for the rain forests, his legacy exists today through organizations that help to preserve the Amazon.

Emily Gerard from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:40:04 AM
My hero is: Sarah Ramirez. Sarah Ramirez is someone who wants to help people eat correctly and be able to get food. She got her Ph.D from Stanford University and has helped people afford good food.

Valeria Cordero from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:38:51 AM
My hero is: My Mother. My mother went through so much as a child. People never appreciated her especially when she is always there for them, but I always appreciated her.

Izabella from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:37:44 AM
My hero is: My hero is my mom. My mom is my hero because she has done so much for goal #16. Her previous job was as a probation officer and case manager. She absolutely loved to help people and she is so good at it. No matter who it was she would always try and turn their life around for the better.

Oliver Mcdermott from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 11:36:18 AM
My hero is: Keanu Reeves .

Keanu Reeves work relates to two of the goals, first is the 3rd goal because he donates his earnings to help fight cancer and, the 13th because he is a role model to many celebrities because he leaves as little carbon foot print as possible.

Zoey Zurface from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:55:20 AM
My hero is: Lelia Janah. Leila Janah, a social entrepreneur who poured her energy into creating job opportunities for the world's poorest communities.

logan smith from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:53:49 AM
My hero is: Jayden Tackett.

Jayden Tackett is good at sports. He's very good at baseball, he is good at football too. I think that some people will get motivated win he is playing football, baseball. Because he is wanting to be a pro baseball player and he wants to be a pro football player too. Jayden Tackett is very good student to he gets A's and B's because he wants to be a pro baseball, football pro. I think he can get there becuase he is very good at both of the sports he will become a very good baseball, football player. He know's how to play basketball but he is not as good at basketball then baseball, football. He is also good at bowling to his first year he got a 300 game he wants to be a PBA pro bowler too.

Sophia Reyes from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:52:01 AM
My hero is: My Parents. I would say that my parents are my heroes because I look up to them. They didn't have much money at all and my dad had to travel to Puerto Rico on a boat from Dominican Republic. He had to leave his family to give back to them like they always did for him and I am really thankful.

Carmon Chitty from from Oviedo, , Florida, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:50:24 AM
My hero is: My parents.

Many people have been asked “Who is your hero?”. A lot of people have a hero. Maybe not on the top of their head but there's at least one person who has impacted or saved their own lives. A hero is someone who has made an impact or has changed your life for the good. My heroes are my parents. My mom and dad have done many things for me that have changed my life. They have provided me with guidance, motherly and fatherly love, and have always been there for me.

Payton Pitman from United States- - 4/23/2021 10:47:49 AM
My hero is: Virtue: Trust.

If my hero was a person, they would need a load trust from me. I'd rather have a trustworthy hero then a hero. Wouldn't you? Here's a real world example, the government is giving out vaccinations. Many people think of them as heroes, others may think of them as people they can't trust. The people that don't trust the government won't get vaccinated. This is what makes the spread continue. Safety is really controlled by trust. Without trust who knows what's safe. A hero is someone who creates a bond with the people, or things they are trying to help. Many people will risk others safety over the controversy of other subjects. I also think a hero is someone who would rise above that and have integrity.

Preston Zeigler from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:46:08 AM
My hero is: William Kamkwamba. William Kamkwamba had a hard childhood and he was forced to drop out of school when he was 14. He later wanted to help his family, and he successfully made an electric producing windmill out of spare parts and scraps. Now, he works towards getting sustainable energy to people around the world.

Sophie Luce from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:44:43 AM
My hero is: Emma Watson.

Emma Watson is a strong, independent, young, feminist. She is also an actress. She works very hard for what she believes in and even has her own campaign for Gender Equality (HeForShe).

JJ. Varner from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:43:08 AM
My hero is: Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson the writer of the declaration of Independence during the years of year of 1776, Thomas Jefferson joined in the fight against great Britain and signed the document that would change the world forever why he is my hero is because he was brave like the others who stood up to King George III.

Lilly from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:41:07 AM
My hero is: Emma Watson.

Emma Watson works on equality.She believes that everyone is equal and she is trying to still work on it. Emma Watson launched a "HeforShe" campaign.

Kelsey Spradlin from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:38:32 AM
My hero is: Emma Watson .

Emma Watson is a famous actress who focuses a lot on equality, and women's rights. Emma Watson was born on April 15th, 1990. She has started in beauty and and the beast the live action movie, and in all the Harry Potter movies. she has also released her HeforShe campaign. The HeforShe campaign is a campaign that is raising awareness for gender equality.

