

by Facundo from Buenos Aires

My hero is a great person who has courage and he helps all my family in what we need. He is excellent. I know that he is always going to help me.

My hero is my father. When my sister was little he saved her life. She was in my grandfather’s house. She was beside me by the border of the swimming pool. She didn’t know how to walk so well, so she tripped and fell into the swimming pool. I went running to call my father and he saved her life. My hero lives in my house. He is very important for me because he saved my sister’s life.

He did that and a lot of things more but I think that he is the best father in the world because he has also saved my brother’s life.

I compare my father with Gladys the woman of Little Women because he would help poor children to go to another far away place while his city home was in a war. So that’s why my father is very good because he is careful with me and other people. He always thinks of the other people when they are sad or they need something.

As a conclusion I can say that my father is a very good person and for me he is the best HERO. I know that he is always going to help persons. I LOVE HIM.

Page created on 11/25/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/25/2007 12:00:00 AM

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