Who is your Hero?

Mary Greenler from from , , , - - 12/4/2015 7:50:07 AM
My hero is: Tia Marie Torees. Tia is a hero in my book because, like Mattie, she has unwavering loyalty to her goal in life, rescue and protect pit-bulls, she is the best person ever!

Becky from from , , , - - 7/12/2015 12:25:50 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie will never ever be forgotten

Jeanne Meyers from from Laguna Beach, , California, United States- - 4/10/2015 7:10:34 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Matties' poems have inspired people around the world. His journey of peace and hope has touched the hearts of leaders and old and young alike. He will live on in the hearts of all who knew him.

Kathy Flanagan from from Zilzie, , Queensland, Australia- - 11/26/2013 5:16:05 AM
My hero is: Mattie. To have so much insight at such a young age.

izzy kobelski from from tallahassee, , florida, lean- - 10/28/2013 6:29:22 AM
My hero is: mattie . Mattie is my hero he had that awful disease yet he pushed on with life

yolanda j. jones from from tampa , , florida, usa- - 5/29/2013 9:46:11 AM
My hero is: mattie stepenek. I never met mattie only read his verses. my name is Yolanda j jones in 1999 my son encouraged me to enter my poetry on poetry .com a contest sponsored by montel williams. proceeds went to ms survivors I'd spent many years writing poetry to my children family and friends journaling in a private diary. after my poetry captured so much attention I realized how my verses could save lives or give someone else encouragement. after a horrid crash I found myself brain injured an airbag crushed my skull. I felt inadequate thinking my disability would prevent my ever writing again. that's when I met mattie this frail young poet with desires beyond human understanding why it was universal touching me deep beyond my physical appearance I continued to submit poetry everyday inspite recovering from brain injury I wrote of my disability ptsd traumatic brain injury pain and suffering war and love soon my disability began to empower me that no matter the challenges we face everyday of our lives we have a voice self expression created so much healing why I remember my hero mattie an angel a cherub with so much to say

Nicole Maxwell from from Fort Peirce, , FL, USA- - 1/26/2013 6:45:12 AM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. Mattie is my hero cause he made a lot of accomplishments while he was alive more than most children ever make.

skull from from new york, , new york, united states- - 12/6/2012 10:05:51 AM
My hero is: mattie. i really just wanted to say im really glad what mattie did for everyone and it's just wonderful that this boy could be so smart and publish those books this is a very sad story i read about him. Thank you mattie for inspiring the world

Anne from from HUtchinson, , ks, usa- - 10/26/2012 3:49:26 PM
My hero is: Mattie. He is really cool. I wish I could meet him.

Jessica Lynn Hepner from from Marana, , Arizona, United States- - 7/8/2012 11:10:45 PM
My hero is: My Hero Is Mattie J. Stepanek. It has been 8 years now that Mattie has been gone, and what a loss for it all it has been. There has never been a braver, brilliant peace advocate, and incredible writer since and I don't believe there ever will be again. Mattie touched so many lives, with his positive attitude, and sincere heart. He just wanted all people to "Give Peace A Chance." I miss you Mattie, and I pray that someday I may get to actually meet you on the other side. RIP.

Betsy, Danny's mother from from Huntersville, , North Carolina, USA- - 12/31/2011 6:01:16 PM
My hero is: MATTIE. This angel is a beautiful little spirit that lives on in so many hearts~ My son, Danny, passed away on June 21, 2004 at the age of 25. I am so very blessed, as his mother, to be able to feel in my heart that little Mattie waited for my Danny so they could touch many lives, side by side, together with their "Superman" for all eternity~ My love and thanks to you for the opportunity to be able share in this hero project~

Yoran from from Oegstgeest, , , Netherlands- - 9/12/2011 1:55:19 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I saw Mattie today on the oprah winfrey show. As I watched I realized that he really was a special boy. Because of him I realized life is more than just a game, it is a gift and it serves a purpose. He just inspired me to life a better life. I will never forget this special little boy

DON ROSE from from ALFORD, , FL, JACKSON- - 9/6/2011 7:50:24 AM

Darcel Weiss from from Livermore, , CA, USA- - 9/2/2011 10:32:53 AM
My hero is: Mother Teresa any many more.... Christ, Our Lady, JPII, The Little Flower,and so many more....But most recently I have looked to Mother Teresa to teach me how to serve "The weakest of the Weak" I was inspired by your interview on Ray Arroyos World Over.

Lynn Cobourn from from Silver Spring, , Maryland, USA- - 8/28/2011 6:15:44 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek, and his mom Jeni!. I met Mattie and his mom a couple of times at Borders Books in Rockville, Maryland during book signing events. I have never met such awesome and couragous people in my life. Both suffering from depleting illness, but both having more strength than anyone I have ever met! I have a picture of Mattie in my home, posted on a heart made for him for his funeral, surrounded by flowers sent to him from Oprah and Jerry Lewis. I am reminded of him daily. He is buried in the same cemetery as my granddaugter, who will be having her brick placed in his peace garden this coming week! I wil never forget him, or his mom.

Alex Guarino from from Garnerville, , New York, USA- - 8/5/2011 8:57:51 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepenak. I was very moved by his courage and devotion to life. He was truly an inspiration to us all. I only hope that his message of peace will inspire the world. God Bless his soul.

Thomas L. Van Dusen from from Belleville , , Ontario , Canada- - 6/29/2011 8:16:20 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek . I have a numbe of heroes. Two important ones that come to mind now, are Mattie J. T. Stepanek, and Terry Fox. I saw Mattie on Oprah Winfrey's Show. And he was a very impressive young man. Mattie had so much to give to us. He was a very intelligent caring young man. We will never forget about Mattie Stepanek.

Joan Leiting from from Colorado Springs, , CO, ElPaso- - 6/24/2011 11:29:47 AM
My hero is: Mattie . I just read the book Messenger and I loved it!!! I find it amazing the great attitude and love that this child had. The compassion that he showed for others while suffering so badly almost everyday. He is a wonderful example of how to live our lives and be careful to always see our glass as half full, not half empty. He was anointed by God, no question. What a gift to the world this child still is. What a gift his mother Jeni gave us all by writing a beautiful book about her gift from God. Thank you so much Jeni!

Michelle Jenkins from from Martinsburg, , WV, United States- - 5/29/2011 6:01:30 PM
My hero is: Mattie . Mattie is my hero in so many ways.. I to have a son with a rare muscle disease and my son is my hero. He is in so many ways like Mattie. Mattie's poems keep me going he is an inspiration to us all. I love you Mattie and I know you are watching over us all.. My son now lives in a hospital because he is vent dependent. Being without him hurts everyday. But I am so happy he is still here on earth. But Mattie is now in heaven with no more pain and he is walking and breathing on his own. God Bless You Mattie.

Denise from from Minneapolis, , Minnesota, USA- - 5/23/2011 6:46:18 AM
My hero is: Mattie and our Divine. All the souls that need comfort in this chaotic and troubled world need to believe what he says. It is true, I can feel it in my heart. I too am going through some very turbulent times in my life. Many times I just want to leave this dimension but I know I came for a reason, just as he did. Thank you Mattie for giving me renewed strength to carry on as a warrior for love and peace on this planet that I love so dearly. We must love each other and everything because we are all connected so to hurt anything is to hurt yourself.

Christine Woods from from Warwick, , Rhode Island, USA- - 5/21/2011 8:43:55 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. After seeing Mattie on the Oprah show in 2011, Mattie has made me see life in a different way. He has showed me that life is a gift, it is not work. I was blessed to read his poems. He is truely an angel sent from heaven down to earth, it may have been for a short time, but in that time he has given more than he will truely know. Mattie has touch so many people in the world, if he can see the gifts of life and what a miracle it really is than we as adults can surely do the same. I than Mattie for all of his wisdom and love he has shared throughout his lifetime. I wish I could be half the person Mattie was and will always be remembered as. Thank you Mattie!

gloria silva from from Weslaco, , TX, USA- - 5/21/2011 6:13:59 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I was overhelmed with love and peace as i saw his story on Oprah on Friday. I remember seeing him in 2003 and what a joy I felt. RIP hero

Judy Kessler from from Chandler, , AZ, USA- - 5/20/2011 8:52:57 PM

Isaac Davis from from LAKELAND, , FLORIDA, United States- - 4/29/2011 10:14:24 AM
My hero is: MATTIE STEPANEK. I could relate to Mattie's life because I have health problems too. Some of them there's no medicine for them. I use to end up in the hospital a lot too and it was awful. I even have life threatening illnesses too and it's scary but I turned my life style around and i'm healing. When I die I now it's going to be from old age NOT my illnesses. When I do die I know where i'm going and thats heaven. I believe in Jesus Christ and he's in my heart and life. Mattie was a good kid and he's in heaven. He had a good life and God made sure he had a good life. He was inspiring to all of us when he was with us and he still is today.

Ada from from , , , - - 4/23/2011 9:47:57 AM
My hero is: all of my family and friends and Mattie. I can relate so much to Mattie's poems. Mattie acomplished so much in his lifetime. I wish I could be as good of a person Mattie was. God bless him.

Robyn L. from from Jackson, , MI, USA- - 4/13/2011 3:01:52 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanik and Mother Teresa. Mattie you have won my heart! I will forever be altered for the good, by your bravery! You were one of the rare human beings that saw the true nature of love and peace. Special and beautifully blind to this insane world, your spirit lives on in all of humanity to come. Mother Teresa, I wish I could live a life as miraculous and selfless as you did. You are a true Saint for all of the right reasons. May God bless you.