Kalle Bayless from from Wilmington, , Ohio, United States- - 4/23/2021 10:29:33 AM
My hero is: Emma Watson.

Emma Watson is my hero because she contributes in equality for women by working a lot with women rights.

Laura from from Saddle River, , New Jersey, United States- - 4/22/2021 11:28:45 AM
My hero is: Gloria Steinem.

Gloria Steinem ia a feminist who was the creator of Ms. Magazine in the 1970s and fought for women's rights.

Azriel Reeder from , Ohio, United States- - 4/20/2021 5:08:12 PM
My hero is: Sylvia Earle.

What is a hero? I think a hero is a person that helps others and inspires people. Sylvia Earle inspired me to want to become a Marine biologist. Sylvia Earle is an Oceanographer, Marine biologist, Aquanant and Botanist. Sustainable Development goals try to help the big issues on earth. There are 17 goals. Sylvia Earle helps with goal 14 which is Life Below Water. I want others to think about if she qualifies as a hero. Sylvia founded Mission Blue, which is an organization that protects the ocean from threats like climate change, pollution, habitat destruction, invasive species, and the dramatic decrease in ocean fish stocks. She was one of the first explorers to make use of modern self contained underwater breathing apparatus. When she was a part of NOAA she discovered many new species of marine life. Between 1990 and 1992 Earle was the chief scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the first woman to serve in that position. In 1998 she became the National Geographic Society’s first female explorer in residence. Throughout her career she published over 100 scientific papers. She is known for her research on marine algae and her books and documentaries designed to raise awareness of threats that overfishing and pollution pose to the world’s ocean. She holds the world record for the deepest untethered dive.

My Hero
Thank you, Mom.
Sydney from Taiwan- - 4/20/2021 1:33:00 AM
My hero is: Mom. My mom is my hero because she is pretty and smart. She takes care of me everyday. I love her so much.

My Hero
Thank you.
Ben from Taiwan- - 4/20/2021 1:23:07 AM
My hero is: Doctors and nurses. Dear doctors and nurses, Thank you for long hours working to protecting people during this pandemic.

My Dad
My dad is my hero.
Ray from Taiwan- - 4/20/2021 1:19:18 AM
My hero is: Dad. Dad makes money to support us. My Dad is my hero because he always protects our safety.

Kylee Roberts from from Oviedo, , Florida, United States- - 4/19/2021 6:27:40 AM
My hero is: Michelle Obama. A lot of people think a hero is someone who saves the day, rescues people from villains, or flies with a cape on their back. To me a hero is someone who does what they do to help people not for the money or the fame. My hero is Michelle Obama.

Carmon Chitty from from Oviedo, , Florida, United States- - 4/16/2021 2:10:04 PM
My hero is: My parents. Many people have been asked “Who is your hero?”. A lot of people have a hero. Maybe not on the top of their head but there's at least one person who has impacted or saved their own lives. A hero is someone who has made an impact or has changed your life for the good. My heroes are my parents. My mom and dad have done many things for me that have changed my life.

Erin Gruwell - founder of The Freedom Writers
original artwork by Kairi Hutchinson
Kairi Hutchinson from , Ohio, United States- - 4/16/2021 12:17:43 PM
My hero is: Erin Gruwell.

Erin Gruwell founded the Freedom Writers Group to help students that have been in bad situations like being involved in alcohol or drugs. The organization helps students express themselves through writing.

Brooklynn Hoggatt from from Wilmington, , OH, United States- - 4/16/2021 6:05:45 AM
My hero is: Malala Yousafzai.

Malala Yousafzai is 23, and is currently living in England and raising awareness about the Taliban controlling Pakistan. Malala is speaking out and working to have gender equality and quality education in Pakistan. At age 14, Malala was on her way home from school in her small town in Pakistan when she got on her bus, the Taliban shot her three times. She was shot twice in the neck and once in the head. This all happened just because she was a girl who wanted an education. She now is an activist for quality education girls in Pakistan. She since has written 4 books.

