My hero is my great grandfather Howard Thompson. He was a soldier in WWII. He was a Platoon Sergeant. At times he was on the front lines but mostly he was patrolling the area. My grandpa is now 93 years old. He lives in Lincoln, Nebraska. He is in very good health and is living on his own. Every now and then we go and visit him.
He was 22 years old when he was first in the war. He was in WWII for five years. When my grandpa came back he was 27 years old. When I think of five years out of my life with nothing but guns going off around me, it would not be a pleasant experience.
He was never wounded, thank goodness. The only wound was one of his partners took a shrapnel to the forehead. He lived and I don't know what has happened to him since. He is very positive and supportive of his family. Everybody loves him and he loves everyone.
The National Guard drafted him. It was called the 35th division. The war was the biggest impact on his life. The only thing on his mind was that he wanted to get home safely. His hero was his dad. I don't know why; I still have to ask him.
In this story I talked about my grandpa Howard Thompson. How he was in WWII and how he was never wounded. He was there for five years and is now living on his own, even though he is now 93. He was worried about getting home safely the most, even as the bullets were whizzing by him. If he hadn't got home then I wouldn't have been born. He is my hero because I don't think I could have taken five years out of my life facing certain death every day. This has been my story on MY HERO.
Page created on 11/17/2011 4:06:14 PM
Last edited 11/17/2011 4:06:14 PM