
Dr. Ginger Holt

by Drew from Dalton

  Dr. Ginger Holt
Dr. Ginger Holt

In December, I began to have knee problems. It became so bad I couldn't even get around the house. On Tuesday, December 16, 2003, I was hurting so bad I was crying. On December 17, my mom took me to Hamilton Medical Center. I was there from 6:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m. They said that I needed to follow up with an orthopedic doctor and bone specialist.

On December 18, I had an appointment with Dr. Hodges I went in and he did a full examination and ordered an MRI. My my mom took me to Dalton Imaging. There they did an MRI. They found something that looked like a tumor. That scared the wits out of everyone! Immediately after that ordeal, Dr. Hodges ordered a CatScan. On December 19, the doctors were scared so they sent me to Dr. Bonvalay at T.C. Thompsons Childrens Hospital. I was in the hospital from December 19 to December 24. We had to beg to get out then. They finally let me out, but only because they were sending me to Vanderbilt.

After seven long days, I had to go to Vanderbilt Hospital. They prepared me for a surgical biopsy. They made me play a game to keep my mind off surgery. After what seemed like days, they introduced me to everyone that would be taking part in my surgery. Dr. Ginger Holt was the one doing the surgery, so she was introduced first. Then they put this stuff called "giggle juice" in my I.V. It made me go lulu. Lucky for me, I don't remember even going to the operating room!

After surgery it took two hours to wake me up. They thought they were going to lose me because I was losing oxygen. They continued to keep the oxygen mask on me. My mom was in tears when I woke up. After sending everything off for testing all tests came back negative for cancer and tumors. We were all left in question. But, little did we know we still had bone samples to come back. The tests concluded my whole right knee was dead from something called coagulated blood. Thanks to Dr. Ginger Holt, we learned what was wrong. If Dr. Holt had not solved my problem I could have lost my leg! THANK YOU, DR.GINGER HOLT.

Page created on 7/14/2008 5:38:29 PM

Last edited 1/6/2017 4:51:45 PM

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Related Links

Vanderbilt Medical Center - Hospital information and workplace of my hero
Dr. Ginger Holt - has a web page with more details on this hero.