Louise Marcelet from from Kamloops, , British Columbia, Canada- - 2/24/2011 3:21:57 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Tonight I going to do the inspirational opening for our Toastmaster Club in Kamloops, B.C. Canada and I wanted to share Mattie's poems with them. Even though he is not physically with us anymore he still inpires. Thank you Mattie for your worldly contribution of courage, peace, and your heartsongs. I am reminded and want to remind those at the meeting tonight to listen to their heartsongs. Celebrate our lives and our interconnectiveness, Louise

Carolyn Price from from Crestline, , Ohio, USA- - 1/2/2011 2:04:49 PM
My hero is: Mattie and his mom. Her writing of his message allowed me to be inspired and changed by a very young humanitarian. Thank you Jeni.

anuminouise from from port saint lucie, , florida, USA- - 11/30/2010 7:40:23 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I Will Remember You © Sarah McLachlan (Chorus) I will remember you Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories I'm so tired But I can't sleep Standing on the edge of something much too deep Funny how I feel so much But cannot say a word We are screaming inside Oh...but we can't be heard Chorus So afraid to love you More afraid to lose Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose But once there was a darkness A deep and endless night Gave me everything you had gave me light Chorus Chorus I dedicated this song to Mattie because he will always be remebered he will not be forgotten.although he had a rough life he still made the best of a little boy he did what many people and poets could naver a kindergardener he had already written over a hundred poems during his short lifetime he touched hundreds of people's lives and after his passing he touched thousand's and he still is touching hundreds each and every day.and the week we were assighed this assignment he touched a hudred in thirty-three more Mattie will never be forgotten.

Christine from from Rockville, , Maryland, - - 11/8/2010 9:50:21 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie Stepanek has been my hero since I was in middle school and I was introduced to his work by my English teacher. To this day, I read his poetry to find peace and hope. Mattie is a true hero.

Bryan Lemus from from Palm Coast, , Florida, USA- - 11/3/2010 8:52:40 AM
My hero is: My Hero is Mattie Stepanek. Mattie is my hero. Mattie is my hero because he is brave, intelligent, he is a peacemaker, champion, optimist, and wise.

Linda Maloney from from Ocala, , Florida, United STates- - 10/25/2010 5:06:26 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I am reading a book and I am half way through about this beautiful child. I really havent heard about Mattie, but thanks to my beautiful sister-in-law, I am inspired like millions of people. I believe the child was a gift from God. I praise Matties mom for having him and I believe there is a special place waiting for her in heaven. She reminds me of Mary, Jesus mother, as both sons were not here very long, but both left a legacy and a goodness, that never can be replaced by anyone. I live with a mentally ill husband and there are days were it is hard to play after the storm. He plays all the time, doesnt worry about bills, taxes, he takes life one day at a time. I learned from Mattie, gotta play a little, even tho, we are tired, spend that time, breathe.......look around,,,,dont complain,,,,,because its only a short time, whether it be 1 year or 54 years, its only a short time. God Bless Matties Mom, and all the wonderful people I am reading about in the book...

DEBBIE DALY from from Crestwood, , il, United States- - 10/5/2010 5:37:41 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I first became to know Mattie when he appeared on The Oprah Show. Mattie had such a great positive outlook on life. I was watching the audience reaction that day to Mattie and you could see that there was just silence while he spoke. I know Mattie knew that he many obstacles to face however, he let you know that he was up for the challenge. Mattie inspired myself as well. I was amazed at his courage and his strength for someone so young. I hope to one day see that Oprah show replayed again to honor Mattie and his family for all they have done to give back to help others.

Rayyan khan. from from Mckinney., , texas., u.s.a- - 10/4/2010 6:45:16 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie was a very courageous and very smart young boy. Mattie never gave up on his dreams. I am very inspired by Mattie`s courage

K from from Sugar Land, , TX, USA- - 9/7/2010 12:31:23 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie's my hero because he hung in there.

Eva Love-Hall from from Jefferson, , Texas, USA - - 9/1/2010 9:16:47 AM
My hero is: Mattie J.T. Stepanek. Mattie was my hero because he never let his disease stop him and he lived every day to the fullest possible.

Shirley Herb from from allentown, , pa., usa- - 5/20/2010 12:29:48 PM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. matie is no longer with us but in his short life he made sure the world knew about the plight of the disablled. Mattie and his mother toured the world to lets others know the plight of those confined to a wheelchairbut they made us all awae of the hardships of the disabled..Bothe he and his mom were friends of Oprah and Jimmy Carter and of course Jerry Lewis.He pased and age 14 but left a legacy of poems and stories. If only we were all like Mattie,

Beth Mortell from from Canterbury, , New Hampshire, USA- - 4/14/2010 9:49:17 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I just want to say that Mattie is my hero. As a 41 year old woman who has spent the last 2 1/2 years having aortic valve replacement surgery then battling a stubborn case of Hodgkin's Disease I was moved to tears today as I sat in the waiting room of my hematologists office reading Journey Through Heartsongs. To see such inner peace and beauty put into words so eloquently by such a brave young man put so much in perspective for me. Mattie made me feel grateful for the rich full life I have been blessed to live. Mattie made me more appreciative for all the time I have been able to spend with my 7 year old son. Mattie is an inspiration to anyone - to be so brave, positive and loving in the face of such suffering is beyond heroic it is divine. God Bless you Mattie - I hope you are at peace with your Lord and your sister and brothers.

Vincent Paul Edward Tooley from from Hebron, , Kentucky, United States of America- - 3/22/2010 3:39:35 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie, God only gave you to us here for such a short time. How sad, that like a beautiful flower, and so few got to meet and see you. Your success and showing your great love and achievements came before You were called home. I share the sadness of your loss with your Mother, friends, and the world. Your soul will shine foreveer, wherever your name is brought into the tone of those who value and cheerfully live life. I cried at your words, because of their strength and gentleness. You may be gone from us in flesh, yet I know your time here has spawned a continuance of the desire to have beauty in our life and world. This isn't so much a letter of thanks, as it is a prayer of your spiritual and joyful existance continues each day in each and every one of us left behind to carry on your work and legacy. Thank you, and may we all regard and remember the name "Mattie Stepanek" as one of the great ones. Your admirer and life student, Vincent Tooley U.S. Navy (retired)

Tom Dean from from Gainesville, , VA, USA- - 9/5/2009 3:22:24 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I just learned about you recently. I believe you were Heaven sent to open our eyes to the true meaning of this life. We are stronger because of you, but we don't like to face the world without you. Thank you for leaving us your books to help us through. I wish you love in Heaven.

tammy s hoffman from from Clinton, , IL, united states- - 6/11/2009 2:45:36 PM
My hero is: Mattie . Mattie spread more honesty and love in his short time on earth through his poem's and his smiles,that there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that he was an Angel sent from God, to try and teach the everyone how wonderful the world could be if we would all just give a little of ourselves to others. I felt truely blessed to have been able to have seen how wonderful a young man Mattie was, when I saw him and Jeni on Oprah several years ago, and would have been honored to have met them both. As for Mattie, he was truely an inspiration to me, and I'll never forget him. He certainly changed my way of thinking. I would also like to thank Jeni for sharing Mattie with all of us. I love you both. To Mattie, a beautiful angel God, rest in peace little one, till we all meet again.

Betty R from from Huntley, , IL, USA- - 5/3/2009 10:33:24 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie's book "Heartsong" was given to me by a friend as he knows I like and write poetry. It was a pleasure to be introduced to him, albeit too late. I especially liked his poem about world peace and description of "Indian Winter", which is such an apt description for early May. I was in awe that someone of his young age had such insight.

Michele Stewart from from Hagerstown, , MD, USA- - 3/13/2009 11:12:40 AM
My hero is: Michele. Mattie what a brave little boy you were. I read you books. I loved them and I love you. You are an inspiration to so many of us. Here it is in 2009 and I still have your picture on my refrigerator. I am inspired by you and so are my children. I want to write a childrens book someday about you Mattie. God bless your family. Michele

keasia reeves from from , , , - - 2/13/2009 7:36:35 AM
My hero is: keasia. Mattie is my hero because before i found about matties condition i really didnt take life serious i would go all day looking at life as just life but it changed quick but for the better

Cally from from , , , - - 9/19/2008 7:14:25 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I may only be one person in a million but Mattie has touched my heart and my very soul. I wish only to have an ounce of the courage this young man had. Everyday I try to remind myself that I will not judge, I will not contribute to the negativity in this world, and I will always work my hardest to achieve my dreams. A smile goes a long way, I don't think we have a clue as to just how far. Smile, Wave, show a simple kind gesture. If Mattie taught me nothing more, it's that a person has the power to inspire another person, a town, a country, and of course the world. I hope someday to leave my mark on this earth. Keep smiling Mattie.

Carol Bryant from from Forty Fort, , PA, USA- - 9/10/2008 3:49:47 AM
My hero is: Brandy Noel Bryant. Mattie's words continue to inspire me every day. I like to start my days with a reading from one of his many poems. I reflect on his Mattie's will to fight and go on, to face adversity and smile. I think to myself that if this little angel can do that, anything is possible. Having lost those I loved, and right now a dear loved one is facing cancer, my emotions are often very very somber and low. Mattie's encouragement and words help me get through things. For that, I am grateful. Thank you angel. Can you ask our Heavenly Father to watch over my baby here on Earth, Brandy Noel? Peace always.

Shirley Turner from from Charlotte, , NC, America- - 4/4/2008 11:39:40 AM
My hero is: Mattie's continued Poems. I'm sure God has appointed Mattie as His chief poet, gracing Heaven with his sweet poetry and songs. We'll never have another Mattie on this earth, but it's a sweeter place because of him. And Heaven is a sweeter place because Mattie is there helping Jesus prepare it for us. Keep continuing those poems , Mattie. I won't to hear them when I meet you there! Shirley Turner

Stefanie Cooper from from Monroe, , MI, US- - 10/18/2007 6:30:37 AM
My hero is: Mattie and my Brother. Mattie has the greatest heart of any other person i have ever known. Jakob my brother is going through alot like you and i know how your parent felt. Its hard. But with my brother we cant tell if hes going through any pain or not. Mattie your poems really touched me. Rest in Peace. You are Truly a little Miracle. And Also My #1 Hero

mallory miller from from mayfield, , pa, united states- - 9/28/2007 3:42:05 AM
My hero is: Mattie. matty is such a brave and inspirational soul.When I am in a difficult situation i think what would mattie do? mattie,you will always be my hero.

