
Harriet Tubman

by Ashley from Wallingford

My definition of a hero is someone smart, caring, and strong. Someone who goes out their way to help others. Someone who knows what to do and when to do it. Someone others can count on.
Harriet Tubman (<br>db2/00122/
Harriet Tubman (

Harriet Tubman, we have all heard of her but do we really know what she did and why anyone would consider her a hero? Well, I know what she did and I consider her a hero because not only did she free herself from slavery, she was an underground railroad conductor and freed other slaves as well. Also she proved to herself and others that she is a smart, caring, and strong women, who goes out their way to help others, who knows what to do and when to do it, and a woman others can count on.

Harriet Tubman freeing some slaves (
Harriet Tubman freeing some slaves (

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in 1820 in Dorchester County, Maryland. Harriet Tubman was determined to help free slaves, so they could be free to have their own lives. Harriet Tubman helped free slaves by using the underground railroad because it was safer and easier to manage. Most importantly she knew once she was free she wanted to help others be free, as well.

Harriet Tubman fits my description of a hero because she was a smart women who after escaping went back to rescue the rest of her family. After she rescued her family, she went back and she rescued others. I think that when she finished rescuing her family and helped others escape proved that she is a caring and considerate person. Harriet went through a harsh childhood, she was beat and whipped, and endured racist comments but she stayed strong and she put up with it till she could escape.

I also consider Harriet a hero because she rescued her family, and other slaves, too. She was said to have rescued about 300 slaves in her time of being an underground railroad conductor. She definitely went out of her way to help those other slaves. Harriet also knew that using the underground railroad was a safer way to help rescue the other slaves. I think it's amazing how those slaves looked up to her to help them be free.

Harriet Tubman's Tombstone (
Harriet Tubman's Tombstone (

Harriet's legacy or what we remember her by is that she was a wonderful helpful women who cared more about others than about herself which may not always work out well, but for Harriet it worked out great. The way I remember her most by is that she does selfless acts and doesn't even think twice about it, she is a smart, caring women who makes a excellent role model or in this case a hero.

Harriet Tubman is a wise women, so the advice I think she would give the youthful would be to never give up and always have faith. Always do what you think is right and be proud of what you have accomplished. Don't let anybody tell you that you can't because you need to know that you can. And when the day is done, know you will always have a friend! The one thing I wanna leave you off with is, you don't have to save the world to be someone's hero. Harriet didn't save the world, but she saved an important part of it!

"I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other."- Harriet Tubman.

Page created on 6/13/2008 9:51:07 AM

Last edited 6/13/2008 9:51:07 AM

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