Abigail Charisse Fitch from from Oviedo, , Floridaa, U.S.A- - 4/15/2021 2:03:14 PM
My hero is: My softball coach Jason Rasmussen. Some one may ask you, what is a hero? In my opinion a hero is someone who you look up to, someone who you would do anything to meet….well i’ve already met mine. If someone were to ask me who my hero is, I would say my softball coach, Jason Rasmussen. I look up to him and I am glad that he is a big part of my life. I enjoy being a part of his team and spending a good amount of my time working with him. Many things he does inspire me he treats my team and helps my team get better makes me feel..well good I like how he always gives us all of his energy in and out of practice. The thing is, my coach….he lost his son about 2 weeks ago and it has been very hard for him to do anything...He missed a practice a few weeks ago and my coach NEVER misses practice, the day of that practice had been exactly four days since he had lost his son. Then, the next practice came around and...he came. I didn’t think that he was going to come and I wasn't expecting him to come but he did. He said something unexpected..he said he was sorry. You are probably thinking the same thing that I was, I thought, “you have nothing to be sorry for, you just lost your son, your 23 year-old son…”He said “I apologize because I made a commitment..a commitment to this team to come to practice.” This made me tear up a bit but you know’s true he did make a commitment to the team and this apology made me feel very good because you know what, he doesn’t have to come to practice, he’s not getting paid, it’s his choice if he wants to come or not, but he committed to it..he committed to my team and he loves us all, so he followed through with that commitment because he is an amazing coach. My coach Jason Rasmussen is like a father figure to me...he treats me like a daughter and I think of him as a second dad. Some may think that’s weird but it’s true. If I needed to go to someone for something I would go to him. He is also absolutely hilarious, he makes the funniest jokes and he does the funniest things that only me and my best friend (his daughter) would be able to understand. For example there was this one time when I was spending the night at my friend’s house, and the morning after I spent the night he was leaving the house to go do something, and he asked me and my friend to run around the house and bark like dogs. I know this sounds a bit strange but it’s true you can ask my friend. Sometimes at practice he can be really strict and mean, (my teammates understand that) but outside of practice he is like a completely different person. He acts like a kid but it is absolutely so funny. At times I may think to myself, “he doesn’t like me” or, “he’s definitely mad at me today,” but I still know that he loves me very very much. Sometimes at practice I may make a bad throw or not field the ball correctly and he would say “this is the type of stuff that makes me angry,” but this is how I know that he cares. He once told me “even though I may sound really angry with you I still care that’s why I am telling you these things to help you and to show how much I care, but just know once I stop saying something it means I’ve given up on you.” This quote inspired me just like he does. It inspires me because it tells me that I need to start working harder so that he doesn’t give up on me. I don’t think he ever will, but I hope he never does. I know that he loves me and my teammates greatly and I know that he will never stop loving us because all he wants for us is to get better, and that’s why he is pushing us so hard. All in all, my coach, Jason Rasmussen is my biggest hero. He is a big inspiration to me and he always will be. When I get to high school and college and I make it on the Varsity squad, I will make sure that I thank him for everything that he has done for me because I wouldn’t be as good as I am today without him pushing me to my limits and helping me throughout my softball career. Thank you, I will always think of you like a father and I will love you always and forever.

Scarlett from , Florida, United states of America- - 4/14/2021 8:27:53 AM
My hero is: My Grandma.

What is a Hero? To some people, a hero is someone who solves crimes, fights bad guys, and has some sort of power. In other words, a super hero. Although super heroes are fun and great to watch on TV and to read about, the real heroes are the ones behind the scenes. A hero is a leader, a superior role model, someone who doesn’t do good deeds solely for the money, maybe an overachiever, and the list goes on.

Elle from - - 4/14/2021 8:25:06 AM
My hero is: mama. Everyone has a hero in their life, someone that they look up to, someone who gives them hope. Today i am going to tell you about my hero, and hopefully she could inspire you, even in the slightest bit. My hero is my mom for many reasons.

Abbie Floyd from , Florida, United States- - 4/14/2021 8:11:33 AM
My hero is: My Mom.

A hero is someone that inspires you and changes things for the better. My biggest hero would most likely be my mom. She cares about me more than anyone else, and she would do anything in the world for me. A lot of people take their moms for granted. The truth is that they do so much for us. There are so many reasons that I am grateful and thankful for my mom. One reason that my mom is my hero is because she will always be there for me. She does little things for me throughout the day that make me happy, and I should probably help her out more often. When I’m having a bad day, I know I can talk to her without being judged or interrupted. She will just sit there and listen until I’m ready for her to talk. She is a really amazing mom. Another reason my mom is my hero is that she does things for me. She will clean my room when I am at school, or she will make me cookies as a surprise, so that when I get home, I can eat them. She makes us cookies and brownies a lot, and she is really good at making them. The last reason my mom is my hero is because she takes me places when I need to go somewhere. She takes me to my friends’ houses when we want to hang out, and when my friends come over, she takes us to the beach or somewhere fun. As you can see, my mom is a really amazing person, and I am so grateful and thankful to have her as my mom.