Amanda Kristina from from Orlando, , florida, us- - 9/6/2007 1:12:17 PM
My hero is: Mattie . Mattie is very inspiring in many ways. I learn from his poems and stories. He seems very nice and intelligent. I've beacme a better writer beacuse of him. And he is a christian that always looked at the best of things. He is very positive and has been threw alot and still just keeps moving loving and living everyday to the fullest.

Susan M. from from Saint John, , Virgin Islands, US- - 7/16/2007 2:26:49 PM
My hero is: Mattie. There are a very few people whom I always receiv(ed) spiritual energy from just from experiencing their personal influence. It is as if their soul is leaking out of their being and touching me. Mattie was one such person in my life. Even now, I came to this site when I googled his name to try to come up with some inspiration to write a farewell message for a funeral publication. A neighbor whom I loved has died, and now I gain strength from Mattie, once again. I don't know why he had the gift he was given. I humbly accept it, though.

Kelsey from from , , Pennsylvania, - - 6/19/2007 11:12:34 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I am also in a wheelchair, but not suffering from his same disease. He was just such an inspiration to me to keep trying hard everyday, in hopes that I could be just like him. When Mattie died, I was crushed, but then I read his Heartsong books and then I realized - Mattie still remains in my heart. Remembering that I'll never get to meet him brings tears to my eyes but then I feel like I've already become a friend with him. Mattie is such an inspiration, and with all the hope he had, he still inspires people to this day.

MAJ. Jesse Carnes from from Baton Rouge, , LA, USA- - 4/30/2007 10:04:26 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I am Maj Jesse Carnes. Mattie Stepanek is my hero because God used him to enable me to LOVE people and also to put others ahead of myself. Mattie wrote a poem about Friendship and how important it was to always be a friend to someone when you become their friend. The result was that I was able to reconcile with an entire group of people from my past and to love them as I ought to. Mattie Stepanek is my hero because he was so REAL, whereas so many of us are tempted to be "plastic" in front of other people. He was genuine, kind, loving, and gentle. Additionally, the Lord used Mattie to enable me to be a better poet, and to see that God has been SO good to me -- so VERY VERY good to me. Mattie is my hero because he also reminded me that being a PEACEMAKER is something which God approves. I love you Mattie ... I thank the Lord for your 13.9 years with us. You are my hero.

Andrea from from , , , Ireland- - 3/22/2007 6:40:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie, It is so hard sometimes to find the words to describe what a truly wonderful and inspirational influence you have had on so many in such a short space of time. I have no doubt that you would have little difficulty expressing the sentimets yourself as you have in all your works, using your combination of seemingly effortless thoughts overflowing with truth and sense and wisdom. I am honoured to count myself among those who shared in your story, and endeavour to bring your message of hope, joy and tolerance to all those who share in mine. God bless little angel. I thank you.

Michele from from Chandler, , Arizona, USA- - 3/21/2007 7:26:38 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie is my hero because he was the prophet of our century. He poseses so much of God in his spirit, and so much of the Dalai Lama and Buddhist teachings in his poems. His spirit glows so brightly that I have chills across my arms when I look at his pictures and read his poetry. Mattie was blessed with a very old souls and the spirit of all Gods good. May we be blessed to have Mattie's spirit cross our paths just once in our lives. Truly incredible. To his family, Mattie is right by your side.

Alicia Hebbend from from Invercargill, , , New Zealand- - 3/19/2007 12:03:53 PM
My hero is: Mattie. My name is Alicia Hebbend and Im from the country New Zealand. I was at a, convention I guess you could call it - it was refured to as the 2007 National Young Leaders Day. This is were I was introduced of the heroic story of Mattie Stepanek. He is a leader and an inspirational story for all who hear. Peace Mattie!

Emma from from , , , - - 3/16/2007 11:23:52 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I only read one of his books and i am very honored to have read it. I am using it in forensics to tell people to look at life in a different way. Mattie you are an amazing person and inspire many people. i wish i could have met you. i cant wait to see you when i am in heaven! <3

ARIEL FOKSHNER from from GN, , NY, USA- - 3/1/2007 2:34:11 PM

Anonymous from from , , , - - 2/6/2007 2:58:41 AM
My hero is: Mattie. To Mattie and His Family: I look at this young boy and wonder how he did it. What a wonderful example he was to all of us. No matter how hard it was for him, he kept on similing, laughing, and sharing one of his gifts. His poetry. That is what is left of Mattie today, his gift of poetry, and his courageous example,that he shared with so many people today

Joanne Stark from from Appleton, , Wisconsin, America- - 1/23/2007 10:16:39 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie's poems have taught me to look at life with the eyes of my heart. His gentle spirit remains with all of those who knew and loved him best. Until I meet him one day, I will continue to "play," no matter where life may take me.

Carrie Moore from from , , , - - 12/21/2006 9:02:29 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I, too have a neuro-muscular disease. He is an inspiration, so much in fact that my daughter is named Mattie in his honor!

from from , , , - - 11/13/2006 9:20:53 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Because even tho he was crippled he continued to write and make peace.

Gina from from Wayne, , New Jersey, USA- - 10/4/2006 3:03:02 AM
My hero is: Mattie. mattie is one of my biggest hero's. he was so young but he had one of the biggest hearts of anyone in this world. when i was younger i always read mattie's books, and now that im older, im still going to continue reading them to my children someday. rest in peace mattie...

Lindsey from from , , , - - 9/22/2006 2:52:18 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I believe that Mattie was a hero because he stayed strong, even when the times were hard. He kept going, and never ever gave up doing what he liked because of his illness. The way he put "NOT fearing death" was one of the thing that surprised me the most. Most kids his age are pretty scared of it! I believe that the poems he wrote may have helped people look at him more differently. He wanted peace... and he was determined to get it!

Dorise from from Malaysia, , dakota, IN- - 9/14/2006 1:37:30 PM
My hero is: Mattie.

Bill from from kipr, , nevada, AU- - 9/14/2006 2:46:56 AM
My hero is: Mattie.

Amy Ann Benton from from Richlandtown, , Pennyslvania, United States of America- - 9/9/2006 2:08:23 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie is my hero because he cared about others, and had a vision of peace.

Kiu from from Lon, , Michigan, Egypt- - 9/6/2006 2:51:52 PM
My hero is: Mattie.

BRITTANY from from KENT, , NY, USA- - 9/6/2006 3:38:08 AM

ashley dodrill from from superior, , wi, - - 8/17/2006 9:21:00 AM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. he is a good poem writer

Taryn from from Regina , , Saskatchewan, Canada- - 8/12/2006 9:07:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie is my hero for many, many reasons. In his short life he was faced with so many challenges, yet he never dwelled on any of them. He was able to turn his pain into poems that helped so many people in their lives. Myself included. Mattie was truely a gift to this world.

Mattie has helped me dicover myself, he has helped me when it felt as if noone else could. When I am feeling down about my own life I sit down and read some of his poetry, and I feel better. When I feel that this world has no more beauty, I read some of his poems and then go outside and look at the trees and the grass. That's when I know that there is beauty in the world. Thru his words, my life has changed. No longer do I rush through life and never take time to stop and admire the trees the sky and the flowers like I did as a small child. Now I take a moment and stop every once in awhile and just marvel at the world around me.

Mattie was a hero. An amazing person. After all that he has taught me about the world and myself, I know what the name of my first son will be :)

Lainey from from Houston, , Texas, USA- - 8/8/2006 10:07:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie, even though I have never met him, he is my hero. Even though we should all act like Jesus, he is one of my role models.I know that Jamie and Mattie and the rest of their siblings are up in heaven. Laughing and dancing and cheering for joy because they are free from their disease! Instead of being sad, we should all rejoice, because they are free! And one day, when we find our heartsong, we will laugh and dance and cheer for joy with Jesus and Mattie, in heaven.

Clairy from from Sydney, , NSW, Australia- - 6/22/2006 6:34:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. What a beautiful,gentle soul.Mattie was wise beyond his years.Even with everything that he was going through he had the "glass half full" approach to life.If only people take a leaf out of your book the world would be a better place.You touched people's hearts and I always think about you.You have joined your sister and brothers in heaven together forever playing in God's garden. The world will not be the same without you. You are in our hearts forever.Much love to you and your mum.

Alica Jaso from from Melbourne, , VIctoria, Australia- - 6/22/2006 6:16:00 PM
My hero is: Matthew. He forever will be the one we can all look up to, take his songs into our hearts and follow his dreams of peace. Thank-you Oprah for allowing me to see this wonderful boy who was a miracle and an angel on earth... Love Alica Jaso

wayne perry from from Russellville, , TN., usa- - 6/22/2006 6:20:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. My hero is mattie it has been two years sence matties passimg,but i think of him a lot. when i'm feeling down i think of him and his life and i remmber his saying to play after every storm.Mattie made me to rember my heart song,and that there is so much to be thankful for and as humins we take so much for grated thank you mattie for your heart songs,you are graetly [email protected]

FoXZuni Simone from from steenwijk, , , netherland- - 6/7/2006 4:15:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie stepanek. because he sayd everything in words what i can feel and want to feel. Peace with everyone also with yousrself. He is my little hero because he was so young and still he knew how to find the words to explane wat his feelings and thougths were..he was een example for everyone little or grewup, adult... Rest in peace Mattie you were a very courage boy and you will be an example for everyone ...

Munchkin from from Calgary, , AB, Canada- - 5/29/2006 9:11:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie touched my heart and the thousands of people I know for his heartfelt poems and the awsome person he is. He is greatly missed by people here in Canada. Even in his short life he was loved by all. ---^--@ We love you Mattie. I know yur watching down on us.

