
tyler hansbrough

by Jordan from North Carolina

My hero is Tyler Hansbrough because he goes out and plays his hardest every time. He also is a great team player. He was born in Columbia, Missouri on November 3, 1985. He is currently 22 years old. He is an all-american basketball player for the North Carolina Tar Heels. His team plays in the ACC and his number is 50. He plays forward and right now is a junior. He attended Poplar Bluff High School. He led his high school to consecutive Missouri state championships. He is very talanted but is still a very respectable player and person. He cares about more than just himself. He cares for his teamates and makes everyone better just being there with the team, but he has a lot of backup from Ty Lawson and Wayne Ellington.

He recently went to the final four and lost to Kansas. Kansas went on to play Memphis and won. But he has one more year of elgibillity and will rise next year better than this year. He helps the community believe that the Tar Heels can win another championship. He doesn't just perform on the court but in the classroom too. That is why I like him so much. He isn't just another cocky player. He actually has the proof to back it up. A lot of players don't care what their grades are. Which is wrong!

tyler hansbrough (google images)
tyler hansbrough (google images)

He is really a good role model to kids of all ages. If you asked parents which they would want their son to be: a smart jock or an employee at wal-mart, what do you think they would say? My parents say that if I keep my grades up then I can play sports. That's probably what his parents told him, too. He is my hero because he tries so hard to get better at what he does. He practices for 30 minutes, lifts weights for 30 minutes and gets in the ice tub. He really wants to be the best he can be.

I think he is the best hero/role model a kid can have.

Page created on 4/16/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/16/2008 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Extra Info

I got all my info from wikipedia and the pictures from google images.:)