
My Hero Connects Teachers With VR At 2016 ISTE Conference

Teachers gather at the MY HERO booth at ISTE for inspiration and curriculum ideas
Teachers gather at the MY HERO booth at ISTE for inspiration and curriculum ideas
The MY HERO Project
[email protected]
7/18/16 –LAGUNA BEACH, CA - The MY HERO Project shared resources and inspiration at the recent International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference in Denver, Colorado. ISTE is a nonprofit organization that advances technology as a teaching tool. The annual conference attracted more than16,000 teachers who use media and technology to help ensure their students get a quality education. 
MY HERO’s Director of Art Education Victoria Kogan Murphy
MY HERO’s Director of Art Education Victoria Kogan Murphy
During the four-day event, teachers from around the world were inspired by The MY HERO Project’s 20-year archive of stories, film, art and music. In addition, our Teachers' Room resources, including our freely accessible templates and tutorials, were shown to enthusiastic conference participants.
“At ISTE, we provided materials to thousands of educators from across the USA and around the world,” said Jeanne Meyers, Co-Founder and Director of The MY HERO Project. “So many teachers stopped by to say they know and love my hero.”
Meyers, along with MY HERO International Film Festival Director Wendy Milette, MY HERO’s Director of Art Education Victoria Kogan Murphy, and veteran teachers Jerrilyn Jacobs and Mali Bickley teamed up at the MY HERO booth to welcome educators and offer them lesson plans and ideas.
A teacher enjoys an immersive experience through virtual reality.
A teacher enjoys an immersive experience through virtual reality.
“We had a few Virtual Reality Headsets at our booth for participants to try out some 360 video created by one of our honorees, RYOT Foundation," said Wendy Milette, Director of Media Arts Education. "MY HERO is excited to be promoting our VR for Good educational resources this year at ISTE. “
MY HERO recently added a Virtual Reality Category to the MY HERO International Film Festival. The VR for Good award will be given to a filmmaker for innovative Virtual Reality content featuring immersive storytelling that promotes engagement, activism & social good.
Wendy Milette, Director of MY HERO Media Arts Education (left), and Jennifer Russell from share highlights from MY HERO's Learning Circle
Wendy Milette, Director of MY HERO Media Arts Education (left), and Jennifer Russell from share highlights from MY HERO's Learning Circle

Look through MY HERO’s Teachers' Room ( for curriculum ideas and resources for teachers. For additional information, contact Jeanne Meyers at [email protected].

Page created on 7/20/2016 3:32:36 PM

Last edited 11/14/2018 10:45:50 PM

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Learn about MY HERO's educational partner iEARN