Amenda from from , , , - - 5/16/2006 6:39:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. You renewed the life in me. Helped me regain the essence of "LIFE". Thank you Mattie, ur spirit lives with me always :) You're a strong boy with great heart.

Vanessa Gertel from from Freddricktown, , , U.S.A- - 5/15/2006 8:55:00 AM
My hero is: My mom and Mattie. Mattie was and is still in the lives of many. He is a small part that touched my life and i dont know how to explain. Mattie and his family had a very strong relationship, they say that is a great thing to have and to cherish every moment of it. As a kid he did a great deal for all ages of people! He was a person who Stayed Very Positive about everything! Thanx for your help, You inspired me to continue!

Keith Brown from from San Jose, , CA, USA- - 5/2/2006 7:49:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I never saw Mattie on the Oprah show, but I want to go back and find it and see it now. I am inspired just by what I have read about this wonderful child. I wish I were able to look at life with the beauty of this boy's soul. He makes me want to work at being a better person for those around me. I am deeply saddened that this world lost someone so good so young. I hope I grow up to be like Mattie. He is the Hero of all Heros. What a great kid. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his mother, and his whole family. Thank you for being you, Mattie.

ANGELES from from LOS ANGELES, , CA, United States- - 5/1/2006 10:28:00 AM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. Mattie is my hero, because with his amazing legacy he is going to change the world for better. My wish is to get some money and do an amazing documentary about his COURAGE life and legacy=PEACE THANKS MATTIE, WE LOVE U

Arumi from from Vero Beach, , Florida, America- - 4/26/2006 2:49:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie is my hero because he has done so many things. My grandma had cancer reminds me alot like mattie.she is gone also now,like mattie.I feel so much for Mattie.He never complained and always concentrated on the good things in life.Recently I,ve been very depressed. Many people around me have killed themselves or died. Mattie has brought me out of my sucidal period Iand I have spared my life. I am grateful for my life now and I owe it all to Mattie. I love you so much Mattie, you dont know.

utys from from , , , - - 4/25/2006 4:28:00 AM
My hero is: . mattie is my hero because his poems are so beautiful and he is a young fighting his dieseases (sorry i'm crying)

Cheryl Shaw from from Dawson, , Texas, United States- - 4/21/2006 3:51:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie J. T. Stepanek. Always positive and smiling through such adversity, he was a wise "old" soul that had a heart bigger than this world. If only we could all strive to be a bit more like him, what a better place this world would be. I think he should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize or at least a Pulitzer for his eloquent writings. Sending hugs to you in Heaven, sweet Mattie!

Dr Jacob Manonyane from from Cape Town, , Western Cape, South Africa- - 4/20/2006 12:07:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I first got to know Mattie when he was on Larry King live. He was lovely and wonderful. he touched so many South Africans and the programme had to be repeated on the national broadcaster. i loved him so much. God bless

Sandy Gilbert from from Manchester, , New Hampshire, USA- - 4/18/2006 6:27:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stephanek. What a beautiful heart and soul. Mattie's showed through all of his short days on this Earth. His books inspire me and I read his books to my grandsons. I often light a candle for Mattie and pray he is in the most beautiful place. I wish he could have remained with us for a longer period but I guess God had other plans for this beautiful child and Hero. Shine bright young Star! Sincerely, Sandy Gilbert

Tess from from Nijswiller , , , Netherlands - - 4/13/2006 10:00:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie . Hey, I have never known Mattie, but he has changed m life more than anyone else. I have been selfconcious my entire life, and when I saw Mattie on the Oprah show,... well I cannot describe the feeings that went through me. He just seemed able to touch me in a way nobody ever could. It is strange, that a person you don´t know, can have such a big influence on you. He made me see that there will always be hope, that things will get better. That is why I decided to seek help. I never cry, I just can´t, but when I hard that Mattie had passed away, I cried like a little child. I have got no idea who will read this, I dont actually care, I just wanted to put on paper how that whise little person has changed my life just by giving me hope. Love, Tess

Sarah B. Cluster from from Pacific Palisades, , CA, United States- - 4/6/2006 10:50:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. His heart was and is so big that it has reached me in my selfish hidden away world.

I never have read words the way he puts them together. I never have encountered such a brave and wise heart full of love and tolerance and hope.

I can not believe I was so shut away I did not get a chance to appreciate him while his cherished soul was here on Earth. But it is likely he is still here and at least I was lucky enough to finally open my eyes up to see how bright his star still shines here.

What a brave and loving and wonderful little boy!

stacey from from massapequa , , new york, united states- - 4/6/2006 4:16:00 PM
My hero is: mattie. I think mattie is an amazing kid. There are no words for me to say about this little boy. The first time I saw him was on the oprah show, and I have never cryed more happy tears in my life. The way he talks and thinks about life and how much spirit he has is so wonderful. Im just so happy I got to write a message for Mattie. God bless you sweetheart!

Cindy from from Cedar Park, , TX, Williamson- - 4/5/2006 4:44:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepaneck. I have had Multiple Scerlosis for twenty-four years and I am humbled by the strength of human spirit and of the love of Jenni for her son. I always thought that I was a strong person but realized after learning about Mattie and Jennie that I wasn't really strong at all. I admire you both so much for the grace and fortitude you both have exhibited in your lives. I can only wish for your attitude of life is a gift. Thank you both so much. You humble me. Love and good wishes and God bless you both.

Connie from from Malvern, , PA, USA- - 3/14/2006 3:28:00 AM
My hero is: A CHILD SHALL LEAD US!. Mattie is the person everyone would like to be. Even the most evil persons in the world are trying to be heard. However, their voice is so distorted by hate. Mattie's voice was a song filled with lovenotes! To make a difference is everyone's hope and dream. To change something in someway. To leave a footprint for others to follow. Mattie left craters! His voice was a roar - he made a difference that continues today! He is a hero to the world - a child who led the way! He spoke from his heart - from the heart of greatness!

FK from from , , NC, - - 3/14/2006 2:20:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Dear Mattie: You will never be forgotten. You are everyone's hero. Thank you for shedding your wonderful presence in our lives. You will be in my daily prayers.

Nadine from from Westerly, , Rhode island, USA- - 3/1/2006 10:17:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. He is my hero because for someone who has gone through so much he seems to think about others more than himself. That is a characteristic that not many people in this world have. His concern about others really made me think about what i could do and that life is better when you live it. If everyone in this world stopped and thought about what was going on, maybe then there would be more people like Mattie.

elizabeth from from Nairobi, , Nairobi, Kenya- - 2/21/2006 9:55:00 PM
My hero is: mattie. The first time i saw mattie on oprah...i was feeling very down and depressed. then i saw him young and so sweet...full of positive thoughts..i wanted to be like him in every way. He made me face my fears and live my life positively. he is more than a Hero...

Kathy from from Philadelphia, , PA, USA- - 2/20/2006 11:46:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. People use language so loosely these days, including the word "inspirational". I often hear people described as inspirational, when actually they merely are sweet or strong or determined. I think that Mattie may have been the only truly inspirational person I have ever seen or heard. Witnessing him almost has been enough to make me religious. How does one explain such insight, such wisdom, such gentleness--at any age, let alone in a child--without at least suspecting that maybe this is what it means to be an angel. All my life, I have tried to be as loving and compassionate as possible, no matter how difficult the circumstances. Overall, I am confident that I have been a constructive presence on this earth. But I know in my heart that regardless of how long I live I never will reach the heights, the purity that Mattie achieved in his heart and soul in just a handful of years. Still, I will continue to seek inspiration by thinking of him at moments when I need courage or hope. Truly the good die young.

Veena from from , , , USA- - 1/26/2006 2:05:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie has touched my heart and life in such a way that all it takes for me to Smile at Life, is to think of Mattie! : ) He has this intense calming effect in any situation. His life on earth was sadly very short, but, his achievements have been humungous and he will live in my heart forever. I am sure that he will continue to touch peoples lives everytime his story is told. He is just a unique and beautiful child, with wisdom beyond most people on this Earth. He was a Hero on Earth and I know he is already a Hero in Heaven, too! : )

Shannon from from , , , - - 1/24/2006 1:53:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I met mattie when I was in the second grade. At that age, I didn't really comprehend why a child would have to walk around with an oxygen tank all the time. I asked mattie once, and he explained it to me, with a smile on his face. After that i never really noticed the oxygen tank, I was too busy laughing with him about books and silly jokes that he always told. I moved away, but I never forgot about Mattie, and I prayed for him everyday. I saw him on Oprah and I read his books, and I could only smile, thinking about how far he had gone in his short life. Mattie will always be in my heart, and I am so glad to have had a friend like him.

Rommel Hanna from from Sunland, , California, USA- - 1/12/2006 6:24:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I heard about Mattie from a friend of mine. The minute I started reading his poems, I realized that he was an angel on a short visit to our world. It's amazing how a kid his age could change how people view the world. Mattie 's immortal poems will make him live in our hearts for eternity.

Rommel Hanna from from Sunland, , California, USA- - 1/12/2006 6:23:00 PM
My hero is: Dr. Gary Studebaker. I heard about Mattie from a friend of mine. The minute I started reading his poems, I realized that he was an angel on a short visit to our world. It's amazing how a kid his age could change how people view the world. Mattie 's immortal poems will make him live in our hearts for eternity.

Emilie Blikstad from from Oslo, , , Norway- - 12/28/2005 1:43:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Dear Mattie.

I dont`t know how to explain how much that little boy affected me. Mattie was only thirteen, almost fourteen years old, but he was so full of wisdom and brought so much kindness to this world.

Yesterday I watched the Opera Show with John Travolta and at the end they started talking about Mattie. He touch me so much that I can`t even explain it. All of the love that lived inside that beautiful little boy just shined threw his personality. Our world really needs more people like him, cause he truly were an angel.

I hope people will miss him, I`m sure I will. Rest in peace Mattie and all best wishes for his mother, Jeni in the future.

