
Henry Bergh

by Jasmina from Fort Wayne

"Mankind has turned these mute creatures into servants.." -Henry Bergh

Is there a little - or perhaps big - furry critter in your life you couldn’t imagine living without? Maybe a cozy kitty-cat or a playful pup, or maybe you’re one of those people who are into scales rather than fur. Well, whatever you may own I’m sure you do love them dearly. But, there are always those people…Yes, those people. The ones who take things for granted, the ones who feel that they are far more powerful than their pets and they are, it’s only natural, but instead of using that power to protect their animals they use it against them.

You would be surprised to hear some of the horrible and disgusting things some people would do, like beating a kitten until it lay on the floor struggling to breathe or shooting a dog in the foot four times. What’s even more surprising is these stories actually happened in this world. Probably more than once.

You see, I have always loved animals, ever since I was a child living with my parents on my grandfather's farm with the cows, bulls, cats, dogs, and even chickens. I also had about five puppies of my own who would take turns letting me cradle them to sleep. We may have moved out when I was young - about four years - but I still remember it vividly. Afterwards I got a cat, who I’ve had up until about two years ago. And so I cannot imagine how a human being, someone with emotions such as compassion and love, can ever do something as horrible as abuse an animal, whether it be a cow, a rabbit, or even an iguana.

A part of me hates these cruel people, but another part of me pities them. Abusers, whether they hurt humans or animals, have learned their actions from somewhere and it is most likely their home as a child. Your child will pick up on your habits, doesn’t matter what it is. It could be something as simple as forgetting to close the refrigerator door to something like hitting someone when you’re angry.


Now, the reason why I write this isn’t to lecture you on how to raise your children but to help you become aware of what is happening to the animals in our world, and how many die each year from animal abuse.

Fortunately, there is hope. The ASPCA or The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a non-profit organization that sprung up about in about 1866, thanks to Henry Bergh. The ASPCA was the first ever organization in the western hemisphere dedicated to the protection of animals.

In the year 1813, Henry was born. He was a carefree man who liked various types of art and enjoyed touring Europe. He took his first action against animal cruelty at the Russian court of Alexander II, Czar of Russia. Henry also met Earl of Harrowby who was the president of England’s RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), another animal cruelty organization founded in 1840 and became inspired. Then, in New York on February 8th, 1866 the ASPCA was founded.

Henry was a friend of the animals and once said that ‘mankind had turned the mute creatures into servants’. When they first started, the ASPCA’s main priority was livestock and horses but in the later years small animals like cats and dogs gained a rightful place in the organization.

The ASPCA offers many opportunities to abused and stray animals. They offer medical care for those with injuries, and food, water, and shelter. Before the ASPCA had been founded, dog catchers caught stray dogs in cages and tossed them into lakes to drown, but now, stray dogs and cats and other animals have the opportunity for a new home. 654 dogs and 163 cats found homes in 1896 and now the numbers reach into the thousands each year.

If Henry could see where his organization is now, he would truly be happy. The ASPCA has reached so far in the last 140 years and it continues to grow in strength with each passing day.

So you see, animals did not always have the rights they do today. But even though animal cruelty is illegal now there are still people who decide they need to defy these laws and there always will. We will never be able to stop it completely, but there are things that you can do. You can donate a small amount to the ASPCA or organizations that you know are dedicated. Also, the website is trying to collect 1 million names for their petition so even just signing your name at will help. But if you feel that you do not have the means necessary to help, just being aware of it will help greatly.

Page created on 9/17/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/21/2018 8:59:27 PM

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Related Links

Henry Bergh - Wisconsin Humane Society