
Hassan 2

by Chatelkhir from Lyon, France

King Hassan 2 is the most important king that Morocco has known and for this reason I decided to choose him as my hero. So let’s start with his biography.

The king was born in Rabat on July 9, 1929, and died on July 23, 1999. His reign lasted 38 years (1961-1999). He received in the royal palace his first lesson of Koranic science. After brilliant higher education in Rabat and Bordeaux (France), his Majesty the King obtained, in 1951, the Diploma of Higher Studies in public law.

On July 9, 1957, Hassan was officially proclaimed a crown prince of Morocco. During his reign, Hassan 2 took care to fill the kingdom with representative democratic institutions at the national and local levels.

He didn’t stop fighting against the forces of colonization in order to realize the independence of Morocco and the liberation of the Saharian provinces. On November 6, 1975, 350,000 volunteers answered the call of their sovereign to organize the Green Walk in order to liberate the Moroccan Sahara. Moroccans celebrate the events of Green Walk every year.

Later, the sovereign published his important work “HASSAN 2, La mémoire d’un roi” (The Memoir of a King). It’s an exceptional document about the thoughts and accomplishments of the king and the monarchy in Morocco.

The king was and will remain an important person who always took care of the development of Morocco and the peace between the Arab countries of the Middle East.

Page created on 7/11/2009 6:08:52 PM

Last edited 7/11/2009 6:08:52 PM

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Related Links

Morocco’s King Hassan II - His legacy
Morocco - Important dates