Jørn Tore Heitmann from from Oslo, , , Norway- - 12/27/2005 3:27:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I just saw a program about heroes and Mattie just moved me i cried and cried because this boy was so full of wisdom, kindness, hope and a positive view on life he is truly a hero in my eyes

Dan Shanahan from from phoenix, , arizona, usa- - 12/11/2005 4:22:00 PM
My hero is: mattie. mattie was the most inspirational human being I have ever laid my eyes on. I only saw him on oprah winfrey but he was the most courageous person to me that I ever could even imagine, except for Jesus Christ he is the almighty. Amen.

Nancy Kelley from from Old Orchard Beach, , Maine, USA- - 12/6/2005 3:56:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie and my son Capt.Christopher S Cash. I loved Mattie, I have his entire collection of books, and will miss him everday and his love and wisdom. My son was killed 2 days after Mattie on June 24 2004, in Baqubah, Iraq. We read from Mattie's books at our service of Celebration for my son.. God Bless Mattie's MOM. From, a loving MOM, Nancy K

bob from from houston, , Texas, U.S.A- - 12/1/2005 2:26:00 PM
My hero is: mattie. becuz he was funny

Josh from , , - - 12/1/2005 5:57:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. He is my hero becaus he is really smart

Melissa from from Rapid City, , South Dakota, USA- - 11/29/2005 9:02:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I have had Diabetes for 16 years. I'm 17 years old. I read Mattie's poems and it's amazing to me how he can teach people everywhere to carry on through life. He was a very strong little boy. I will never forget the poems he wrote. Thanks Mattie.

Christopher Ong Keng Le from from Kuala Lumpur, , Selangor, Malaysia- - 11/28/2005 11:01:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I'm really amazed of what have Mattie contributed to the society and to the world peace. Mattie, I will pray to God in hoping that everyone will live in peace and harmony regardless countries, religion, language, ethnic diffrences.

Margot Johnston from from Weyburn, , Saskatchewan, Canada- - 11/25/2005 4:53:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I am teaching Mattie Stepanek to my are truly amazing! Thanks for leaving such a wonderful legacy for my students and the world. Let us never forget your philosophy...and remember to play after every storm.

Courtney Kishbaugh from from Westlake, , Ohio, USA- - 11/21/2005 7:48:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie lived each day to the fullest, and lived like their was no tomorrow. He makes me appreciate the life that I have and reminds me that we only have one life to live. When I first saw this website I began to cry when I read what he wrote.

Alexandria Boones from from Hale Center, , T exas, - - 11/21/2005 6:09:00 AM
My hero is: mattie. He has inspired alot of people including me,and he has helped alot of people to become a poet.

Jessica from from Altoona, , Pennsylvania, United States- - 11/20/2005 7:50:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. He had such a hard life and he survived, even thrived, through out his life time. He has inspired me to live like there is no tomorrow because there may not be a tomorrow.

Brittany from from leakesville, , Ms, USA- - 11/15/2005 4:21:00 AM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. Because he has inspired a lot of young people as well as older.

Micah from from Richton, , Ms, USA- - 11/15/2005 4:16:00 AM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. Because he has inspired me in so many ways!

Jenna from from wheaton , , IL, u.s.a.- - 11/7/2005 11:51:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. i am a 14 year old girl who is writing an essay on mattie stepanek and his journey to self-discovery. As i was reading articles about this incredible boy i found myself learning more about myself and others around me. I have never been inspired by another person as much as mattie has inspired me. I admire his ability to celebrate life when he has a disease that has taken away everything i look forward to doing. Things i take advangtage of mattie cant do. I get upset about stupid things and mattie had been told he was going to die and still managed to keep a smile on his face. that is the kind of heart the world needs. My hero is mattie stepanek because he knows more about himself than most americans do and he was only 13. what an incredible boy.

patricia from from tampa, , fl, - - 11/2/2005 3:15:00 AM
My hero is: mattie and his mom. I miss him even today -- I need his optimism, his simplicity, and how he touched my heart

Gabrielle Facio from from Senaca, , South Carolina, America- - 10/16/2005 3:28:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. My hero is Mattie Stepanek. He is one of the strongest people I have ever heard of. He was capable of waking up every day never thinking of the worst. He would inspire people and tell them everything will be ok no matter what happens. I have tried to do the same when I lost my home in New Orlens from Katrina. When I began to read his books,I decided to never give up. My favorite quote is from Forrest Gump," Life is like a box of chocalates, you nver know what your going to get". Just like in the Stepanek family, who you would think that people in that case would believe in the worse, but that boy faught for his life and opened the world's eyes to a whole new meaning of life. I not only know how he did it, but also his mother, after losing three other children before Mattie and still be able to speak of it all with only incourragement to everyone else. Personally, I believe that the Stepanek family ened up this way because God knew that they would make a difference in the world. Not only did he make a difference in the wold, but he made one in my life to. Thank you and God bless.

nancy from from perrysville, , indiana, united states- - 10/14/2005 3:28:00 PM
My hero is: mattie. i just bought his book last night and i read it all in one night it really touch me in alot of ways.i thought i had bad things in my life but for him and his family i am so lucky i have what is in my life now mattie and his family will always be in my prayers i already have so many people wanting to read his book.....god bless all

Brandy from from Springfield, , West Virginia, - - 10/8/2005 6:52:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie!!. he was an inspiration and he was a great person. i met him once at camp maria and i will never forget him. i own one of his great poetry books and hope to get the rest. he was a sweet caring person. we all miss him dearly.

Tasha Hopson from from Washburn, , Tn, USA- - 10/6/2005 3:41:00 PM
My hero is: *Mattie*. I had never heard of Mattie until now. He is was an awesome kid. He did many marvelous things in life. I am now doing a poster over Muscular Dystrophy and he is what my poster's about. Thanks~

amanda golden from from paris, , tn, usa- - 10/6/2005 8:17:00 AM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. I am in college doing a paper on modern day role models and I already knew of Mattie, so it was coincidental that I ran across this page. You see my cousins had douchane dystrophy and they passed around ten years ago. I wish i could have met him and let him know how much this world needs more little Matties. Jeni , God blessed you with this child and his work was done here. He made a impact on everyone both near and far. He was selfless and it hurts my heart to know he is gone. God Bless you for bringing this blessing into the world.

Gerri Ledesma from from Oxnard, , CA, USA- - 10/1/2005 4:30:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie was truly an angel here on earth. An inspiration!!!!!His poetry touches my heart and makes me think. Thank you, Mattie!!!

from from , , , - - 9/27/2005 3:15:00 PM
My hero is: mattie . living in australia i've only just heard of mattie and boy what an impression he's left on me. i'm sure it's been said before and it will be said again but mattie was and is a special little boy a true gift from god i hope your resting now in a better place and wish i could have met u while you were alive.

Shannon from from Lions Bay, , BC, V0N 2E0- - 9/26/2005 4:45:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie, what an amazing soul, an amazing child of God, and what an amazing heart you have. i first met you on the oprah show, and fell in love with you, your story and your heartsongs. you have inspired me to live each day to the fullest, to listen to my heartsong. i have so much more life to live, as i am only 16, but i am so blessed to met you and heard your wisdom and courage. thank you mattie for giving me hope and happiness, may you rest in heaven by God's side. Sincerely, Shannon Hope

Raluca from from , , , - - 9/24/2005 6:04:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie and Jeni. Mattie and his Mom are my heroes, because they showed me and the world how to look at each of my glasses and see it half full. Mattie's optimism, love and hope are an inspiration to me, and even though I never knew him personally, I have read his books, and I will always love him.

Jeni, I can't even begin to imagine the unspeakable sadness you have had to endure at the loss of your four precious children. I admire you, and I wish you all the strength and courage in the world

Steph Zollman from from , , , - - 9/22/2005 5:19:00 PM
My hero is: My Heros. My hero is Mattie because of everything he had to endure in his life. I also wanted to say that I have several other heros and those are the kids that fight for their lives everyday with cancer and autism.

Tammy from from Traverse City, , Michigan, America- - 9/19/2005 3:35:00 PM
My hero is: I have two heros and they are my sons who both have autism. I saw Mattie on the Oprah show and he touched my heart so very deeply. He made me see life is what we make of it he was such a strong young man full of love and compassion for everyone. I am now reading Matties book Reflections of a peacemaker to my oldiest son want him to see no matter the hand that god gives you, you can do what every your heart desires to. you just have to listen to your heart.

Sain Warren-Collison from from Bettendorf, , Iowa, Scott- - 9/14/2005 6:22:00 AM
My hero is: Matthew. He's an amazing poet. Someone who i can really relate to. I know how it feels to live with something that forever changes your life but there is not a cure. He's a wonderful young man! God bless him and his family!

Melba D. Knight from from Brunswick, , Georgia, USA- - 9/14/2005 6:11:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. He was so young but so old. He lived a full life in such a short time touching those with his 'hospice heart'.

Daniella from from Winnipeg, , -none-, Canada- - 9/13/2005 1:05:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie is my hero because he writes such inspiring books and has a heart of gold! I know this because I watch the Oprah show and I'm only 11 years old! God Bless you Mattie Stepanek.

Mary from from new york, , new york, u.s.a.- - 9/8/2005 3:02:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. He has shown us all how we should be living our lives. He is truly an inspiration to us all then when he was on this earth and now watching over us from heaven. I love you Mattie and I thank you for teaching me some valuable lessons. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS MY SWEET ANGEL.

Brian from from Austin, , TX, - - 9/5/2005 3:12:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. To think that a young man of such a tender age, could speak volumes about love, peace and hope is what makes Matte my hero. Though his physical body has left this earth, his energy, spirit and wisdom continues to live and inspire multitudes of people. Mattie is proof that angels truly do dwell among us. God has shown us that miracles still happen. Mattie is definitely a miracle.