Nykila from USA- - 4/14/2021 8:01:59 AM
My hero is: Dad. My hero is my dad because he motivates me and is always there for me.

Caitlynn from from Oviedo, , Florida, United States of America- - 4/12/2021 12:20:10 PM
My hero is: grandmother.

Who even is my hero? A hero could be anyone. It could be someone walking down the street that you happen to pass by. It could even be a celebrity, it’s not like people know what goes on behind closed doors. To me, being a hero means helping someone with everything you have. Whether you're rich or poor, or you’re from complete opposites of the world, being a hero means giving. And sometimes, giving does not come easy.

Brianna Owenss from from Oviedo , , Florida , USA- - 4/12/2021 11:36:48 AM
My hero is: Kasey Parker.

People ask who's my hero? People ask what it takes to be a hero? A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. My hero is Kasey Parker. Kasey Parker is an amazing horseback riding trainer, she has won many grand champions at A rated competitions. She is an amazing hero because she builds you up and brings confidence to you.

Isabella Ferretti from from Oviedo , , FL, USA- - 4/12/2021 11:36:05 AM
My hero is: mom.

What does it take to be a hero? Many different things go into being a hero. Some heroes can be doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers, your mom or dad, or maybe even a famous singer. My hero is my mom because she provides me with so many things like shelter, food, and water. She gives so many other things that it would take hours to write them all on a plain sheet of paper.

Shalyni from from Oviedo, , Florida, USA- - 4/12/2021 11:34:08 AM
My hero is: Mom.

People ask everyday who is my hero? They ask. What does it take to become a hero? Everybody has a hero either your mom, your dad, a celebrity, your grandma etc. A hero is somebody that you look up to and they are the ones that strive for trophies in life. My hero is my mom. My mom is my hero because she came to America at a young age from Africa. She worked hard to keep her and her family healthy. She worked at a motel her father owned and she was very independent. She taught herself all the stuff she knows today.

Alaina David from from Ovideo, , Florida, America- - 4/12/2021 8:11:20 AM
My hero is: My Mom.

A hero is somebody you look up to and impacts your life. My hero is my mom. She helps me through the ups and downs of life. My mom is my hero for many different reasons. The reason she is my hero is simple. She helps me with homework, drives me to many different places, cooks me food, etc. She is also my hero because I plan to be just like her when I get older and have kids. These might not seem like hero things, but they help me everyday!

Alyssa Basilo from - - 4/9/2021 9:46:06 AM
My hero is: My brother.

Heroes can change every day. When someone asks you who your hero is, you might automatically think of family but sometimes you can’t think of someone. Well while I was thinking of a hero I kept going back to family, so I asked my grandma for help and she reminded me of some people I would choose. I chose my brother because it went from him helping me with going on the bus to school to him and I going on one of the scariest rides at Busch gardens. I know I said I wasn’t going to use family but after looking back at some memories I realized that someone I look up to is my brother. His name is Eric but we call him Mikey because he shares the name Eric with my dad.

Zach Running with Sheriffs Deputy's
Drake Besse from - - 4/9/2021 9:39:44 AM
My hero is: Zechariah Cartledge. Heroes are defined as people who do have courage to achieve something astonishing. Heroes are all around us. Lots of the time, even things like what Zechariah Cartledge did, running over 800 miles in support of injured first responders, can be considered a very heroic act. This grueling task really shows that Zechariah cares about his community. This is why I have chosen him as my hero.

Loren from from Orlando, , FL, USA- - 4/9/2021 9:39:13 AM
My hero is: Bethany Hamilton. My hero is a world famous surfer from Hawaii, named Bethany Hamilton. She was just making herself known for her incredible surfing, but became known world wide when she was attacked by a shark and subsequently lost her arm. She was only 13 years old! The best part about her journey is that she never gave up on her dream of surfing. She re-learned how to do everything with one arm, including surfing. She trained endlessly, adapted her boards, and had a faith that carried her through. She continues to compete in surf contests and even started a family. She is a philanthropist focusing her volunteer work on supporting shark attack victims, traumatic amputees, and inspiring everyday people with her story.

