
Guion S. Bluford, Jr.

by Jonathan from Michigan

135575Guion S. Bluford Jr.US Air Force [Public domain]Guion S. Bluford, Jr., is a great role model to African-Americans and to his children. He has a wife named Linda Tull, and two kids named Guion III and James. His dad was a mechanical engineer. His mom was a special ed teacher. Guion took after his dad. He just loved finding out how things were put together. But what amazed him was how things flew.

He became a Boy Scout and worked his way up the ranks to a Star Scout. A couple of years later, he went to college and he joined the Air Force. He graduated from Penn State with a bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering. Next he earned his wings, and once he got his wings, he applied to the Airforce Institute of Technology. He got a master's degree in aerospace engineering. Then he got a PhD in aerospace engineering and applied for the astronaut program. He was chosen to fly on the Challenger flight and became the first African-American in space.

In 1993 he retired from the Air Force at the rank of Colonel. Also, in 1997, he became part of the International Space Hall of Fame.

His first hardship in life was when his teachers said he wasn't college material. He went to college, but it was another hardship in his life. He was one of 35 out 8,878 applicants for the astronaut program. As for one of his major accomplishments, he flew 144 combat missions in the Vietnam War.

Guion Bluford showed he was a hero in many ways. He showed heroism by fulfilling his dream to become an aerospace engineer. He also fought in the Vietnam War. And lastly, he blasted into outer space.

Guion Bluford demonstrated many characteristics of being a hero. He showed courage and bravery in becoming an astronaut and flying over 144 missions in the Vietnam War. He showed determination for not giving up on his dream.

Today Guion Bluford, according to my sources, lives in Greenbelt, Maryland. I can't find out much more about him except that he is retired now and his two kids are in college.

135576Guion S. Bluford Jr.NASA [Public domain]I think Guion Bluford's life teaches us to not give up and good things will come, because he didn't give up on his dream and it came true. He is up there with the greatest Americans and not the last great American to come.





Page created on 8/29/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/6/2019 7:30:39 PM

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Related Links

Spacefacts: - A bio on Guion S. Bluford, Jr.
NASA biography: - Guion S. Bluford, Jr.

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