Martha from from Jackson, , TN, US- - 9/5/2005 3:03:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Every time I see Mattie on t.v. my heart is touched. That young boy had such love for everyone - unconditional, true love. If each of us in our world would love as Mattie loved, it would be heaven. Mattie brought to us a little piece of Heaven. Mattie can do more for us in Heaven than he even did on earth. I consider Mattie a hero and a Saint. We love you Mattie. Please keep praying for us!

donna from from Cohasset, , MA, USA- - 8/27/2005 10:48:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie you truely are a hero. I wish I could have met you. Every time I see you on TV I stop what I'm doing to watch you. You always bring a smile to my face. Today I was watching your mother on TV in a memorial to you. It was very touching and it made me cry to think of your passing. We all miss you Mattie but I know you're still watching over us.

Darla from from Eureka, , SD, USA- - 8/26/2005 8:53:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. He was the wisdom of the ages personified in a physically fragile, spiritually strong little boy. He could see into souls and bring them peace, and comfort with his words. This amazing, insightful, courageous boy was definitly wise beyond his years. He brought hope to my despair, and light into a darkened world. God speed little man...the world will miss you, but not as much as I.

Denise from from Las Vegas, , NV, USA- - 8/25/2005 6:40:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I am deeply saddened to hear the news of Mattie's passing. Mattie is a true inspiration to us all. I first saw him on the Oprah show and right away was taken back by this amazingly mature and courageous young boy. I wish I had the pleasure to have met this wise, kind, strong, brave and loving individual. He had so much heart and love to change the world that he put aside his own health to share his message. We all can (and should)learn from him and his powerful words. You are my hero, Mattie!

Christine from from Macomb, , MI, U.S.- - 8/24/2005 6:00:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. He is my hero because, even though he was fighting for his life every day, he always thought of others, and always saw the good in life. He's the strongest, and most wise person I know of and hope others take the time to reflect on the good in there lives and be thankful everyday for what they have. I know I do. Thank You Mattie.

Jerrie from from Lawrence, , Mass., Essex- - 8/23/2005 8:06:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. There are no more words to describe "Mattie" that have not been written already. He is God's Little" poet and one who was gifted with such wisdom. God must have trully loved him and that is why he called him to be with HIM in Heaven. He is a Hero to all!!!

Debby from from Hammond, , LA, USA- - 8/23/2005 4:56:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. He truly exemplifies-the scripture-"The Joy of the Lord is my strength" He is ministering to others even after his death- Most of us don't have a clue what true suffering is- Mattie rose above it! Debby Monistere

Jennifer Kelley from from West Hartford, , Connecticut, USA- - 8/21/2005 9:17:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie was a true inspiration. He still inspires.

valentina galvez from from orem , , utah, utah- - 8/9/2005 4:10:00 PM
My hero is: mattie. I used to be mean and he taught me how to be peaceful.

Francesca from from Philadelphia, , Pensylvania, USA- - 7/26/2005 11:47:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stapanek. well, he been going through problems since he was born, and only at thirteen he chose to be a peace maker and touch peoples hearts.And like he said he was probly sent here for a reason. he was born the same year I and I complain about dumb stuff and he always kept a smile on his face. the songs on billy gilman music through heart songs touch my heart so much and her also chose the perfect singer.

Eva Deroche from from NORTHERN, , ONTARIO, CANADA- - 7/26/2005 10:32:00 AM
My hero is: MATTIE. THIS LITTLE MAN...THAT IS WHAT I CALL HIM BECAUSE HE WAS SO WISE BEYOUND HIS YEARS...THIS POEM I WROTE FOR MATIIE....GOD'S ANGEL Mattie, you are God's little angel now, The poems you wrote touched everyone somehow. They talked of love and peace for everyone, You loved everyone no matter where they were from. We could of all learned something from you, I pray one day your dream will come true. That we all loved one another, no more hate, We could all work on that together it is not to late. You were God's angel sent from above, You spoke of and gave lots of your love. Now you are in heaven running free, No more pain and so much beauty to see. But your memory in our hearts will always stay, And in heaven, we'll see you again one day. Even though I never met your personally, Your words and poems have made an impact on me. So I felt I needed to write this from one poet to another, And to tell you I will always pray for your mom and brother. GOD BLESSED US WITH SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ANGEL. WRITTEN:JUNE 23,2004 Copyright © 2004 by Eva Deroche.

MaryCarmen Paz from from Caracas, , Dtto.Federal, Venezuela- - 7/18/2005 2:33:00 PM
My hero is: . I just bought the book ¨Songs of heart¨ today and I read it all,Canciones de mi corazón, es simplemente inmensamente un abrazo a la vida, this book is simply and absolutely enormously a hug for life, Mattie I love you, love your words full of love,full of God, God language, I will make a pray for u tonight, you are one of his angels!!!

Judy Bennett from from Mount Prospect, , Illinois, USA- - 7/6/2005 6:07:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I lost 2 grandchildren ( 6 years old and 9 years old)a year ago. I had never heard of Mattie when one of his poems was read to me yesterday. I am in such awe of the way he expressed himself and it gives me comfort that my grandchildren felt the same but just couldn't articulate it as well as he did. Thank you Mattie.

JOAN P. HOPP from from HILTON HEAD ISLAND, , SC, USA- - 6/17/2005 4:20:00 PM
My hero is: MATTIE STEPANEK. Copyright 2005 Joan P. Hopp

From poet to poet,
I want you to know,,
Mattie Stepanek,,
How you do glow!,
Your message of peace,,
Your wisdom beyond years,,
Moves my heart and spirit,,
As my eyes fill with tears.,
Your poetry at a time,,
When the world's in distress,,
Is another reminder Mattie,,
That America is truly blessed.,
Please keep on keeping on,,
Writing your inspirational prose,,
Spreading peace, love and kindness,,
To hearts where hostility grows.,
This poem was written a year before Mattie left us. Copyright later in 2005. [email protected]

Tonia Simons from from Ocala, , Florida, USA- - 6/15/2005 11:57:00 AM
My hero is: my daughter, Megan. Mattie is my hero. I read some of his poetry and was so touched by him that I looked up his medical condition to learn more about it. Like my daughter, you dont think about the things that you dont have, or all the things that you go through, you think about being happy and making a difference. My daughter Megan was born with Turner Syndrome and severe scoliosis. She has rods in her spine to help minimize the progression of her curve and has so far had 6 surgeries. She will have a back surgery every 6 months for the next 4 to 5 years and yet even through all the pain, has a warm loving smile and hug for everyone no matter their physical charactoristics. She has never asked "why me" and continues to touch the lives of everyone she meets. Enjoying life each day and appreciating it as a gift is something I will never take for granted again. Mattie, You will be missed, but never forgotten. Love, Tonia

Cinda Fullhart from from Barry, , Il, Pike- - 6/14/2005 6:27:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. We you think is couldn't get any worst, just read his poems! thanks, still breathing

Silje from from Drammen, , , Norway- - 6/13/2005 4:06:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Heye! I've always been told about Mattie as a great person. His words have crossed the world and come to my ears in Norway. He's really a person everbody should consider as a hero.

Karen and Jordana Tyndall from from Geelong, , VIC, Australia- - 5/25/2005 10:15:00 PM
My hero is: My Daughter Jordana. As a mother, matthew and his courage and spirit gave me my hope back when I thought everything was lost. My Daughter, Jordana, was born with a chromosomal abnormality in which no one can tell us what is going to happen. Right now her skin is peeling off and nothing I do helps it. It smells foul - like rotting flesh. I cry because this is not the life I wanted for my precious little angel. I had amost given up hope, until I thought about matthew's story which I had seen on the Oprah show. In my depression and despair I thought of matthew and his family. Strangely, the very next day, I watched oprah and saw the show on hero's - which sadly informed me of Matthew's passing. I decided to begin to see my (and my daughter's) glass as half full - like matthew believed and lived his life. I thank Matthew for his courage and never ending spirit which will now live on in all the millions of people who's lives he touched with his words and magical presence. I will be sure to tell my daughter (when she is old enough to understand - she is currently only 3 months) of Matthew and how he lived his life everyday believing the glass was half full and never gave up. I will tell her of all the great things he achieved in his life time - and continues to achieve - in his life in heaven.

Thankyou Matthew for giving me my hope back and teaching me that miracles do exist.

Melissa from from Melbourne, , Victoria, Australia- - 5/25/2005 8:33:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. A hero is someone who is looked up to, Mattie Stepanek is mine because of his out look on life and his love for all man kind. He is an inspiration in my life and has made me think about alot of things you can also do to help people other than yourself. He is a miracle to God and will always be missed in everybody's lives. He has touched alot of people especially mine for all his braveness he has gone through without his life. He was a talented little boy that made everybody look within themselves and achieve something Mattie did. My prayers and wishes are with Mattie forever. xo

Kelly Lo Russo from from Dumont, , NJ, USA- - 5/22/2005 5:19:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie was an incredible person. His attitude until his last final day was so positive. He was an inspiration to all. I will miss him dearly.

from from , , , - - 5/16/2005 5:16:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. He's my hero because of the suffering he went through actually helped him.

Amelia Phelon from from Eagan, , Minnesota, USA- - 5/3/2005 9:56:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I got matties first book in My easter basket one year and absolutly loved it. I still do read matties books when ever I need to hear strong words from a child's heart. Matties words are truly from his heart

EMY CARLSON from from SIOUX FALLS, , SOUTH DAKOTA, USA- - 4/30/2005 6:45:00 PM

Claudia Penny from from Cape Town, , Milnerton, South Africa- - 4/28/2005 7:30:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. When i first saw Mattie it was on the Oprah show, i was at home and the moment he came out onto the show my heart just sank, what a brave little boy. He's courage and his words just touched my heart and i fell in love with his poetry. It was Matties influence that got me to start writing poetry. Matties memory will always be in my heart and i know that he is happy in heaven with the Lord and his angels... Thank you Mattie for being an Angel in this world and bringing your message to me and to the rest of the world.

