
Helen Keller

by Amy from Eastend

Helen Keller is my hero. Helen Keller was deaf, blind, and mute and she overcame so many challenges that came her way because of these things. Helen Keller taught me that hard work and determination can get you anywhere.

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Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27th 1880 and died on June 1st 1968. She lived in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Helen Keller was not born deaf, blind and mute. She was healthy baby at 19 months but then she got a high fever. Even though this was just an overnight sickness, this actually made her have the conditions that she had to live with her whole life. Helen's sickness was called "acute congestion of the stomach and the brain" or called Brain Fever. This sickness changed her life forever and made her have to overcome many challenges. () ()

When Helen was a child after the sickness she became a very irritable and angry child. She only wanted to speak out but could not when she tried. Her parents wanted Helen to get help because they had no idea what to do with her. That's when they hired Annie Sullivan. Annie Sullivan was also blind but she had surgery done so that she can see, but she knew what Helen was going through. Annie helped Helen grow. Annie knew that Helen was a smart child and that if she could break through, she could learn how to communicate with others and show them what she could prove to the world. She taught her how to say "Wa-wa" meaning water. She gave objects meaning to Helen so she actually understood everyhing around her. She also taught Helen how to read braille. Annie Sullivan stayed by Helen's side for 50 years.


Helen was a very smart person and she was just trying to show the world and prove to herself that she could accomplish anything. At 16 years old, Helen Keller passed Radcliffe College. Helen also wrote an autobiography, The Story of My Life, along with many other books supporting her beliefs. Helen was a socialist and believed in capital punishment, birth control, child labour and women's rights. Helen Keller really inspires me because she made the most out of her life that she could. She spoke up for her beliefs and wrote books and accomplished feats that not even people that can hear and see could! She makes me think that if I want something bad enough and work for it, that I will get it.

Helen Keller was a smart and amazing person and a true hero. She overcame not being able to understand the world and could read and write. She believed in so many things like women's rights and even wrote books about it. She made a huge impact on the world and her spirit will continue to make an impact on people's lives.

Page created on 11/21/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/18/2024 5:14:50 AM

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