Brayden Cabello from - - 4/9/2021 9:36:09 AM
My hero is: Zechariah Cartledge. Heroes are defined as people who do have courage to achieve something astonishing. Heroes are all around us. Lots of the time, even things like what Zechariah Cartledge did, running over 800 miles in support of injured first responders, can be considered a very heroic act. This grueling task really shows that Zechariah cares about his community. This is why I have chosen him as my hero.

Jodi from - - 4/9/2021 9:33:10 AM
My hero is: My Mom. I have always known heroes to be fictional characters, but a real life hero is someone who matters to me. Someone who I believe sets a good example for me. Picking a hero can be hard to find with this criteria, but not impossible. For me, my hero is my mom. She is my hero because she is inspiring, a good role model, also she is hard working.

Lupascu Beatrisa from from Basararabeasca district, v. Abaclia, Moldova- - 4/8/2021 1:59:54 AM
My hero is: My real hero is doctors and teachers.

Because the doctors save millions of lives , and teachers teach us many things, we will need in the future. They need a lot of patience. I want it to be the same as before, without covid, to go to school and see the teachers face to face, and the doctors to rest. it's hard but we deserve a better future, and doctors and teachers will support us and help us overcome difficulties together. Together we overcome difficulties

Marius from from Basarabeasca district v. Abaclia, Moldova- - 4/8/2021 1:38:50 AM
My hero is: My hero is doctors.

The doctor is very important during this period because they saved many lives.They give their lives to save us.They deserve to be called heroes.

Ion Scobioala from from Basarabeasca district village Iordanovca, - - 4/8/2021 12:48:24 AM
My hero is: Cristiano Ronaldo.

My hero are Cristiano Ronaldo My favorite celebrity is Cristiano Ronaldo i think he is the best soccer player in the world. He was born on the date of 5 February 1985.He don't learn very well because he's passion was very important for him. He had a heart problem. .He didn't stop and showed everyone that you can do all you love. And now he is the legend of this game.

Ion Scobioala from from Basarabeasca district village Iordanovca, - - 4/8/2021 12:43:04 AM
My hero is: Teacher and Doctors.

My heroes are doctors and teachers

Curca Ionela from from Basarabeasca, , Abaclia, Moldova- - 4/6/2021 2:03:40 AM
My hero is: My hero is the doctor!.

Where can we find heroes? The heroes can be found in the daily things that have been revealed to us, from parents to teachers, from counselors to students, etc. This hero can appear as an unexpected angel even during a dark and rainy night. And good deeds can be found in our religious and historical traditions. These people who are famous as heroes have taken a stand against the state and the existing state of affairs, especially in terms of social or political issues. As one historian wrote, “No great man lives in vain without success or result. True heroes take us one step closer to fulfilling our human potential. Identifying, visualizing and communicating in a more pleasant and efficient way. Promoting heroes around the world means values that strengthen the global fabric. The village we live in would be a step towards a better future for all of us. What is a hero? True heroes strive to obtain the immortal trophies - rewards that last forever, such as love, peace and even an increase in a sense of accomplishment, knowledge that they have changed the world for the better. Real world heroes are the doctors who save every second, hour, minute, thousands of you who are endangered. We also find another hero in school, the teacher, he is also a hero only because he gives children more attention and enrichment of the brain.Sure let's not forget you firefighters, they risked their lives to save another man, they took people out of the fire when they could actually burn in. So remember: True heroes help us to aspire and live up to the values they embrace in our daily lives.

Mîta Mihaela from from Basarabeasca district, v. Abaclia, Moldova- - 4/6/2021 1:57:42 AM
My hero is: On earth are a lot of heros and one of my personal favourite heros are doctors.

My hero is every doctor in the world. They help people to live a long and healthy lives. Doctors don't need to be acknowledged, he or she is happy to save a anybody. In this pandemic they are our heroes and protectors. Being a part of the medical services is not that easy. They are confronting disease and other things that we can't even if we want. I want to say thank you to every doctor in this world for choosing to help us to be alive.

Suhin Ionela from from Basarabiasca , , Abaclia , Moldova - - 4/6/2021 1:56:29 AM
My hero is: In my opinion the best hero are doctors. .

A lot of people have a nice famous idols. It's good! But you know who are the best hero? Of course! The best hero (for me) are doctors! They save us in every day! Don't forget that in this period doctors are the only people who can save your life! Can you believe this? They are so strong and love you all so much! But can you love them too? Thank them if you if you can! They are a angels who save your life when you are in the danger!  Just.....just...just love them!!! Only they can change you and our planet!! Of course, you can say that you have other idol. This period made me to understand that doctors are the best hero!!! Love your doctors!!!