Marck Louhanz Gomez from from , , , Philippines- - 4/25/2005 5:15:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Our little man. Our great hero. Mattie had inspired a lot of people from different ages across the world. Though he is not with us anymore, he won't be forgotten. I know you're up there Mattie leading the angels in a chorus of Heartsong. We'll miss you...

Baya Smith from from xx, , xx, USA- - 4/22/2005 5:58:00 AM
My hero is: . Mattie really inspired me to look on the brighter side of life. His poems are amazing works or art, especially at such a young age, he lived his life to the fullest...even though it only consisted of 13 3/4 years....he really made the most of it. Thanks Mattie

Lois Valencia from from Algodones, , NM, US- - 4/19/2005 11:04:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie You're My Hero. I'm a Native American Teacher, and Mattie is my inspiration and lesson for my students. Since April is poetry month. I have focused my Language on Poems. I get so touched by Mattie's poems that I read it to my class for LC (Listening Comprehension) time. My students are so touched by his poems and has given them highlights of life; love, care, hugging, and kissing and learning to tell their families that they love them. It just the thought of not knowing how some young children are suffering from all kinds of sickness and are hospitalized and aren't able to go to school like them. There is so much to teach my students from Mattie's perspective. I could go on and on. But end here and say I always loved his books. And my students have learned so much about him and were touched to learn of his dead. They learned that he is watching down on us from heaven and that he is with God.

Marliza from from Cape Town, , , South Africa- - 4/14/2005 7:36:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. He gave so many people hope. Thanks mattie we will miss you.

lucille from from new york, , america, united states- - 4/14/2005 7:26:00 AM
My hero is: mattie. Mattie touched alot of lives with those lovely poems. I am very sad that he had to die at a very young age. He probably had his furture planned ahead of him.our prayers are with him. Peace Be with you!

Ceci Weaver-Scelzo from from Hollywood, , Fl, USA- - 4/13/2005 2:08:00 PM
My hero is: . Mattie had an insight to a spirtituality that no religion could teach. His words had impact and made me realise there is nothing we are incapable of doing for others. See you soon in the eternal light Mattie.

wyniqua from from St.thomas , , , - - 4/12/2005 2:39:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie is my hero because he is a very stronger person that usually stuffer a diease but you are a strong preson you and your pomes are very wonderful and I enjoy them they sound very good I,m very sorry you had to pass so fast I wish I could of get lots of help for you Im sorry he had to pass.

Sara Kauffman from from Upper Marlboro, , Md, United States- - 4/10/2005 2:08:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I have known Mattie since I was in 1st grade, not personally, but seeing him around church and when we used to go to the same elementary school. Although I was never a personal friend of Mattie's, I could see what a special person he was. He could light up a room. I am just amazed at what a strong person he is, and all the he has accomplished despite his setbacks at such a young age. He seemed to have a positive effect on people and a heartfelt laugh that was contagious. Mattie is definently my hero!

Low Ji Zhen from from Perth, , Western Australia, Australia- - 4/7/2005 1:28:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. One amazing boy, with the strength, faith and courage of the multitudes. After seeing him on the Oprah Show, I was completely taken by him. His life was such a turmultuous one and he still lived it with such purpose! Truly worthy of awe.

Laura H. from from Ottawa, , Ontario, Canada- - 4/5/2005 3:17:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie will always be my hero. he didnt stop fighting and his story really touched me. I first saw him on the oprah show and his story made me cry. He is inspirational to me.

JOSH from from HARTSHORNE, , OKLAHOMA, UNITED STATES- - 3/29/2005 4:22:00 PM

Lupe Munoz from from El Monte, , CA, U.S.A- - 3/21/2005 8:41:00 AM
My hero is: My hero is Mattie. Mattie is my hero because when I was watching the MDA program over the summer and Mattie came on and said his poem about how he asks why him it made me cry. He was my age and he welcomed his fate so calmly. He was a true hero. Everyone says that their hero is their favorite singer or something like that but thats because their shallow. They do not know what wisdom is. My best wishes go out to his mother. I know what it feels to lose someone I love. I recently lost my grandma. I miss her everyday of my life but she used tyo say when she died she didnot want anyone crying at her funeral. Im sure Mattie and her are smiling down at us right now. Im sorry I dont have an email but im using my friend tifanny's instead. Thank You Mattie for making me see.

JoAnn from from Fairfield, , CT, USA- - 3/18/2005 8:47:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. He wouldn't want us to cry for him because he was so completely at one with the preciousness and gift of being alive. I read and reread some of his poetry I weep uncontrollably, because this blessed life, filled though it was with physical pain, emotional loss, was a reflection of all that God wants each of us to be--and though I never met him, never saw that radiant smile in person, I knew him well and miss him terribly. Mattie was and is a saint. He was aware of and gladly fulfilled God's special mission for him on this earth and he is now, without doubt, talking and laughing with God, playing with his brothers and sister and continuing to spread his message of love and peace on earth. For even though his physical presence is no longer with us, his heartsongs sing through every person his life, his words and his actions touched. Thank you God for blessing our world with Mattie J.T. Stepanek, a peacemaker and hero to all of us.

Ashley Lutz from from New Braunfels, , Texas, United States- - 3/17/2005 4:35:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie StepaneK!!. Mattie you have touched soo many lives including mine and you will continue to live in your poetry!!You were an amazing kid and I thank you for being such an inspiration!!I know your gone now and I know how hard it must be for your mom!May god bless her and help her through this!I'm sorry you had to live the way you did but you didn't seem to mind!!You still lived your life to the fullest and I think thats amazing!instead of grieving over this you just made the best of it!!I was a huge fan and I watched you everytime you were on oprah and they paid a tribute to you after you passed on!Your soo lucky you got to meet oprah I want to meet her!Well Rest In Peace mattie!!we'll miss you!=(

Dessa from from Marblehead, , Ohio, U.S- - 3/16/2005 12:04:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie . I just hate the fact that he had to die at such a young age with his whole life in front of him. I wish that he wouldnt have died. I like all of the poems he had made. My teacher Mrs. Hartman tought my class and other classes in 7th grade about Mattie and I thought it was really sad. I am happy that my teacher did teach us about disabilities because if she wouldnt have I would not have known how hard life would be with a disabilty, and I would have not known about all the things that we take for granted.

Holly S. from from Parma, , OH, U.S.- - 2/24/2005 12:30:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. A hero is some one who is looked up to, Mattie Stepanek is mine because of his out look on life and his love for all man kind. When I first herd about Mattie, I was watching Opra. He made my heart melt and gave me the chills when I found out he had died. To this day, I think about him and some times I even look up to heaven just to tell him "hi". My teacher gave me an assignment to write about a person that made a difference in the world. The first person I thought of was him.I am a 14 year old who has alot of stress, but because of Mattie's strong spirit, I too have a new out look on life. THANK YOU MATTIE!

Lars Eric Aagotsrud from from OIslo, , Olso, Norway- - 2/15/2005 3:27:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. My hero is Mattie. My name is Lars and i live in Norway, so much joy and so much grace that little boy had, just blew me away. It`s so amasing how a little boy can give so much joy and insperation. you will always have a special place in my heart. I now know there is a heaven. My father also had the same disease. Thanks for all your insperation Mattie. Sincerely Lars.

Debby, Danny's mom from from Bemidji, , MN, USA- - 2/5/2005 12:39:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie!. My name is Debby from Minnesota. There are not enough adjectives to describe this wonderful little one who graced the lives of so many, whether we ever had the blessed opportunity to meet him in person. But, we did meet via the TV or through his "words"! Mattie: "Life's Dream Can Be...if only for you and me in Eternity." (And, others!) I am so pleased and grateful for all who helped you fulfill your wishes during your life on this earth. Mattie: Nothing beautiful is ever forgotten, as long as there are hearts to REMEMBER. We shall, we will remember you and continue to think of your beloved Mom.

Elize from from Rotterdam, , Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands- - 2/4/2005 6:09:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Wow, God has given us a big iracle in a little fragile body. His strength and joy in life is an example for the world. His pureness was overwhelming. When i have a tough day i think of Mattie and strength starts flowing through me. Mattie thank you for being you, thank you for sharing.

marissa from from elk grove, , ca, USA- - 1/31/2005 11:41:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. Mattie is a hero, not only to me, but to the other 30 people who have recently met him in my Advanced Theatre class. Recently we did a play about Mattie using his words and his poems which have touched us all very deeply. He was a wonderful boy, and his words will live on forever in my heart.

Tina from from Kinsgton, , , Canada- - 1/28/2005 9:40:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. The will-power he had to live. The level of maturity and appreciation of life in unbelievable. He had such a short life yet he made the best of it and may God Bless his Soul. He touched and inspired people the world over. I learnt a lot Matti - thanks!

Karen, Andy's mom from from St. Helena Island, , SC, USA- - 1/28/2005 1:23:00 AM
My hero is: Andy Anderson, my son. Mattie was incredibly wise, good, devoted to the betterment of mankind. He was a wonderful Child of God. You were blessed. I was blessed as well. My child was a Gift from God

Shelia Nations from from Jonesville, , North Carolina, USA- - 1/27/2005 11:58:00 AM
My hero is: My Son, Wesley Nations. He's just a baby, and he is healthy and happy - nothing spectacular about that really. Just that there is nothing in me or about me that deserves such a precious gift, it's only that God has willed that he live, and that I'm his mom. How extraordinary.

