
Indira Gandhi

by Kathryn from Suwanee

"Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave" ( Indira Gandhi). This quote is by Indira Gandhi. She was born in Allahabad, India in 1917. She was born into a political family with her father being the prime minister. Indira was very intelligent and smart growing up. She attended to Visva Bharati University and The University of Oxford. Once she finished college, she joined the Congress Party in 1938. Indira Gandhi was a hero for her hard work to help others.

One thing that influenced her to become a hero was her father already being prime minister then passing away at the age 75. Many people in India thought her father was a great leader and needed a new one to replace him and lead the country. When she became prime minister she showed some heroic traits by having conviction and compassion.

Indira Gandhi was a hero to many for showing compassion and conviction. She showed compassion in 1960's to others that were poor in India. In it says, "Gandhi also led a movement that became known as the Green Revolution. In an effort to address the chronic food shortages that mainly affected the extremely poor Sikh farmers of the Punjab region, Gandhi decided to increase crop diversification and food exports as a way out of the problem, creating new jobs as well as food for her countrymen"( Biography). This evidence shows that she is concerned with the food issues for the poor and takes risks to help the shortages. In addition, Indira Gandhi showed conviction in 1980 due to uneasiness in a sacred place of worship. In the passage it says," During the 1980s, a Sikh separatist movement developed in India, which Gandhi attempted to repress. Sikh extremists held a campaign inside the Golden Temple, and Gandhi ordered some 70,000 soldiers to purge the sacred space. More than 450 people died"( This text evidence shows conviction because she did not think it was right for them to be there so she sent people to take them out because she believed they were not in the Golden Temple for the right reasons

Indira Gandhi is a true hero to many for her long term effects. One long term effect she had was she made the nation of Bangladesh independent. She also made the lives easier to live for the poor with programs to help starvation and job shortages. She wanted to better the lives of her people. Indira Gandhi is a hero to many for showing compassion and conviction, after showing beliefs and working towards a new life for others. "There are two kinds of people in the world, those who do the work and those who take the credit" a quote by a true hero, Indira Gandhi.

Page created on 10/20/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/20/2015 12:00:00 AM

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