Courtenay Garver from from Cary , , NC, USA- - 1/27/2005 10:52:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Let me just tell you he has touched my heart in many ways. One of my second grade students actually introduced me to his poetry books and a little while later I saw him on Oprah. I use his poetry books and his life story to inspire my students. They are always in awe of what he accomplished in his short life. We talk about his attitude, drive and passion for life. He had to deal with so much more than a child should have to deal with and handled his situation with grace and more gumption than any adult I know. I cried the day I heard he passed on for he pulled on my heartstrings more than once! Courtenay Garver

Joel from from , , NE, USA- - 1/27/2005 10:48:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Everytime I see or read about Mattie it brings great joy and great sadness at the same time. He inspired me to become a pediatric respiratory therapist. Working with children suffering similar illnesses deeply effects me and makes me realize how precious each moment we have is! I've had spent 4 years in undergraduate school and after graduation decided that this was the right path to try to give children hope and give them every second I can spare.

steph from from pembroke, , ontario, canada- - 1/26/2005 12:44:00 PM
My hero is: mattie. mattie is my hero because he is the closest to heaven that iv ever seen on t.v thers never been someone so real ond positive to the wourld.i wish i could meet mattie i know i cant here but i know we will meet in the greatest place HEAVEN.may god bless mattie's heart and bless him forever may he bring happiness and joy to people and family's.mattie has given kids like me the strenghth to stick with it when things get toghf.ther is a little peice of mattie in everyone and ther hasnt ever been a legacy more inportant than mattie's.i want mattie to know he has done so much while the time he had on this earth and i want you to know that i love you and i can't wait to meet you R.I.P-mattie

Hannah Hill from from Fryeburg, , Maine, United states- - 1/26/2005 5:44:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie is my hero because he is so strong and because he tried so hard through his life. He never was scared if he was going to die. He always had a positive attitude. When I saw him on the Oprah show he changed my life forever. I had no idea someone could be so positive and strong. Mattie is my hero. It was my dream to meet Mattie but now that he has passed on I know that dream will never come true but I am still privelegede to have learned about him. I own all of Matties books and they have inspired me to write poetry also. I read his poem and I got tears in my eyes. Mattie is my hero and he will always hold a speacial place in my heart.

Jana from from Sherman, , Texas, USA- - 1/19/2005 10:15:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Seeing Mattie on the Oprah show has changed my life. What a beautiful child with the biggest heart. He was way beyond his age. Mattie blessed us all who knew of him. Never will there be someone as amazing as he was with his big heart. I only hope that his poems touch the whole world...

Chinyere Nwaogu from from lagos, , lagos, Nigeria- - 1/19/2005 6:11:00 AM
My hero is: mattie stepanek. he is my hero because by his poems, he made me realise that no matter how bad things ever are, you should never give up the stuggle. his poems have inspired me greatly, and the fact that he was so young still amazes me. i cried like a baby when i found out he was dead, and my heart goes out to his mother, for losing such a rare gem. i wish we had others like mattie in this world, to destroy the worlds cynicism

Zelda R. from from McKinney , , Texas, USA- - 1/13/2005 9:25:00 AM
My hero is: my hero is the Fireman in New York City. I love NYC Firedepartment. Mattie is my hero, because he inspired me to read the poems. When he died i cried because there would be no more poems from Mattie.

Ryan Mohler from from Baltimore, , MD, United States- - 1/11/2005 4:29:00 PM
My hero is: All those who ran into and not out of the towers on 9\11. he lived life to the fullest and loved everything about it

SUE DOW from from WEARE, , NH, USA- - 1/9/2005 12:39:00 PM
My hero is: the soldiers of wars. he was so inspirational with all of his poems at such a young age & fearless or so it seemed of his illness. a true inspiration for all today - esp. kids who think they have it so tough or anyone for that matter - i will miss his poems.....

Justin Sweers from from Santa Fe, , NM, - - 1/9/2005 8:37:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. Dear Mattie’s Mom, Hi, my name is Justin and I’m 8 years old (almost 9) I live in Santa Fe NM. I wear glasses like Mattie. I’m sorry about Mattie but he’s playing with Jesus and his brother’s and sister! I read Mattie’s book “journey through heartsongs” it’s real good. I first heard of Mattie on Oprah and I cried for a long time. I skied well for Mattie yesterday. Justin Sweers

Cindy from from Bloomingdale, , IL, USA- - 1/8/2005 8:17:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I am 55 years old...

Mattie has affected me in more ways than I can count. I think of him when I lay in bed before getting up to go to work. Sometimes a thought of him awakens me.

He reminds me to love...all day...every day no matter what I encounter....I think of the incredible purpose of his life...

He was definitely MEANT to live the life he did and to have such a profound affect on so many.....I believe in his purpose and I do fight the tears along the way...because I know..he would not have wanted it that way

Cindy from from Bloomingdale, , IL, USA- - 1/8/2005 8:16:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I am 55 years old...

Mattie has affected me in more ways than I can count. I think of him when I lay in bed before getting up to go to work. Sometimes a thought of him awakens me.

He reminds me to love...all day...every day no matter what I encounter....I think of the incredible purpose of his life...

He was definitely MEANT to live the life he did and to have such a profound affect on so many.....I believe in his purpose and I do fight the tears along the way...because I know..he would have not wanted it that way

Cindy from from Bloomingdale, , IL, USA- - 1/8/2005 8:14:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. I am 55 years old...

Mattie has affected me in more ways than I can count. I think of him when I lay in bed before getting up to go to work. Sometimes a thought of him awakens me.

He reminds me to love...all day...every day no matter what I encounter....I think of the incredible purpose of his life...

He was definitely MEANT to live the life he did and to have such a profound affect on so many.....I believe in his purpose and I do fight not to feel bad fighting tears along the way...because I know..he would have not wanted it that way

Ray S. from from Shawnee, , Oklahoma, USA- - 1/8/2005 6:41:00 PM
My hero is: Jesus Christ. Eye think Mattie is a hero, because of his love for love. His love for animals, plants, people, all of mother earths fruits that she bares.

Robbie Rivard from from Tecumseh, , Province : Ontario, Canada- - 1/7/2005 4:35:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie. Mattie is my hero because he is a magnificent person who gave everything he could.He touched my heart in which knowbody has ever. His poetry is heartwarming!! He fought until his body could not take it any longer.

judy booker from from frisco city, , al, usa- - 1/7/2005 11:20:00 AM
My hero is: mattie. Mrs. Stepanek, My heart goes out to you and the many,many friends and family that Mattie had. I admired him so very much and I always tried to watch any program that he may have been on just so I could hear his precious thoughts and his feelings. He had more faith in God than some people who were adults and had been calling themselves living for him for decades. You did a FABULOUS job raising that young man. He made alot of people's lives, especially mine, alot more bearable and made me realize that I could keep going each day. I didn't feel as sorry for myself after I had seen Mattie the first time on T.V.I feel in love with this wonderful young man whose wisdom was far beyond his child years. May I say that I am a better person for just having seen this precious and adorable young man. May God Bless You and keep you in his sweet grace and mercy. You are in my prayers as Mattie had been for sometime. Our world is a better place for the short time that we all had Mattie in our lives. I just hope that he knew the many lives that he touched with his words and that wonderful smile. Thank you so much for having this special child for the world to love.May God Bless You, In Christian Love, Judy Stacey Booker Frisco City, Alabama 36445

Laurie from from , , Ontario, Canada- - 1/7/2005 9:47:00 AM
My hero is: . Mattie is an inspiration to all. I can only wish to be the person that he has become in his short time here on Earth. He gives me the strength to embrace the future with open arms and to challenge whatever obstacles come my way. Thank you Mattie for your inspiration, love, and wisdom. You truly are an angel of God. May you forever rest in peace in the tender arms of your Eternal Father.

Laurie from from , , Ontario, Canada- - 1/7/2005 9:45:00 AM
My hero is: . Mattie is an inspiration to all. I can only wish to be have the person that he has become in his short time here on Earth. He gives me the strength to embrace the future with open arms and to challenge whatever obstacles come my way. Thank you Mattie for your inspiration, love, and wisdom. You truly are an angel of God. May you forever rest in peace in the tender arms of your Eternal Father.

Rayleen from from Edmonton, , Alberta, Canada- - 1/7/2005 7:00:00 AM
My hero is: My Dad. I watched the Oprah show yesterday with my two children, I sat there and cried, what a remarkable little boy Mattie Stepanek was, and how he was able to touch so many lives in his short time on earth. I am the luckiest person alive to have two healthy children. My father is my hero as he has lived a hard life and not once complained about it. We were in a car accident in 1979 which left my dad in a wheelchair, as a drunk driver hit him. My dad does not let anything stop him. It is people like this that we should really be thankful for what we have.

Christine from from Chandler, , Arizona, USA- - 1/7/2005 4:53:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. I just can't beleive how brave one young boy was. Such inspiration to so many of us and so wise beyond his years. I look at him and he gives new meaning to the word brave. Mattie watch over my Brett up there and share your wisdom with him, you were an incredible human being and have touched many people's lifes in a way which you can't imagine. Thank you for sharing your "heartsongs" with us. God Bless

Diane from from Keene, , NH, USA- - 1/7/2005 2:33:00 AM
My hero is: Mattie. His wisdom at such a young age gives me goose bumps. I can only believe he was sent here as a messenger for all of us. Thank you for giving so much to the world in your short stay Mattie. The world is listening.

Jennifer Lockhart from from Germantown, , Maryland, United States- - 1/6/2005 8:19:00 PM
My hero is: Mattie Stepanek. I live in Germantown Maryland, and I just recently heard about Mattie's story. i had heard of hes books, and had read somewhere about how remarkable this child was, but being a 15 year old I didnt think of it much. as I sit here, watching The Oprah Winfrey show in tears, I now know why he was so remarkable. Just seeing his smile, and how positive his out look on live is and knowing if i was in his position, my outlook wouldnt be the same as his, just makes me wonder why people cant be more like him. More loving. More caring. more determined. People dont appreciate what they have. Ill admit, i dont always. But after reading over these poems, and hearing more about Mattie's life, Im going to start appreciating life more. I want to b a parent, I want to b a writer, and I would like to b a peace maker. Though that seems like a huge challenge, considering how people treat one another now a days, I am now determined to at least make an attempt to making the world a better place. Mattie did it in his short time on earth, and hes my inspiration to try. Tomorrow in english class, im suppose to write an essay on my hero. I know know who I will be writing about. God Bless.